Rebirth: An Alternative Road to Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 53 Becoming a Ghost Cultivator

Chapter 53 Becoming a Ghost Cultivator
The content of the first layer of ghost spells is mainly soul spells, including soul pulling, soul concentrating, soul refining, resurrection, soul replenishing, soul concentrating, etc.There are also a few offensive spells such as will-o'-the-wisps and absent-mindedness.

Lan Chuchu first practiced Soul Condensation, Soul Refining, Soul Replenishing, Soul Condensation, etc.

Unlike human monks who need to have spiritual roots to attract energy into the body to become a monk, ghost cultivators do not need any spiritual roots or the like, and all ghosts can practice ghost spells.

It's just that the price of practicing ghost spells is relatively high. Although the life span will increase after practice, the growth is also limited.Moreover, the resources in the underworld are poor, even if you become a ghost cultivator, it is very difficult to advance, which is much more difficult than for a monk in the human world.Therefore, the vast majority of ghosts choose to reincarnate instead of staying in the underworld to become ghost cultivators.

The lowest level of ghost cultivation is called Wandering Soul, which is equivalent to the Qi training period of the human world monks.

Therefore, now Lan Chuchu and Feng Yi are wandering souls.

Lan Chuchu practiced Soul Condensation, Soul Refining, Soul Restoration, and Soul Condensation before opening her eyes.

It is easy to practice these basics, but if you want to advance, you need to absorb the corresponding soul energy and spirit energy into the body.

In the world of the underworld, soul energy and courage are very thin, not enough to support advanced use.If you want to advance, you must collect some spirits or the souls of other ghosts, refine them and then absorb them.

If the souls of these ghosts are not refined, it is easy to absorb the remaining memories, habits and obsessions of these ghosts into the body, making your own ghosts impure and causing endless troubles.

Lan Chuchu saw Feng Yi sitting face to face with her, and Feng Yi was still meditating with his eyes closed, he should still be practicing.

Lan Chuchu saw that although Feng Yi's soul was thicker and thicker than before, compared with his own soul, it obviously lacked a lot of things.

It is said that people have three souls and seven souls. Lan Chuchu guessed that Feng Yi was formed by a ray of divine consciousness, and some souls may not have formed or matured.It seems that this trip to the underworld is not only beneficial to Lan Chuchu, but also to Feng Yi, it should be even more rewarding.

Looks like it was a worthwhile trip!

Lan Chuchu carefully observed Feng Yi in front of her with a smile in her eyes.

Although they have known each other for more than ten years and have been together for more than five years, it seems that they have never observed him so quietly and closely.

Feng Yi's appearance should be the best among the men Lan Chuchu has ever met.

With the same sword eyebrows and star eyes, Feng Yi and Ye Bai give people completely different feelings.

There is always a stern look between Ye Bai's eyebrows, but there is always a warmth between Feng Yi's eyebrows.Coupled with the faint atmosphere of the fairy world around him, as well as his white clothes, a warm and elegant feeling rushed over his face.When Feng Yi repairs his soul completely, and then cultivates a body, how many beautiful girls will pounce on him.

Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu felt a sense of pride in her heart.It feels like my own pigs are finally being fattened and ready to be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu couldn't help lowering her head and laughing out loud.How can Feng Yi and Zhu have a relationship like this!

"Chuchu, what are you laughing at?"

Feng Yi's eyes have been opened, the eyes are full of tenderness and intimacy, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised looking at Chu Chu.

Chuchu chuckled: "I'm thinking about the relationship between you and the pig."

She looked at Feng Yi who had some inquiries and doubts in her eyes, and instead of explaining, she changed the subject: "It doesn't make much sense for me to continue practicing like this. Why don't I take some tasks from the human world earlier to earn some souls?" After refining, you can practice further."

"Okay, I'll be with Chuchu."

After leaving Fengluxuan, Lan Chuchu saw Xiaolei looking like a human child, rolling around on the bed bored.

"Xiao Lei, what are you doing?"

Xiao Lei lazily raised his eyelids, and muttered, "It's so boring! It's no fun for you to leave me here alone to guard this broken rock!"

Lan Chuchu pondered for a moment.She and Feng Yi are both going to be mission envoys, and it is impossible to bring them in the cave space.I can only entrust it to Xiaolei.But Xiaolei is a thunder beast, if he accidentally releases the power of lightning when he goes out for activities, it will probably cause a commotion.Which ghost dares to live next to its natural enemy? !

For the current plan, it is best for Xiaolei to live in the Rift Valley with Yufengzhu.And the main body of Rift Valley - the ring, can only be placed in this room.

Lan Chuchu smiled helplessly, and wanted to go to the bed and hug Xiaolei up in her arms, but failed.How can the soul hug Xiaolei's body?
She had no choice but to rub Xiao Lei's little face: "

Xiaolei, can you take Yufengzhu and live in the Rift Valley?There's still some energy there, not your favorite ice and fire energy, but it's kind of good for you.

You cultivate in peace in the Rift Valley, and by the way, help me take care of my physical body in Fengluxuan.

When Feng Yi and I come back from the mission and repair the soul body, shall we take you to find the energy of ice and fire? "

Xiaolei made the final struggle emotionally: "Can't you take me with you?"

Since Yun Jing got out of trouble, he has been accompanied by Feng Yi and Chu Chu, and now he wants to return to the lonely time alone, very reluctant.

"Look, I can't even take my own body there, how can I take you there?

And didn't you say it before?Feng Yi and I temporarily chose the way of ghost cultivation because practicing ghost spells is beneficial to our soul.

If you also choose ghost cultivation, you may not be able to return to the physical body in the future, and you can only be a ghost cultivation forever. This will do you harm and not benefit. "

"Then you guys have to come back early and accompany me to find ice energy and fire energy!"

"Well, let's try our best to go and come back quickly, our little Lei is so good!"

Lan Chuchu knew that it was not safe for Xiaolei, a young animal with an immature mind, to stay in the ghost world with two cave spaces.But fortunately, no one else can open the cave space, and Thunder Beast has the talent to overcome ghost cultivators, so it is estimated that nothing major will happen in a while.

She and Feng Yi made up their minds and instructed Xiaolei to set up several layers of protective formations inside and outside the room.As long as one of the two of them can come back from time to time, there will be no problem.

Lan Chuchu looked like a nagging old mother, and gave Xiaolei a lot of advice, and when it came to talking about it, she always felt that there was something she missed.Until Xiaolei pushed her out of the room impatiently, covered her ears and shouted: "My ears are almost deaf! Chuchu, you talk a lot of nonsense! Go, go!"

Lan Chuchu's unfinished words were blocked in her throat, and when she saw Feng Yi who was going out after her, still smiling, she couldn't help but glared at Feng Yi: "Look, you Without saying a word?!"

Feng Yi remonstrated like a stream; "Okay. I'll listen to Chu Chu."

He immediately turned around and shouted into the room: "Xiao Lei, take good care of Chu Chu's body, if there is any problem, I will ask you!"

Xiao Lei's excited voice came from the room: "Okay!"

Lan Chuchu had no choice but to roll her eyes and leave the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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