Chapter 58
Lan Chuchu shouted loudly: "I'm not a bad person!"

The little boy holding the big stick in front of him was startled, but shouted, "Bring back my mother!"

The memory was too painful, Lan Chuchu shook her head vigorously, shook off the painful memory, and returned to the reality in front of her.

"I don't know where your mother went. But, they sent me here, sent me here to teach you!"

"who are they?"

The little boy was still holding the big stick high, with tears on his face.

Seeing that the little boy didn't continue beating herself, Lan Chuchu explained: "They are ghosts from the underworld. When people die, they go to the underworld. Your mother probably went there too."

"Where is the underworld? I'm going to find my mother!"

"You can't go yet. I'm here because I have a task to do. I can go back to the underworld after I finish the task. Maybe I can help you find your mother then."

The little boy dropped the big stick, disbelief written all over his dirty, tearful face: "Can you go back to the underworld? Can you find my mother?"

Lan Chuchu nodded, but didn't dare to talk too much: "If I go back smoothly, I will try my best to help you find your mother. But I don't guarantee that I will find it. However, no matter whether I find it or not, I will definitely find it when the time comes. Find a way to give you an answer."

If he has been a mission envoy, he might still be able to come to this world, and it shouldn't be difficult to give him an answer then.If you really can't do it yourself, the mission envoy who entrusted you to this world to do the mission should send a message.

Seeing the boy nodding vigorously, Lan Chuchu said again: "However, I need to finish the tasks here before I can go back. If you want to find your mother, you need to help me. Are you willing?"

The little boy thought about it cautiously, nodded and said: "If you can help me find my mother, I am willing to help you!"

Suddenly a child's cry came from next door: "Wow~~~~~Wow~~~~ I want my mother! I want my mother!"

Lan Chuchu asked the little boy with her eyes.

The little boy hesitated for a moment and replied: "That is my sister, you are not allowed to play tricks on my sister."

Lan Chuchu smiled bitterly: "I just want to complete the task, so what are you trying to do to your sister?"

The little boy went to hug the crying sister.

The little sister looked about three years old, her soft body threw herself into Lan Chuchu's arms, her small arms wrapped around Lan Chuchu's neck, and she continued to cry, "Mom! Mom!"

Ever since the incident in the previous life, Lan Chuchu has always been afraid of this kind of soft and sticky little girl.It seems that the shattering of my happy world was caused by the little girl.

Being so close to the little girl all of a sudden made her miserable, but her body was bound and she couldn't escape, so she was very helpless.

"Mom, hug me! Mom, hug me!"

All the little girl wanted was a hug.

Lan Chuchu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at the little boy standing next to her, and signaled him to untie herself with her eyes.

The little boy hesitated for a long time, but stepped forward and untied the rope.

As soon as Lan Chuchu sat up, the little girl got into her arms, stopped crying, and nestled quietly in her arms.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help stretching out her hands slowly, hugging the soft little girl in her arms.

In the previous life, during the first year when the eldest son Ming'er was born, I often held him in my arms like this.Later, the second son who was born unexpectedly often hugged him like this.Even not long ago, I wanted to hold Xiao Lei in my arms like this.

Xiaolei is a very lethal monster, and he can be hugged like this, let alone a three-year-old girl?What's there to be afraid of?

The little girl slowly fell asleep in her arms.Lan Chuchu patted the little girl's back lightly, humming a little tune.

When the little girl was completely asleep, Lan Chuchu put the little girl on the bed, pulled up the patched and torn quilt, and covered the little girl with a quilt.

Seeing that the little girl stopped moving and was breathing long, Lan Chuchu quietly climbed off the bed and tiptoed out of the room.

Outside the room is a small hall.Compared with the neatness in the room just now, the small hall looks a bit messy.On the small low table there were crude, half-eaten meals.

It seemed that the little boy respected his late mother very much. Not only did he clean up the room where the late mother's body was, but he also kept an eye on the condition of the late mother's body. As soon as he got possessed, he immediately left his job and ran over.

What a good boy with affection and righteousness.

Lan Chuchu found a small stool and sat down.I had suffered a lot of abuse as soon as I possessed the body, and the already exhausted soul body only felt weak at this moment.

Judging by the tense appearance of the little boy just now, he must have been harassed by the previous nine mission messengers so that he has sufficient experience in dealing with it.But after all, he is only an eight-year-old child, even if he has made sufficient preparations, there are still many loopholes.

When the little boy finally got out of the room, Lan Chuchu pointed to a small chair opposite and asked the little boy to sit down.

"Your name is Li Lin?"

The little boy nodded.

"Your mother, is Miao Cuilan?"

The little boy nodded again.

That's right.It seems that the accuracy of mission bridge resurrection is still OK.

"Very well, then I've found the right place. My name is Lan Chuchu. Orchid's Lan, the charming Chuchu. You can call me Lan Chuchu, or you can call me Chuchu, whatever you want, you can call me whatever you like. "

"The task given to me by the underworld is to train you into a person who can kill hundreds of people without killing them. Therefore,"

Lan Chuchu paused, stared into Li Lin's eyes and said, "I will teach you the art of killing and defeating the enemy first. Then I will teach you who can be slaughtered and who cannot be slaughtered."

The little boy's eyes flickered, but he didn't say anything.

Lan Chuchu said: "If you have anything to say, just say it straight. We each take what we need, and it's easier to speak straight."

The little boy hesitated for a moment, but still said, "You are different from them."

them?It seems to be the mission envoy who came here before.

"What are they like?"

The little boy said with a look of disgust: "When they came, they told me the truth, you must not kill, you must be kind and so on. No one taught me the art of killing and defeating the enemy, not even the art of self-defense. If I were really like what they said, my sister and I would have died countless times!"

Lan Chuchu sighed.Fortunately, I asked Li San one more question at that time, otherwise, I would have stepped on the wrong path like the previous nine mission envoys.

Lan Chuchu asked the little boy to come forward to check his physical condition.

But the little boy looked alert and shrank back: "What are you going to do to me?"

It seemed that in the next breath he was going to pick up the chair under his buttocks and smash it over!
Lan Chuchu stroked her forehead speechlessly: "I want to see how your body is? What kind of exercises are suitable for you?!"

The little boy Li Lin suppressed his urge to pick up the chair, and asked patiently: "Cultivation method?"

"That's right, do you have a spiritual root, are you suitable for practicing spells or body training, I need to find out, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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