Chapter 33 Reunion

At the beginning, it was very difficult to do so, and it was very difficult to feel the existence of the viscera at first.

Lan Chuchu had no choice but to swallow a small mouthful of pool water first.The biting cold almost froze her mouth, esophagus, and stomach.Fortunately, she didn't swallow much pool water.Lan Chuchu kept chanting the body training formula in her heart.I don't know how long it took before the mouth, esophagus, and stomach gradually felt the pain of being burned.

Lan Chuchu felt the pain a little bit, and continued to recite the mantra silently to guide and repair the pain.Fortunately, this approach is still effective.

After a while, the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines have gradually adapted to this cold pool water, and no matter how much they swallow, they will be fine.Of course, this is ultimately due to the body training method, otherwise, her mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines would have been burned and corroded by the pool water.

Lan Chuchu followed the stomach and intestines and forged the bladder, spleen, liver, kidney, gallbladder and other organs connected to it.

However, before she finished forging, there was a sound outside.

Lan Chuchu had no choice but to interrupt her body training and opened her eyes.A bright light reappeared in front of her eyes, and Lan Chuchu narrowed her eyes.There seemed to be a figure approaching, looking down at him from a high position.

It took a long time for Lan Chuchu to see the figure in front of her clearly.A pair of slightly twisted sword eyebrows, underneath are jet-black star eyes, the eyes seem to be calm and unwavering, but she can feel the strong emotions suppressed in them.It was anger, very thick anger.

Lan Chuchu was carried out of the pool, and the heavy iron plate on her neck made her gasp.The iron plate was quickly split and removed.

Lan Chuchu rubbed her neck, then her wrist.The figure in front of her grabbed her and was about to go out.

Lan Chuchu looked at Chi Shui with some pity. She hasn't practiced enough, so she just left?
There was the sound of fighting outside, and Xiaolei's shout: "Yebai, why are you so slow? Has Chuchu been rescued?"

"I'm out!" Lan Chuchu shouted, but found that her voice was very different.It sounds like metal friction, very unpleasant, not as crisp and sweet as before.

Ye Bai, who was pulling her, turned around immediately, looked up and down carefully, held her wrist again, injected a wave of spiritual power, and walked along Lan Chuchu's body, and found that she had no No problem, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Bai took Lan Chuchu's hand, turned a few turns, and went up to a hall.It seems that I stayed in the underground prison before.

In the hall, the fight was very lively, Xiaolei and Feng Yi each showed their supernatural powers, and they had a great time fighting with a group of monks.

Xiaolei's eyes are not tight now, but his eyes can shoot out beams of light, and his two forelimbs can also shoot out some thick beams of light, but it's not as continuous as the eyes, it's just that there are one and the other, but the lethality is not low.

Feng Yi turned and moved in the air, dodging all kinds of attacks that were shot at him.Light blades shot out continuously from his hand, aiming at the monks who besieged him and Xiaolei.

However, there were too many opponents, and Xiao Lei and Feng Yi were obviously at a disadvantage. They were overwhelmed and suffered a lot of attacks.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help feeling distressed, her little beast and soul were being bullied!

Lan Chuchu stepped forward with a big stride, just about to make a move, but her hand was held by Ye Bai.

"Chuchu, you rest first, I'll come!"

Ye Bai put a protective shield on Chu Chu's body, and flew into the battle.

Ye Bai really deserves to be the one who aspires to be the number one cultivator in the Yongling Continent, so he is sure and ruthless when he makes a move!

There was a burst of thunder all over him, and his body disappeared. After a few breaths, he suddenly appeared behind a Nascent Soul cultivator, with a blue flame in his hand. It was immediately frozen into ice crystals, and Yebai tapped lightly again, and the ice crystals immediately shattered into ice slags, scattered all over the ground.

The monk's Nascent Soul emerged from the broken neck, was touched by the extremely blue flame again, froze into ice crystals, fell to the ground, and shattered.

Yebai threw out another hand, and a giant ugly demon monk with a thick black mist turned around was wrapped in a large golden net, which quickly shrank, and the demon monk's copper bell-like black giant eyes showed panic However, before he could think of a way to escape, he was strangled by the golden net, and turned into flying ash in a burst of electric sparks.

"Okay!" Lan Chuchu couldn't help clapping her hands!Fortunately, her voice slowly returned to normal.

Hearing Lan Chuchu's applause, Xiao Lei, Feng Yi, and Ye Bai all cheered up. It feels so good to be praised!

The battle immediately became more lively, and there was a sound of screams.

But slowly, Lan Chuchu's voice changed into: "Xiaobai is awesome!" "Xiaobai is awesome!" "Xiaobai, you are so handsome!"

The atmosphere slowly changed.

There were only a few demon cultivators left in the hall, Xiaolei and Feng Yi stopped moving, leaving Yebai alone to continue fighting.

"Why didn't you make a move?"

Lan Chuchu finally turned her head to look at Xiao Lei and Feng Yi. She had been staring at Ye Bai's figure so closely that she forgot to look at Xiao Lei and Feng Yi.

"Chuchu, your voice is really ugly!" Xiao Lei shouted unhappily with a grim expression.

"You are biased! Only praise him, ignore me, and him!" Xiao Lei yelled loudly.

Chu Chu was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't help drooping her eyelids in shame.But he forgot about his friends because he was so obsessed with seeing Yebai and praising Yebai, he forgot about Xiaolei and Fengyi.

"I'm sorry..." Before Chu Chu finished speaking, she saw strands of white air flowing out of Feng Yi's body.

"Feng Yi, what's wrong with you?!" Chu Chu immediately stepped forward nervously, trying to catch the white air that kept drifting away.But nothing works.

"What else, in order to save you, I was injured by Moxiu! And me, look, look!" Xiao Lei muttered angrily, and showed Chu Chu his wounds.

Chu Chu leaned down again and carefully checked Xiao Lei's wounds. Fortunately, they were all flesh wounds and did not deteriorate further.Chu Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Xiao Lei, your wound is not serious, here are some recovery pills, you take them first."

Chu Chu fed the elixir into Xiao Lei's mouth, and Xiao Lei's complexion eased, not as unhappy as before.After all, Chuchu still cares about herself very much!
Chu Chu couldn't do anything about Feng Yi's injury, she was anxious but helpless.

"Feng Yi, is this caused by the magic cultivator's attack? Can Xiaolei's lightning help you deal with these injuries?"

"I don't know." Looking at Chu Chu's anxious look, Feng Yi smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

"No, Xiaolei can't be allowed to shoot. He can't control his strength well. If he hurts you, it will be even more troublesome."

At this time, Ye Bai had already wiped out the last monk, and after destroying the corpses and cleaning the battlefield, he strode over.

"Xiaobai, uh, Elder Ye, can you do me a favor?"

Before Chu Chu finished speaking, Ye Bai raised his eyebrows, grabbed Lan Chuchu's arm, and was about to go out.

"Let's get out of here first!"

Lan Chuchu thought together and summoned the ring, and the ring flew out of Xiaolei's hand and returned to Chuchu's hand. Xiaolei and Feng Yi also disappeared, and they should have returned to the cave space.

(End of this chapter)

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