Chapter 31 Siege
"Fellow Daoist still has the mood to worry about who is next! My fiancée is heartbroken, and you don't care about it, but you worry about a passer-by! What a shame!"

Lan Chuchu sneered, pulled Xiaolei, and strode forward to leave.The passers-by who were onlookers gave way for fear of getting into trouble.

But before turning the corner, a group of people blocked the way again.

"Fellow Daoists committed crimes in the street and violated the rules of my Juju City, please restrain yourself, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Where Lan Chuchu was willing to catch her without a fight, the body training method was running at full speed, and a set of boxing methods smashed the people blocking the way, but did not hurt their lives.

Lan Chuchu had communicated with Xiaolei with his mind, telling him not to make a move, so as not to hurt innocent people.

In just a few moments of effort, the four or five people blocking the way were knocked to the ground, and Lan Chuchu quickly pulled Xiaolei up and left.

She didn't go back to the hotel where she was staying. This appearance was registered when she entered the city. It is estimated that the Jiju City law enforcement team will come to her soon.

She had no choice but to find a corner where no one was around, changed her appearance and clothes, and sent Xiao Lei into the cave space before coming out for a walk.

Lan Chuchu changed hotels every day, and went shopping for two or three days, but she didn't gain much, so she planned to leave Jiju City.

This day, I went out of a shop without finding anything, but a strange young man blocked the way.

"Is the fairy looking for treasures from ghost cultivators?" the young man asked with a smile.

"Are you following me?" Lan Chuchu coldly looked at the strange young man in front of her.

"Don't dare, I just overheard the fairy asking about the treasures of ghost repairs in the store. There are several ghost repair items passed down in Fan's family, and he wants to sell them for a good price. If the fairy is interested, can you move your lord to my house?" Take a look?"

"What treasure do you have?"

"Not to mention anything else, there is a ghost spirit orb that adjusts the breath, and the fairy should be interested."

The strange young man speaks modestly, and he is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, so he doesn't look like a bad person.

"If you really have ghost repair items, why don't you show me one?" After all, Lan Chuchu has lived for more than 2000 years, and she still has a strong sense of prevention.

"Here, Fan came out in a hurry and didn't wear it on his body." The strange young man looked embarrassed.

"It's okay," Lan Chuchu smiled slightly, relaxing her vigilance a little.

"There is a teahouse in front of me. After an hour, I will wait for you there. It's not too late."

"Then please trouble the fairy." The strange young man looked anxious, and left quickly after taking his leave.

Lan Chuchu didn't enter the teahouse, but wandered around.

Nearly an hour later, she walked near the teahouse and was looking around, but she felt something was wrong.

She turned around quickly to leave the place.

"Since you're here, do you still want to leave so easily?!" A middle-aged man's thick voice came over.

Lan Chuchu followed the voice, and saw a middle-aged man in a black brocade robe staring at Lan Chuchu like an eagle staring at its prey.

"Who is your Excellency?" Lan Chuchu knew the advisor.

She was too familiar with this dress.Isn't it the uniform uniform of the shadow guards of the Great Xia Dynasty?The person who wore this style of uniform in her previous life often protected her secretly, although later she was very powerful and didn't really need these protections.

It seems that Ye Leli arranged for someone to take revenge.

Although Lan Chuchu destroyed Ye Leli's body, he let his Nascent Soul escape.

The great thing about the Nascent Soul cultivator is that once the body is destroyed, as long as the Nascent Soul is not dead, he can still survive. As long as he can find a suitable body as soon as possible to take it away, he can recover most of his cultivation.However, it takes time to recuperate to return to the top.

Lan Chuchu didn't regret not killing Ye Leli's Nascent Soul at that time.After all, Nascent Soul's escape speed is so fast that it is difficult to catch up.In addition, there may not be no ambushes outside Fenglei Valley, and she was also worried that Feng Yi's body would be consumed too much.

Lan Chuchu looked around, there were four Nascent Souls and seven Pill Formation.With these strengths, it is a bit difficult to destroy her.As long as Xiaolei is called out and they are beaten to death, it's not a big problem.

Just as he was thinking, several figures flashed over.Five, six, seven.

Lan Chuchu gasped.Ye Leli, the bear, sent eleven Nascent Soul cultivators to encircle her, a cultivator at the early stage of alchemy, in one hour, how condescending of herself!

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as I know who you are!" The middle-aged man in the brocade robe waved his hand without answering.

With a flick of Lan Chuchu's hand, a formation flag flew out, and three protective formations formed around her in an instant.

The loud bang of ping-pong-pong fell on the protective formation, and out of the three large formations, only two remained in an instant.

Lan Chuchu's hands didn't stop, and after a while, there were more than a dozen protective formations around.One of the formations, which took a long time to form, survived the joint attack of eleven Nascent Soul cultivators and seven Alchemy Formation cultivators!

Lan Chuchu nodded in satisfaction.The recent shopping was not in vain, and she collected a lot of good raw materials, and she made these formations in her free time.Originally, I planned to go back and exchange some spirit stones, but I didn't want it to come in handy here.

Xiaolei and Feng Yi have already left the space of the cave, and a man, a beast, and a soul stand in the center of the protective formation with sad faces.

"Continuing like this is not an option. When the protective array is always used up, we have to take action to destroy some people first!"

"How?" Lan Chuchu smiled wryly. Her body training method was good at melee attacks, and those people were far away from the protective formation, so she couldn't exert its effect at all.

Xiaolei's lightning attack is fine, but those people can be separated, they are far away, and Xiaolei's aim is not very good, so it is even more difficult to hit with one blow.After all, Xiaolei is young, and he has been fighting for a long time, and his physical strength can't support him.

Not to mention Feng Yi, once he takes a shot, his body will be blurred a little, not only can't use magic attacks indiscriminately, but he must use it well, use it skillfully, and the shot is worthwhile.

This is both necessary and necessary, so it is naturally difficult.It seems that it is very difficult to escape with one's life today.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help sighing.God is going to kill me!

"Chuchu, why are you such a mother-in-law now?"

The windbreaker still looked as gentle as jade, with dislike for Lan Chuchu in his mouth, but his eyes were gentle, with a hint of pampering.It was as if they were not being besieged and on the verge of life and death, but were discussing a trivial matter.

"What mother-in-law, isn't this thinking about what to do so that we can maximize our benefits?" Lan Chuchu glared at Feng Yi, "If you have any bad ideas, tell me, the most annoying old goblin like you is pretending to be mysterious! "

Feng Yi was not annoyed, and still calmly said: "This matter is not difficult. As long as you learn a new set of spells, Chu Chu, you can easily destroy this group of guys in front of you. However, it is a bit expensive, Chu Chu, yours I don’t know if I can hold on to my wealth.”

(End of this chapter)

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