Chapter 38 The Concubine Room
Listening to these discussions, Lan Chuchu couldn't laugh or cry.

It seems that Yebai is going to become famous this time.Blessings come from misfortunes, and with his solitary personality, if someone cares about him, he will easily encounter danger.I'd better go back and remind him first.

When it was dark, Lan Chuchu returned to the Cumulus Sect Hotel.From a distance, two figures of a man and a woman could be seen at the gate.

The man was dressed in black, tall and tall, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, it was Yebai.

The woman is tall and slim, with a beautiful appearance and a peerless temperament.It's Fairy Yunyao.

A man and a woman stand side by side and talk quietly, they are really a match made in heaven.

They are the perfect couple.Fairy Yunyao has advanced to Nascent Soul, and with Ye Bai's help, he must be able to secure the title of the number one monk in the Yongling Continent.It was like this in the previous life, and it should be like this in this life.

Lan Chuchu felt sore for a while, and planned to turn around and leave.


Yebai walked up quickly, pulled Lan Chuchu over, and said to Fairy Yunyao who followed: "Fairy Yunyao, this is the ideal partner I just mentioned, Fairy Lan Chuchu."

While talking, Yebai built a soundproof barrier around him to avoid being overheard by passers-by.

Fairy Yunyao looked Lan Chuchu up and down with her beautiful eyes, forced a smile and said, "I never imagined that Yebai has such a unique vision. I would rather have this ordinary female cultivator with average appearance and only alchemy!"

In terms of appearance alone, Fairy Yunyao is indeed a bit taller than Lan Chuchu, after all, Yunyao is a stunning beauty.

Seeing him belittling Chuchu, Yebai looked a little displeased, but still said sincerely in a low voice: "Yebai is ashamed to have betrayed Fairy's affection and kindness! If Fairy Yunyao has any difficulties in the future, Yebai is willing to help!"

"The difficulties in front of me can be solved as long as you are willing, so what about the future?!"

Ye Bai was silent.

Fairy Yunyao looked hesitant, and after a while, she lightly parted her lips: "I am the main wife, and she is the concubine, what do you think?"

Ye Bai was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head and said: "Ye Bai knows that his blessings are shallow, and he has no luck to accept them. He only wants to find a sweetheart."

Fairy Yunyao was extremely angry, her beautiful eyes glared angrily, and tears rolled down her eyes.But he didn't say much anymore, and left in a hurry.

Yebai watched Fairy Yunyao disappear, then turned around, and dragged Lan Chuchu, who was still in a daze, back to the hotel.

After entering the room and sitting down in the living room, Lan Chuchu muttered for a long time, and finally asked, "Fairy Yunyao..."

But he couldn't go on.

"Her teacher forced her to marry, but she was unwilling, so she found me," Yebai paused, "and want to form a double cultivation partner with me."

"She..." Lan Chuchu struggled again.

"She and I, this is the end of this world. I only have you in my heart, and I don't want anyone else."

Yebai speaks calmly.

Lan Chuchu felt like a piece of dry and cracked land in her heart, which was suddenly watered by a burst of rain!

The heart, which was originally cracked inch by inch, absorbed the huge rain that suddenly fell, and turned from pale white to rich and deep brown, and its volume became several times larger, causing her chest to ache!
She suddenly had a strong courage from the bottom of her heart, and shouted: "She actually said that my appearance is only average! My cultivation is only alchemy! She said that I am an ordinary female cultivator!"

Lan Chuchu stood up angrily and walked around, as if extremely annoyed!

"I'd like to let her see that I, Lan Chuchu, will one day surpass her in beauty, cultivation and aura! I'm the only one worthy of you!"

Ye Bai froze in place.

The brain circuit of a woman is really strange!
He stepped forward and gently embraced her, who seemed to be on the verge of rage, into his arms.

The two just hug each other quietly.

Her breath finally changed from heavy and heavy due to rage to a fine and long breath like blue.

After a long time, Lan Chuchu smiled wryly and said, "I have to go to the cave space."

Ye Bai nodded, Lan Chuchu disappeared, only a ring fell to the ground.

Lan Chuchu was a little bored.

Although Xiao Lei is her friend and family member, we should separate the occasions, okay?

