Chapter 52
It turns out that the art of repairing the soul is an indispensable part in the underworld, just like the art of curing diseases and saving lives in the human world.

After all, the people living in the underworld are ghosts. Where there are many ghosts, there will naturally be more damage to ghosts. Over the years, the accumulated ghost repair techniques have naturally become very developed and self-contained.

As for the difficulty in obtaining this soul repair technique, it can be divided into two situations.

One is to find a high-level ghost cultivator who specializes in repairing the soul for treatment.Because high-level ghost cultivators are not easy to cultivate, and they all hold important positions in the underworld, are busy with work, and spend time cultivating, so not many people are willing to repair ghosts for others, and even if they are willing to do so, the asking price is extremely high.Moreover, it is very troublesome to repair ghosts. It cannot be done once or twice, and it will take a while.Therefore, whether you can find a suitable high-level ghost cultivator, and whether you can afford the relevant price, are the thresholds for many sick ghosts to get stuck.

The second is to learn ghost spells by yourself.Ghost spells are generally sold in various yamen in the underworld, and they are sold layer by layer according to the level of cultivation, and the asking price is quite reasonable.It's just that the soul system materials needed for cultivation are relatively rare, and you need to go to some secret places in the underworld to find them, so it is more difficult to advance.The first level of these ghost spells starts from strengthening the ghost and concentrating the soul, so it is very suitable for Lan Chuchu.

But to practice ghost cultivation, you have to give up your physical body, and ghost magic is too gloomy, which is very harmful to the physical body. After practice, you can only take the path of ghost cultivation.

Lan Chuchu still wants to go back to the human world to marry Yebai, so it's natural that she doesn't want to be a ghost cultivator.

She weighed it over and over again, but an idea came to her mind.She pulled Feng Yi aside and asked in a low voice: "Can my chaotic spiritual root refine ghost energy?"

Feng Yi understood as soon as he heard it, nodded and said: "The root of chaos can refine all things, and ghost energy should also be refined."

"That's easy to do!"

Lan Chuchu came back and asked Lord Evil Ghost: "Master Wen, do you have Lihun Soup and Huanhun Soup for sale in your office?"

The Lord Evil Ghost in front of him had already announced his name as Wen Meng, so Lan Chuchu changed his name to Lord Wen.

Lan Chuchu has a lot of knowledge in previous World Expos, and has heard of the Lihun Soup and Resurrection Soup in the ghost world.It is said that after drinking the Lihun Soup, the soul will leave the body.As long as the physical body is not damaged, after a period of time, if you drink the soul-reviving soup, the soul will return to the physical body and become a living person again.

"Lihun soup and Huanhun soup are naturally available in this office, but they are only used by mission envoys in this office and are not for sale."

"What is a mission envoy?"

"Mission Envoy is a post specially set up for Yasi to carry out some missions to the human world.

Although the laws of the human world and the fairy world have already been arranged, the cycle of life and death is executed by the underworld.

Errors and omissions will inevitably occur during the implementation process.In order to make up for and repair mistakes and omissions, the Underworld has specially set up the post of mission envoy, specially for sending envoys to the human world to correct mistakes and omissions in a timely manner, so as to maintain the normal operation of the entire reincarnation system. "

Lan Chuchu is really an eye-opener, there is such a position!
"Then become a mission envoy, what are the conditions?"

"The condition is that you must have practiced ghost spells."

Lan Chuchu's thinking was very clear at this time.If you become a mission envoy in the underworld, you can get Lihun Soup and Resurrection Soup to separate the body from the soul.The body is stored in Fengluxuan, Fengyi's cave space, and the soul comes to practice ghost spells. First, it can repair the damage of the soul, and second, it can become a messenger of the soul, go to the human world to do tasks, and maybe you can meet Yebai!

However, if she didn't practice ghost spells, she couldn't become an envoy of the underworld mission; if she couldn't become an envoy for the underworld mission, she wouldn't be able to obtain the Lihun Soup, and she couldn't practice ghost spells, an endless loop.

"I'll practice ghost spells first, and then I'll be a mission envoy." Seeing Lan Chuchu's perplexed face, Feng Yi said.

Feng Yi doesn't have a physical body, so he doesn't need Lihun soup, and he is in the shape of a soul, so it is very beneficial for him to practice ghost spells.This is also the main reason why Feng Yi suggested Lan Chuchu to come to the ghost world in the first place.At that time, he and Lan Chuchu just met by chance, so when making suggestions, of course he chose the one that was most beneficial to him.

When Master Wenmeng heard this, his eyes lit up.

An adult, a child, and a soul in front of him, the only one who made him feel at ease was Lan Chuchu.

He had already discovered that the child was transformed by a monster. Although he didn't know what kind of monster it was, he had an instinctive fear of the child. Fortunately, the child kept silent and his expression was not ferocious.

And this ghost-like white-clothed man, although most similar to their ghosts, had an immortal aura that was obviously different from ghosts, so he didn't dare to take a breath.

If this man in white is willing to condescend to become a mission envoy, and he befriends this person related to the fairy world, maybe he will have a chance to ascend to the fairy world in the future.

"That's fine, it's just Mr. Wen, what do we need to pay in exchange for ghost spells?" Lan Chuchu saw Wen Meng's eyes and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"Well, for the first level of the ghost spell, you only need a hundred ghost spirits. However, I think you are new here, and you don't have ghost spirits with you. Instead, you can withdraw some in advance from the future rewards of the mission envoys."

Wen Meng did not leak out the human feelings, and did not mention the too obvious giving or borrowing of ghost spirits, but only said that he would pay in advance, which made Lan Chuchu feel that he was very good at handling things, and his favorability was greatly improved.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Wen for allowing me to wait!"

Wen Meng didn't talk too much, and immediately took the paperwork and vouchers, etc. to handle everything properly, and arranged a small yard for the three of them to rest and stay.

Feng Yi is worthy of being a god of the gods. The day after he received the first level of the ghost spell, he completed his training, went to officially register as a mission envoy, and successfully received the Lihun Soup and Huanhun Soup.

Lan Chuchu saw that Feng Yi's soul had thickened a lot in just one day, so she entered Fengluxuan and drank Lihun Soup without hesitation.

It didn't take long for Lan Chuchu to feel that she had left her body and turned into a somewhat translucent soul. The soul looked faintly cracked, but her whole body was tightly wrapped by a layer of immortal power.This kind of wrapping did not make her feel any discomfort, but was nourished by Xianli, and she felt a little comfortable.

Lan Chuchu saw her body floating in the mist of Fengluxuan, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, her face was serene, and her breath was long.Then put your mind at ease.She still hopes to return to this physical body and return to the human world in the future.

Lan Chuchu didn't come out of Fengluxuan anymore, and practiced the first level of the ghost spell that Feng Yi gave her on the spot.

Although it was the first time to practice ghost spells, with Feng Yi carefully guiding them, there was no hindrance. Although the speed of practice was slower than that of Feng Yi, it only took a few days to master them all.

Lan Chuchu obviously felt that her spirit had been strengthened little by little, and some small cracks had been filled.But it's still far from complete.

(End of this chapter)

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