Chapter 37 Don't Say

Lan Chuchu was lying on the bed in the bedroom, but the conversation in the hall outside the door could be heard clearly.The main reason is that Yebai didn't intend to avoid her, and didn't set up a soundproof barrier at the door.

Hearing that Yebai broke into the Hehuan Sect alone for her, and slaughtered almost the whole family of the Hehuan Sect, Lan Chuchu didn't feel much. This guy is really skilled and bold, and dares to do anything.He did so many things for her in the previous life, but this one, although unexpected, is also reasonable.

Ye Bai in this world is indeed that Ye Bai!
When Elder He called "brother and sister" one after another, she couldn't help shaking.

This Elder He is the most adaptable to the wind, and even throws stones into trouble.

In the previous life, Li Xiaohua dragged Xuanyuanzheng, who was in the late stage of alchemy, to join the Cumulus Sect and accepted another disciple.

When Elder He saw that Ye Bai was in the same lineage, he was worried that he would be squeezed out of the opportunity to inherit the mantle of the Cumulus Sect, so he became jealous and colluded with the old devil of marriage.

After that, Zhou Shen, the head of the sect, expelled Li Xiaohua from the Cumulus Sect, and let the other sects chase him down.

Therefore, Lan Chuchu didn't have any affection for Elder He at all.

But in this life, this Elder He has not done anything unfavorable to Ye Bai.Xuanyuanzheng didn't join the Cumulus Sect either, Elder He shouldn't be worried that Yebai would take over his opportunity to inherit the mantle of the Cumulus Sect.

But it is still necessary to remind Yebai at the right time, and let him be careful about this person.

With many years of experience as a superior, Lan Chuchu understands that many people are not black and white.

If their interests are not infringed, he will generally stand by and even act as a good person occasionally; but once his interests are threatened, he will shoot to hurt people, or even kill them with one move.

Therefore, if you want to hold a high position, you must unite those who can unite and safeguard the common interests as much as possible.If you really can't unite, then kill them as soon as possible!

Lan Chuchu was thinking in a daze, but she didn't realize that Yebai was already sitting in front of her.

Ye Bai approached Lan Chuchu's face, his eyes were full of tenderness and hotness, and said in a low voice: "Chuchu, I..."

Lan Chuchu was startled, and quickly reached out to cover Yebai's mouth.

"Do not say!"

Yebai froze for a moment, took off Lan Chuchu's little hand, and planned to speak again.

Lan Chuchu's eyes were full of begging: "Don't say it! Don't say it! Okay?"

Yebai's eyes gradually regained his composure.He slowly sat upright, his breath returned to ice-cold, and he turned and walked out again.

Lan Chuchu dressed silently, walked out of the room, and saw Yebai sitting quietly in the living room.

She went to sit down opposite Yebai, looked at Yebai who was exuding a cold aura, and said slowly: "Xiaobai, the mistake I made in my previous life was that I said things I shouldn't have said at an age I didn't understand. So that Later, I made mistakes again and again, and suffered for life.

I know you, and you know me, let's go with the flow, shall we? "

Yebai quietly looked at Lan Chuchu in front of her.

He really couldn't see through this woman.

She is far and near, elusive.

He was obviously gentle and affectionate last night, but today he rejected him.

Does she think that my Yebai dignity can be trampled on?
His chest was full of resentment, but he couldn't vent it.

He went out.

There were still people coming and going on the street, it seemed that the extermination of the Hehuan Sect last night was not worth mentioning.

He walked to a nearby restaurant, found a seat by the window, and drank.

A familiar figure walked by on the street, it was Xuanyuan Zheng.

He is the cause of everything.

What happened to him and her?
You should ask your little apprentice Li Xiaohua.

Yebai returned to the Cumulus Sect Hotel and found the room of his apprentice Li Xiaohua.The door was blocked and no one responded.

Ye Bai easily broke the restraint, and found the little apprentice lying on the ground, with an appearance of ignorance.

He checked it hastily, and it turned out that he was insane.What is even more surprising is that the little apprentice is pregnant.

Yebai hurriedly helped the little apprentice guide the turbulent air around him back to his dantian, and found Lan Chuchu again.

Lan Chuchu looked helplessly at the unconscious Li Xiaohua: "This is her catastrophe. It's just that something happened a little earlier."

Seeing the questioning expression on Yebai's cold face, Lan Chuchu went on to say: "I met her on the street a few days ago, and she happened to see Xuanyuan shopping with her arms around a stunning beauty. That woman also said She is Xuanyuanzheng's fiancée. This caused her to go mad.

Since then, her life has been full of hardships. "

"Don't you want to talk about the child?"

"I can't keep the child. I don't want to say anything else, and I don't want to see it. Take good care of her and leave."

"Are you leaving again?"

Lan Chuchu turned around and said helplessly, "Yebai, my past life was too complicated and painful, and I don't want to repeat it. I just want to live in a simple and natural way. I hope you can understand."

After walking a few steps, Lan Chuchu stopped again, turned around and said:

"I'm just out for a walk, and I'll be back. If you want me to."

Yebai was silent.

She still hates him.Although she would face a lot of pain if she stayed, but once he left, she couldn't bear him.

Lan Chuchu walked aimlessly, and there was no place in particular she wanted to go.

She found a teahouse, ordered a pot of spiritual tea, and sat quietly, listening to the people in the teahouse talking.This lively atmosphere can make her calm and jump out of her complicated thoughts.

"It seems that the Cumulus Cloud Sect will become the largest sect across the Cumulus Mountain Range and the Yongnan Mountain Range in the future!"

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that Old Demon Hehuan was only seriously injured, and he didn't die. After all, the sect of Hehuan Sect is not here, and there are still some foundations left. It is unknown whether it will make a comeback in the future."

"The Elder Yebai of the Cumulus Sect is really a genius! He can kill the Hehuan Sect by himself!"

"I heard that it's not just one person, but several partners. I don't know where they came from."

"How many partners, just one! She's still a woman! She's only at the alchemy level!"


"I've heard that too. Maybe the Acacia Sect is the number one sect in the Yongnan Mountain Range, and it doesn't deserve its name."

"Even so, Elder Yebai can be called a heavenly genius! I was fortunate to have seen him from a distance. His demeanor can be called a man of heaven, majestic and majestic! It is said that he is still very young, and he was only 300 years old. Nascent Soul!"

"It's so brave, it's just around the corner to advance to the stage of transformation into a god! It seems that in the Eternal Spirit Continent, there may be another monk in the stage of transformation of a god after nearly ten thousand years!"

"Hey, this person is really incomparable. From foundation establishment to alchemy, which step is not difficult? But geniuses are different!"

"Hey, have you guys heard about it? The Great Xia Dynasty also lost a lot of monks this time."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"It is said that more than a dozen Yuanying monks and dozens of alchemy monks died in the Great Xia Dynasty. I don't know who did it?"

"Could it be that Elder Yebai of Cumulus Sect did it too?"

"No, no. I know about this. What happened to the monks of the Great Xia Dynasty when Elder Yebai was out of the city. It's irrelevant, irrelevant!"

"Who knows, maybe it was the black hands who came back after leaving the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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