"Because...because..." The monster's voice was a little lower, with an expression that was difficult to speak.

"Let's not talk about the spirit beast, you go take a bath first, okay?" Lan Chuchu couldn't bear the stench, so she quickly suggested that Bai Qi should do some personal hygiene.

Bai Qi was stunned for a moment, but readily agreed, and flew to the river with a flap of his wings.

It's a pity that the river is too shallow and too narrow to accommodate its huge body, and after washing it back and forth, it also wets part of its body.

Seeing this, Lan Chuchu also flew nearby: "Let me help you with a cleaning technique."

Cleansing technique is better than river water, Bai Qi's whole body is shiny and oily, and the spikes on his back are also shiny.

It's just that when it opened its mouth, a stench still rushed to its face.Lan Chuchu let it open its huge mouth again, carefully gave it a deep oral care, and finally gave it another cleaning technique, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It looks so mighty!" Lan Chuchu sincerely praised.

"She praised me for being mighty! She praised me for being mighty!" Bai Qi excitedly jumped a few feet high, splashing the shallow river water all over Lan Chuchu's body.

Lan Chuchu performed the cleansing technique on herself a little angrily, and thought to herself: "It seems that he is mentally incompetent again, and he must not be accepted again!"

She had just organized the words of farewell, and she still said it, but Bai Qi jumped in front of her and said in a low voice: "That stinky wolf is really right."

"What did he say?"

"He said that he has Chuchu and is not afraid of anything!"

"He really said that?" Lan Chuchu deeply doubted the authenticity of these words. Xiao Lei has always been timid, so how could he not be afraid of anything?

"So, I must be your spirit beast, I must not be afraid of anything, and I must leave this ghostly place!" But Bai Qi ignored her doubts, immersed in self-excitement.

"You don't have to be my spirit beast to leave this place." Lan Chuchu said calmly.

"I... dare not..." Bai Qi's huge head was lowered to the ground, as if deeply ashamed.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the extremely ferocious monster in front of her, Lan Chuchu felt a little shaken in her heart, but she immediately controlled herself.Not to mention that Bai Qi didn't know the details, even if she knew the details, she didn't want to go to the trouble of teaching the spirit beast anymore.

"If you really want to leave this place, you can go with me. But we have to make an agreement." Lan Chuchu didn't want to delay here any longer, and wanted to settle the matter earlier.

"Huh? Tell me!" Bai Qi immediately raised his huge head, staring at Lan Chuchu with two giant eyes, which made her scalp feel numb again.

Although the monster didn't show its coercion, the pressure in its eyes should not be underestimated. It seemed that its strength was definitely higher than that of Nascent Soul cultivator.

"First, you and I go together, and you must not secretly murder your companions; second, I have the final say on where to go, and where to go, until you don't want to follow me; third, don't tell me what happened with me. If others listen, ghosts won’t do either!”

"No problem!" Bai Qi showed excitement!
So he became a spirit beast?Too simple, right?Shouldn't there be some ceremony?

Bai Qi couldn't hold back, and asked out anyway.

"This is naturally not a spirit beast, but a companion, a companion. Even Xiaolei, that stinky wolf you mentioned, I just treat it as a companion, as a relative, and never as a spirit beast. Do you understand? ?”

Bai Qi seemed to understand, but he couldn't care less, it would be great to leave this place!
He nodded frantically with his eyes shining, with an impatient look about to flap his wings.

Lan Chuchu is a bit big-headed, such a temperament does not seem to be a trap, but fortunately she is smart and not greedy to accept her as a spirit beast.

"Xiao Lei went in that direction? Do you remember?"

"You sit on my back, and I'll take you there!" Bai Qi's voice was full of excitement!
Lan Chuchu hesitated again and again.One is that this guy is too enthusiastic, she is not sure if there is really no trap; the other is that the back covered with spikes can't sit on it, so is this a trap for people to sit on and be pierced?
After a while, Bai Qi realized that Lan Chuchu was strange. Seeing that Lan Chuchu was staring at her back with hesitation, he suddenly realized.

I saw the spikes on Bai Qi's back twisting, several adjacent spikes fell down and stacked together, forming a place like a seat, and then opened his mouth wide, biting Lan Chuchu and throwing it to it On the back, it flapped its wings upwards, and flew in one direction rapidly!
Lan Chuchu was frightened by the continuous operation and screamed!
This escape speed is too fast!Even the speed of ordinary monks in the stage of transformation can't match it, let alone her current escape speed in the middle stage of alchemy.

That's good, maybe we can find Xiaolei sooner.Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu's heart was slightly relieved.

This weird beast in this weird forest has to beg for nothing to be her spirit beast?What the hell kind of operation is this?

But now is not the time to get to the bottom of it, let's take a step first.

Lan Chuchu took out a few spirit stones and held them in the palm of her hand, hurrying to recover her spirit power.

After flying like this for two or three days, the trees in the forest gradually became thinner, and the number of giant trees that several people hugged was also much less.

Lan Chuchu's physical strength has returned to its peak state.She suddenly found that Bai Qi's escaping speed had suddenly increased a lot. Could it be that there is some danger nearby?
Lan Chuchu was on full alert immediately, releasing her spiritual sense to sense her surroundings.Too bad she didn't feel anything.

It's such a bad feeling to have a black eye!
Lan Chuchu was annoyed, but she didn't give up either. Thinking of how she had turned her mind into mist earlier, she didn't know if it would have any effect.She immediately calmed down and carefully sensed the mist formed by her mind.

After an hour of incense burning, she wanted to stop sensing in frustration, but found that a hurricane seemed to pass thousands of kilometers behind her.

She closed her mind immediately, and immediately communicated with Bai Qi: "Is there something chasing us from behind?"

"Don't pay attention to her!" Bai Qi continued to fly without looking back.

Looks like an acquaintance?I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend?

A loud bird song came from a distance, shaking Lan Chuchu's mind, and it was hard to suppress the feeling of boredom rolling in her chest.

Before she could take any further action, a huge shadow had completely enveloped Lan Chuchu and Bai Qi.

Lan Chuchu's complexion changed drastically, and she immediately looked up into the sky.

There is a big blue bird with giant wings in the sky!Although they are far apart, only one wing is a hundred feet long. Compared with the big blue bird, Bai Qi's huge body is like a grain of rice and an egg!

Bai Qi didn't look up at the big bird, but Lan Chuchu clearly felt that it was working harder to speed up, and the flight path was no longer going straight forward, but began to travel in a roundabout way.

The so-called boat is small and easy to turn around. After a while, Bai Qi led the big bird to another direction, and turned left instead and then meandered.

Lan Chuchu didn't dare to take it lightly. Although the big bird was not easy to turn around and was deceived several times, it still aimed at them and slammed into them!

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