Chapter 36
Xiao Lei turned back into a child again, and Lan Chuchu hugged Xiao Lei and walked slowly back to the residence.

Feng Yi stood at the door, waiting for them all the way.

One person, one beast and one soul returned to Feng Yi's bedroom, saw the big hole in the wall, and smiled at each other.

"It will take some time to mend this big hole. Xiaofeng, can you live in my bedroom first? I'll mend it when I'm free."

Both Feng Yi and Xiao Lei understood that Chu Chu had to go out to meet Ye Bai, so they couldn't help feeling depressed.

"Okay." Feng Yi just said softly.

"Shall I move all the decorations from your place?"

"No need. To save yourself from going back, you have to move it back."

Lan Chuchu moved some items that Feng Yi could use to her room, and then set up a restriction on the big hole in Feng Yi's room. Anyway, let's prevent the wind first.

After finishing everything here, Lan Chuchu squatted down again, touched Xiaolei's little head, kissed her little face again, and said, "Take care of yourself and help me take care of Xiaofeng."

Xiao Lei nodded and watched Lan Chuchu disappear.

Back in Yebai's room, Lan Chuchu found someone in a bedroom.

Yebai This is a large suite with a large living room in the middle, several bedrooms, and even a clean room, alchemy room, and weapon refining room.As expected of Elder Yuan Ying's hotel residence, it really has everything you need, and the decoration is low-key and luxurious.

There is no restriction on the bedroom door.Lan Chuchu took a closer look and found that Yebai was naked on the upper body, cleaning the wound.

There was a half-foot-long wound on his right shoulder, which was still bleeding.

Lan Chuchu was startled, and hurried forward, and tapped a few acupuncture points near the wound, and the blood soon stopped.

Then, she took out the best golden sore medicine in the storage bag and poured it on the wound.Recently, when she was wandering around Jiju City, she bought some good pills.Anyway, if there are enough spirit stones, I will buy the most expensive and best one.

She picked up the gauze placed beside her and carefully bandaged the wound.

Yebai also sat quietly, watching Lan Chuchu bustling around.

After bandaging, Lan Chuchu said reproachfully, "Why didn't you tell me that you were injured? Why didn't you finish bandaging first and then go to work?"

Before Yebai could answer, she said again: "It's my fault, I was too careless, I didn't even notice that you were injured."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Bai replied softly.

It was the first time he saw Lan Chuchu scolding himself, so it was a little strange.This feeling, how should I put it, is actually very good.

She finally cared about herself!
Lan Chuchu took out another jade box, opened it and returned it to Ye Bai.

"You keep this thunderball away yourself. In the future, don't give away such an important thing, even me."

Yebai looked at Lan Chuchu with some puzzlement.

"It's because I didn't think carefully. Feng Yi has always been against you. I'm going to take your thunder ball to heal his wounds. In case he hides some, it will be bad for you if he researches it later. Isn't it my fault?" You. So, I don’t use your thunder ball. Let Xiaolei condense one for me, and Feng Yi has been cured. You don’t need this one either.”

Lan Chuchu's speech was very long and a bit rambling, but it made Yebai feel warm in his heart.

"It's okay, with this thunder ball, it may not be able to do anything to me." Ye Bai said warmly, taking Lan Chuchu into his arms.

Lan Chuchu was suddenly pulled into her arms, her body was unstable for a moment, and she almost touched the wound, so she had to put her hands on Yebai's chest.The jade-colored skin is delicate to the touch, and the muscles are elastic and strong. There are eight-pack abs down the line. The figure is so good that there is nothing to say.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help rubbing her hands.He retracted his hand embarrassingly.The last time I rubbed it through the clothes, it really didn't feel as good as it does now.

Lan Chuchu looked up at Ye Bai's face with some guilt.He found that Yebai was looking at her with a smile in his eyes.He also asked in a low voice, "Is it easy to touch?"

Before Lan Chuchu could answer, Yebai gently kissed the corner of Lan Chuchu's mouth.

He didn't dare to kiss her little mouth directly.After the last kiss, she fell ill for several days.

Lan Chuchu put her arms around his neck and kissed him directly.

The two kissed so darkly that they simply lay down on the bed.Unknowingly, the clothes gradually disappeared.

At the last step, Yebai stopped.

Lan Chuchu looked at Yebai puzzled.

Yebai's eyes were a little blurred, but he was extremely restrained, and explained: "I'm worried about you, and I'm sick again."

Lan Chuchu couldn't help but smile bitterly.But she was shy after all, and that was all she had to do.

She can't guarantee that she won't get sick.

Alas, I still have to go to the ghost world earlier!
The two hugged each other and slept very peacefully.

I don't know how long it has been.There was a sound at the door.

Yebai got up and got dressed, but held down Lan Chuchu who was about to get up: "Take a break."

After kissing her forehead, he went out, not forgetting to close the door.

Outside the door is Elder He of Cumulus Sect.

"Brother, please come in." Elder Ye had no choice but to invite Brother He into the hall.

Fortunately, everything in the hall is normal.

Elder He sat down without talking nonsense, and said, "Junior Brother, the Lord of Jiju City came to me in person last night. I dismissed him according to what you said. However," Elder He paused before continuing to ask: "Junior Brother, how do you know that the Old Devil Hehuan is in collusion with the Demon Cultivator? And why did you break into the Acacia Sect by yourself? This is too dangerous."

Yebai smiled wryly, and said in a low voice: "Brother, I didn't know that the Hehuan Sect was colluding with Moxiu beforehand, nor did I know that there was the Hehuan Sect. I only knew that Chuchu was in that direction, so I searched all the way there, and waited for them to find me. I can't control the traces of it."

"You mean, Old Demon Hehuan captured his siblings?!" Elder He sat up straight, obviously taken aback.

Yebai nodded.

"I've been waiting for Chuchu to come over in Jiju City. She hasn't been seen for a long time, so I had to go out of the city first, and go out with some friends. When I came back, I found her there."

"Junior brother is really blessed with great destiny! That old devil Hehuan is the only middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator in Yongling Continent. Junior brother dared to break into his lair alone and seriously injured old devil Hehuan. His abilities far surpassed old devil Hehuan! This is me, Cumulus Zong's blessing, our Cumulus Mountain Range's blessing! Hahahaha!"

Elder He laughed very proudly, in a very happy mood!
Yebai smiled wryly: "It's just luck. And I didn't do it alone. There are also Chuchu and her friends."

"How are the brothers and sisters doing now?"

Yebai looked in the direction of the room, turned around and said, "She has suffered a lot and is recuperating, but she is not awake yet. When she recovers, I will take her to see my senior brother."

"Very good, very good, I'm looking forward to drinking your wedding wine as soon as possible." Elder He twirled his beard, then got up to leave, after all, the young people's life is not easy to disturb.

After all, Elder He is a Nascent Soul cultivator, as soon as he entered the room, he felt an aura different from Yebai in the room.As expected, it was Junior Brother Ye Jinwu Zangjiao.

(End of this chapter)

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