Lan Chuchu was horrified, but she didn't panic. She shouted: "Become a rabbit!", grasping the huge thorns around her with both hands!

Lan Chuchu noticed that there was a sudden fluff in her hand, she didn't even look at it, and immediately stuffed it into the spirit animal bag around her waist.

】\My figure has already been raised upwards, and I teleported into the mid-air with a height of tens of feet.

She felt a gust of wind rubbing against one side of her face, and her skin that had been tempered was also hot, and when she touched it, it was bleeding!
The big bird didn't hit them and seemed to turn up.

Lan Chuchu felt a commotion in the spirit animal bag, she immediately took out the little white rabbit, and before she could react, the little white rabbit had already pounced on the big bird!
When the little white rabbit was about to meet the big bird, it suddenly turned into a gigantic monster, which turned out to be its body magnified more than ten times.

Bai Qi with a tiger body and huge wings is not much different from the big bird now, and the two monsters are wrestling together.

For a moment, the air waves surged wildly in the air, and only two giant shadows, one green and one white, could be vaguely seen turning and spinning rapidly.

Lan Chuchu was afraid that it would affect her, so she had retreated several tens of feet away.She frowned and observed for a long time. The battle situation in front of her seemed to be evenly matched, and it was difficult to win or lose for a while.

It's a little overwhelmed to mix it in with her strength, but it's not necessarily the case with the magic talisman.She needs to go to Xiaolei earlier, and with Bai Qi's help, it will be much smoother.

Without hesitation, she threw out the talisman that was formed to guard against Bai Qi before, and urged it towards the giant blue shadow.

With the help of the talisman, the battle situation quickly became clear.

The blue and white giant shadows crashed into the ground together, making a loud noise!The dust on the ground was stirred up and flying all over the sky, and it was completely impossible to see what happened for a while.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help shouting: "Bai Qi, Bai Qi! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" A delicate female voice was full of pride.

"Woo... wow!" There was another high-pitched wail, which sounded like a child crying.

"Bai Qi, are you crying? Are you injured? I'll rescue you right away!" Lan Chuchu stopped watching from a distance, put on a protective shield for herself, and rushed into the dust.

She dispersed her consciousness, and the two giant monsters were no longer in the dust.

Lan Chuchu's heart sank slightly, and her body training method was running rapidly, alert to all movements around her.

She focused on the source of the crying, and there seemed to be two small figures there.

Lan Chuchu approached slowly step by step, but was suddenly bumped into her arms!She took a closer look, and in her arms was a little girl in white clothes who was less than four feet tall. Her messy silver hair was blown up, her body and face were covered with dust, but she was smiling sincerely, and her eyes were like crescent moons!

She hugged Chu Chu's waist with her two small hands, and raised her head up to Chu Chu's abdomen, her little face was covered with dust and she couldn't hide her excitement: "Chu Chu is so good! I finally beat her!"

Lan Chuchu was full of doubts, and after a few breaths, she asked tentatively, "Are you Bai Qi?"

"It's me!" The little girl's voice was still delicate.

Lan Chuchu quickly threw Bai Qi down, rolled on the spot and kicked out!
I don't know what was hit.

"Wow... wow!" The wailing that stopped at some point began to resound through the sky again!
Lan Chuchu didn't care about crying, she quickly pulled Bai Qi to her side to avoid being attacked again.

Bai Qi hid behind Lan Chuchu and said with a smile: "Why are you crying! I won't be afraid of you when I have Chuchu!"

"I don't accept it!" The crying stopped, and a sobbing girl's voice came from not far away: "Why can you only have Chu Chu, but I can't have it!"

Bai Qi was so frightened that he quickly stood in front of Lan Chuchu and stretched out his arms: "You can't have it! I saw it first!"

A little girl approached in the dusty sky, her blue feather coat was already stained dirty by the dust, the snot and tears on her face washed the dust out of the four ravines.It looks about the same size as Bai Qi.

"Chuchu, come here!" The little girl frowned and pouted, staring at Lan Chuchu and ordered directly.

Lan Chuchu narrowed her eyes slightly, and her whole body was still on guard. She thought to herself: Is this little lolita the big blue bird?

"Bai Qi, who is she?" Lan Chuchu ignored the little girl and asked Bai Qi instead.

"She is my nemesis since childhood!" Bai Qi was full of complacency.

Lan Chuchu saw that although the little girl was angry and wronged, she didn't make any more moves, so she asked aloud, "What's your name?"

"I, my name is Qingqi!"

"No, your name is obviously not that! Your name is Xiaoqing!" Bai Qi yelled.

"Xiao Qing was not started by you! You can be called Bai Qi, why can't I be called Qing Qi? You think so, Chu Chu?" The little girl saw that she couldn't do it, so she planned to adopt a soft strategy, and began to win Chu Chu verbally.

"Chuchu, you are not allowed to talk to her!" Bai Qi actually began to order Lan Chuchu.Let her just want to touch her forehead.

"Qingqi, why did you chase us and attack us?" Lan Chuchu said coldly.The collision of the big blue bird just now, if she hadn't reacted sensitively and responded in time, I'm afraid she would have died!

"I...I, why didn't you wait for me?!" Qing Qi stammered a little, but his momentum was not inferior to others.

"Why are we waiting for you?"

Qing Qi couldn't speak for a while, he was stunned for a while, then pointed at Bai Qi: "Because of her!"

"She is my only friend here. If she leaves too, no one will play with me anymore!"

Both Bai Qi and Lan Chuchu were stunned.

Lan Chuchu asked tentatively, "Are you two alone here?"

Qing Qi and Bai Qi looked at Lan Chuchu at the same time, the same meaning flashed in their four eyes: "Are you blind? Only now do you know?"

Lan Chuchu coughed slightly in embarrassment, and said, "I mean, where are the other creatures? For example, tigers, lions, wolves, rabbits, monkeys, or ghosts."

Qing Qi and Bai Qi pointed at each other and said in unison: "She ate it!"

Lan Chuchu was startled, and took a few steps back, ready to run away at any time.The two cute little loli in front of me are actually fierce beasts that catch and eat whatever they want? !Even eat ghosts? !

She touched her little arm. Although she had practiced her body before, she had seen the scene of these two fighting just now, and they were attacking her at the same time. She was not sure that she would be able to escape smoothly!

Seemingly seeing her worry, Bai Qijiao comforted her with a soothing voice: "Chuchu, I only like to eat ghosts, not people, so don't worry!"

Lan Chuchu slandered: Why should I care, sister, I was a ghost cultivator not long ago!
Not to be outdone, Qing Qi immediately expressed his loyalty: "Chuchu, I only love eating demons, not humans, so don't worry!"

Lan Chuchu expressed doubts about their words, hesitated for a while and asked, "What about other monsters or animals?"

"There are no other monsters or animals here!" Bai Qi was puzzled.

"You mean, apart from the two of you, there are no other animals or monsters here?"

"No, there's also that stinky wolf passing by." Bai Qi replied after thinking for a while.

Could it be that there are no monsters and animals formed here?No wonder it's so weird.

"The ghosts and demons you are talking about, did they come from here, or did they come from outside?"

"Come from outside! They will come in after a while!" Qing Qi finally succeeded in answering, and his tender little face with tear channels was full of arrogance.

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