Chapter 32 Spiritual Talisman
Lan Chuchu urged impatiently: "You don't know how much money I have? Hurry up if you can, don't be a mother-in-law!"

"You learned this voluntarily, so don't scold me later."

"It's really long-winded!" Lan Chuchu wanted to reach out and hit Feng Yi.

The outermost and strongest protective array was wobbly, and she had to quickly make up a new set. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't spare her hands for a while, she really wanted to teach this broken soul a lesson!
Feng Yi reached out and pointed at Lan Chuchu's forehead, and a paragraph of words appeared in Lan Chuchu's mind immediately.

Lan Chuchu handed the array flag bag to Feng Yi, sat down cross-legged to understand the content of the text, and began to practice new spells.

Outside the protective formation, passers-by had long since escaped, only the killers sent by Ye Leli were left.In addition to the original eleven Nascent Souls and seven Alchemy Formation monks, more than 40 Alchemy Formation monks were added.

If Lan Chuchu opened her eyes and saw this, she would definitely sneer and say, "You really think highly of us!"

But she is now practicing the new spell at a critical moment, and she didn't notice the surrounding environment at all.

On the contrary, Feng Yi, who has always been calm and composed, looked at Chu Chu more and more as the flag bag in his hand became more and more empty.

Xiao Lei, who was waiting at the side, didn't show the slightest sign of anxiety. Instead, he was gearing up and eager to try.After he left the secret realm, he had never seen such a big battle scene, so how could it be possible that he was not excited!

As for danger, joke!
With Feng Yi, Chu Chu, and his handsome and brave Thunder Beast, Li Kong, how could there be any danger!
However, Xiaolei was considered sensible, seeing that Lan Chuchu seemed to be practicing at a critical moment, he did not dare to disturb her.Chu Chu's brain is not very good, if something goes wrong, then it will happen.

When all the formation flags in his hand were used up and the outermost protective formation had been breached, Chu Chu still remained silent.

Feng Yi then said to Xiaolei: "In a while, I will send Chuchu into the cave space first, and you break out with the ring, and I will finish it off."

The tone was relaxed and casual, as if he was not talking about life and death, but trivial things such as going to the neighbor's house to borrow fruits and vegetables.

"After breaking something, let me try it!"

Lan Chuchu jumped up, her big watery eyes sparkling.

"Chuchu, your cultivation speed is a bit slow this time." Feng Yi reprimanded gently.

"What is my slowness, there is obviously a problem with the exercises you gave!"

This technique is obviously not the technique of Yongling Continent, it is so exquisite that Lan Chuchu had to spend a little more time.Fortunately, there was no delay.

How could Lan Chuchu admit that it was her fault.She, Feng Yi, and Xiao Bai have formed this bickering way of getting along with each other, it is very relaxed and casual, and they don't run on each other, and they always feel that something is missing.

Lan Chuchu didn't waste any time, she threw a bunch of spirit stones around her body, and quickly slid her hands, one by one spirit talismans appeared faintly and floated into the air.The spirit stones around him quickly turned to ashes.After a while, dozens of talismans formed and formed a large circle. Lan Chuchu stomped her feet suddenly and shouted softly, "Go!"

Dozens of talismans rushed around merrily like spiritual elves.The talismans are not aimlessly rushing around, but one by one to fix the target, cheering and shooting away when they find it right.

The first to suffer were those alchemy cultivators, and soon there were screams, and a group of alchemy cultivators fell.

The Nascent Soul cultivator's defense and combat power are of course much stronger than those of the Alchemy Formation cultivator, but under the attack of the magic talisman, they can only take care of themselves for a while, and it is difficult to form a situation where two Nascent Souls fight one magic talisman.

And those magic talismans that killed the monks who formed the alchemy found the nearby monks and continued to fight.

For a while, the scene was very chaotic, but no one cared about protecting the souls of the people, beasts and spirits in the formation.

Seeing more and more fallen monks outside the arena, Xiaolei was a little anxious, he hadn't made a move yet, the battle couldn't be over like this!

Xiao Lei rushed out, transformed into a giant wolf in the air, and the lightning beam in his eyes shot towards the middle of the fight.

Xiaolei's lightning attack was so powerful that several monks who were shot were killed on the spot. Some cautious monks escaped from Nascent Soul, while other monks who reacted slowly, even Nascent Soul could not escape, and were all strangled to pieces.

However, many spirit talismans were also shot by lightning attacks. After holding on for a long time, the hit spirit talismans dissipated in the air.

Lan Chuchu retracted the protective array, and He Fengyi came to Xiaolei's side.

Lan Chuchu complained: "Xiaofeng, your broken kung fu method consumes too much spirit stone. I managed to become a rich woman, and now I am immediately back to the poverty line!"

"What's the matter, those monks all have storage bags on their bodies, and the total number is estimated to be quite a lot. Chuchu, you can get a little richer." Feng Yi smiled and pointed at the corpses of those dead monks.

"It's almost there!"

As soon as Lan Chuchu finished speaking, she frowned, "What's the smell?"

Lan Chuchu thought together, and immediately sent Lei Beast and Feng Yi, whose eyes suddenly lost their beams of light, back to the cave space.His body softened and he fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the cave space is closely connected with her, and no spiritual power is needed to open it, just follow her thoughts.

Before she fell into a coma, Lan Chuchu could vaguely see that the talismans were also slowly losing their fighting power, disappearing one by one, and it seemed that people surrounded them again.

When Lan Chuchu woke up, she found herself in a dark water dungeon. Her body was soaked in the icy cold water, her head and hands were imprisoned by an extremely thick iron plate, and her whole body had no spiritual power.The soles of the feet are also empty, and there is nothing to stand on except water.

She communicated with Xiaolei with her mind, but there was no response.The ring on his hand was also gone.

I don't know what's so strange about the bone-chilling water, but it was able to penetrate her body that was already incomparably strong, soaking the chill into the internal organs.

The fifth layer of Lan Chuchu's body training method has just begun to refine the viscera, and the internal organs are still very fragile. When the cold hits for a while, the pain is unbearable.This kind of pain is like a maggot attached to the bone, unbearable and inescapable.

Lan Chuchu's will is extremely strong, she is not afraid of this kind of pain, but only worried that the damage to her soul that has not occurred recently will occur again under this kind of pain.

If he died, what would Xiao Lei, Feng Yi and the others do?And Yebai, will he be sad?
I must persevere until I think of a way to find Xiaolei Fengyi and tell Yebai not to worry about me.

Lan Chuchu felt a little guilty for not saying goodbye to Yebai formally.Cannibalizing others, living in others, employing others, and molesting others, but in the end they didn't even say goodbye, which is really a bit unkind.

After sorting out her inner thoughts, Lan Chuchu concentrated on dealing with the chill in her heart.

She silently recited the fifth layer of the body training method, feeling the state of each viscera inch by inch, first accepting the chill, and slowly trying to guide the chill, washing the viscera over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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