Chapter 59
The little boy lowered his head, finally revealing a trace of helplessness only at his age: "I don't have spiritual roots. The first ghost who got on our mother's body destroyed my spiritual roots..."

Lan Chuchu froze in place, unable to speak for a while.

No wonder little Li Lin was so entangled with his mother's body.Hit it hard, it is your mother's body that will be smashed; don't hit it, the bad ghost will hurt your mother if it gets on your mother's body!

Lan Chuchu has a memory of more than 2000 years old. When she was a child, she was helpless, weak and pitiful like him. Her fate was like a reed swaying in the wind, with no one to rely on.If the master hadn't accepted me as an apprentice back then, I'm afraid my life would not be as good as him!
Lan Chuchu sorted out her thoughts and said, "Do you still want to practice exercises?"

The little boy raised his head, his immature face was full of doubts: "What's the use of practicing exercises?"

"You can protect yourself, protect your sister. Protect the people you want to protect."

"Can I learn? I..."

Lan Chuchu smiled calmly: "First of all, I have to ask if you want to learn?"

The little boy said loudly without hesitation: "I want to!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he covered his mouth again, and looked into the back room, maybe worried about waking up his sister who had just fallen asleep.

Lan Chuchu nodded and said confidently, "That's easy.

Although your spiritual root is destroyed now, besides the innate spiritual root, there are three ways to replenish the acquired spiritual root.

The first is the spiritual root of the cultivation tool, which has the fastest effect. As long as you find a suitable treasure, you can refine it in less than a hundred years.However, once it is refined, this treasure will become the life gate of the immortal cultivator. Once it is damaged, the consequences will be very serious.

The second is Dan Linggen, which will take longer, at least hundreds of years.

The third type is the most difficult, and it is the spiritual root of the cultivation method, which requires hundreds of years of efficacy.However, the spiritual root cultivated by this method has the best effect, and it is almost the same as the innate spiritual root.

As far as your current situation is concerned, it is natural that it is most appropriate to practice the spirit root first. "

Lan Chuchu looked around the small hall, the whole room was very simple, presumably they couldn't have any treasures to use for cultivation.

"However, the most urgent thing right now is to find a treasure for you first. Before finding the treasure, if you want, I can teach you how to train your body."

The little boy asked: "What is the body training method?"

"The body training method is completely different from the cultivation method of immortality. It is a kind of exercise that mortals can also practice. It can strengthen the body and fight."

The little boy nodded firmly: "I am willing to practice body training!"

"It's so good. After practicing the body training method, even if I leave in the future, you can protect yourself and your sister."

Qi Linggen and the like are too far away. Compared with these, the body training method is currently the most suitable for Li Lin.

Lan Chuchu rubbed her aching head.Although the damage to his soul has been repaired, but this possession seems to have shattered some new wounds.

"I just came here today. I'm too tired. I need a good rest. I'll teach you the specific exercises tomorrow."

The little boy nodded.

Lan Chuchu stood up and walked around the room. The room was very small, just two rooms and a small hall.Since the younger sister slept in one room, Lan Chuchu went straight into the other room and fell asleep.

Lan Chuchu didn't wake up until the next day when the sun was high and the sun was shining into Lan Chuchu's eyes.There was a soft little thing in my arms.Lan Chuchu looked down and saw that it was a three-year-old girl, Li Lin's younger sister.

The younger sister saw her mother looking down at her, her big eyes were full of smiles, and she called out childishly: "Mom, mom!"

Then I put my nose on my mother's clothes and smelled it vigorously, and then said contentedly: "It smells so good!"

Lan Chuchu's heart softened.

In her previous life, she gave birth to her second son, Xuanyuan Qi, and raised him alone. The relationship between mother and child is extremely deep.When he was young, he used to act like a baby in his arms.

Although he became very rebellious when he grew up and always had to confront his parents, those warm memories will never be forgotten.This brat later ascended, and he doesn't know how he is doing in the Upper Realm now.

She couldn't help hugging the child in her arms, and kissed the hair: "Good baby! Mom loves you!"

There was a sound at the door of the room, it was the little boy Li Lin.Complicated emotions were written on his immature face.

Lan Chuchu understood a little bit, he probably recalled the time when his mother was there.It's a pity that I borrowed his mother's body, but the soul inside is a fake.

Lan Chuchu got up and combed the little girl's hair again.Although she has never raised a girl, she has combed Xuanyuan Qi's hair countless times when she was a child. It has been more than 1000 years, but fortunately, the craftsmanship is still there.

Lan Chuchu carried the little girl to the small hall, but saw three bowls of porridge set on the low dining table.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help feeling a little hot in her heart.

Apart from the three of them, there was no fourth person in this simple house.

Li Lin, who is only eight years old, wakes up early and prepares meals sensiblely, waiting for his mother and sister to wake up and eat together.Although I am not his real mother, it is really touching to be able to enjoy the service of a child.

Lan Chuchu put the little girl on a small stool and sat on the side by herself.

"My brother can actually cook, it's amazing!"

Lan Chuchu picked up a porridge bowl, blew on it, and fed it to the little girl next to her.

After the little girl finished drinking and wiped her small mouth, Lan Chuchu picked up her own bowl of porridge and finished it slowly.The porridge was slightly cold, but the food still gave the body some long-lost nourishment.

Putting down the porridge bowl, Lan Chuchu took the little girl's hand and finally walked out of the hut.

The hut was built alone on a mountainside, with an open space in front of the house, and no neighbors around.I don't know what kind of characters Li Lin's parents are, but they choose to live alone in this kind of place, aren't they afraid of wolves and beasts?

Lan Chuchu regretted that she was too impatient when she accepted the task, and didn't ask more about the background information of the task.

But if it comes, it will be safe, and the soldiers will cover it with water and soil.

Isn't that living alone?Didn't you do the same thing back then?And lived alone for more than 100 years!
Lan Chuchu didn't talk nonsense, and asked Li Lin to move two small chairs, and she and the little girl sat on one.

Li Lin stood in front of him with a solemn expression, accepting Lan Chuchu's body training education.

Lan Chuchu's body is not very comfortable today, and she needs to rest for a few days before she can practice body training.She had already discovered that this body was just a mortal body, completely devoid of spiritual roots.It is naturally good to practice body exercises in your free time.

Li Lin really had a lot of scheming, and put some ingredients in his porridge bowl in the morning.Although he may take into account the damage to his mother's body, the amount is very small, but it is enough to make Lan Chuchu, who is not very comfortable, continue to be weak for several days.

(End of this chapter)

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