It is rare for her and Yebai to have such a warm moment, yet he has come to disturb him over and over again!
I value sex over friends, but can't I give her more time?
When she saw Xiao Lei's dodging eyes, she became even angrier.

Just ask her to come back to patch up the wall, just keep urging her!

Lan Chuchu glared at Xiaolei angrily, but saw Xiaolei look at Feng Yi aggrievedly.

Feng Yi was a little different from usual, standing aside dully.

Lan Chuchu simply moved a big rock, stuffed it into the big hole in Feng Yi's room, and filled the air with small rocks.

She called out her own pill fire and refined some small stones.And guide these melted magma to fill the gaps in the wall, so that the original wall and the newly filled stones are finally integrated.

"Chuchu, you are so amazing! You can actually repair the wall!" Xiao Lei flattered her.

Chu Chu rolled her eyes.

This method was something she had seen from her master in her previous life.At that time they were hunted down, and in the underground passage of Beiyuan Mountains, Master refined and fused the entire stone wall, blocking the passage and covering their tracks.

Compared with her master's astonishing skills, her little skill is like a firefly compared to the sun and the moon.

The stone Lan Chuchu chose was not so smooth. Although the big hole was filled, a large piece of unevenness protruded from the wall, which was very annoying.

She thought it would be fine, and by the way, she should respond to Feng Yi.

But after walking a few steps, she turned back angrily, took out a knife, and flattened the protruding stone, and then used pill fire to refine the repaired wall and the original one, making the whole wall blend together, and then Can't see any traces of patching.

This is easy to say, but after all, Lan Chuchu is only in the early stage of alchemy, and the number and ability of alchemy are limited, so it took her a lot of time to complete.

Thinking about it, Master took only a little time to refine the entire stone wall, and polished it to the same level as the original stone wall. I am really far behind!
After finishing all this, Lan Chuchu clapped her hands and prepared to go out.

"Xiao Lei, I also have my own private affairs and my own life. After all, we only have a ten-year agreement. Do you understand?"

When Lan Chuchu said this, her eyes were on Feng Yi.She didn't want Feng Yi to always point Xiao Lei as a gunman and interfere with her own life, especially her relationship!

Xiaolei answered yes softly, and looked at Feng Yi.It wasn't him who had a ten-year agreement with Chu Chu, but Feng Yi.

Feng Yi's face was ugly, but he stopped Chu Chu: "Who is the King Xuanyuan you mentioned last time?"

Lan Chuchu remembered that when he fought Ye Leli in Fenglei Valley last time, he mentioned King Xuanyuan.

"King Xuanyuan is the ruler of the Great Xia Dynasty. The Great Xia Dynasty is located in the west of Yongling Continent, facing the Cumulus Mountains in the east. The Xuanyuan King and his wife mentioned last time are Xuanyuanzheng's parents and my father-in-law in the previous life. Granny."

Lan Chuchu thought for a while, and then added: "However, before I was born, they passed away. It is said that they died together with the middle-stage Nascent Soul monks on the entire continent."

It was King Xuanyuan and his wife who gathered the most powerful group of monks on Yongling Continent, blew themselves up, and died together with all the monks.

At that time, King Xuanyuan and his wife were the only two late Nascent Soul monks in the entire Yongling Continent, and they were the most top-level existences.

"Do you know why they died together with other monks?" Feng Yi asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's for the children to inherit the throne smoothly?
Xuanyuanzheng's elder brother has no hope of advancing to the Nascent Soul stage.Later, using secret techniques, a fake baby was formed, but the lifespan was still restricted by the level of a monk who formed an alchemy.He also has no children, and he has no hope of succeeding.

Poor Xuanyuanzheng, who was expected to condense the Nascent Soul, but was killed by his master, that Ye Leli, and had to go into exile and was hunted down non-stop.

Why are you asking this? "

Feng Yi was silent for a while before answering: "In the fairy world, there is also a not weak cultivator family, surnamed Xuanyuan."

Lan Chuchu raised her eyebrows.But the Xuanyuan family has nothing to do with her in this life.

In her previous life, she gave birth to two princes for the Xuanyuan family, one congealed the Nascent Soul to inherit the Xuanyuan throne and continued the bloodline; the other ascended to the upper realm with a bright future.She is worthy of the Xuanyuan family and Xuanyuanzheng.

(End of this chapter)

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