Chapter 2 Draft also has a mascot?
"Please start your performance." The one who spoke was Shen Zui, a 26-year-old gold-medal songwriter who single-handedly created the lyrics and MV.

Maybe there was only talk about Chuwei, a simple-minded person who didn't know anyone.

"I hear too many voices mostly sarcasm
The words are less and less sincere and they always
Can't tell right from wrong, more and more ignorant

I am like a warrior who has been rewarded by people for revenge.


Drive yourself crazy in the middle of the night and repeat the basics

Combining words and dreams

Increased life concentration

They say it's easy when you get down on your knees but I never

You see, the more desperate I am, the more powerful I become

The more you want a great price, the more painful it is
Don't rely on companionship and look back at dusk

When I look back only blood and sweat can pay for what I paid
I cut off all those who wanted to overthrow the interference. "

At this time, Tan Chuwei noticed that everyone stood up, and they waved their hands to cheer for the young ladies on the stage.Many people also swayed their stiff torsos along with the music.

At this time, the camera is sweeping back and forth, collecting footage.

Suddenly, Tan Chuwei, who was sitting in a small corner and was different from everyone else's bustle, appeared on the screen, as if living in another world.

The photographer suddenly remembered that sentence, the excitement is cut off from me.

At this moment, Tan Chuwei was leaning on a chair in the midst of the bustle, with a face full of indifference and being my companion, I am an emotionless killer.

She didn't expect that it was already 12 o'clock in the morning, and the show hadn't finished recording yet, wasn't it just a paddle?This money is really hard to earn.

Swimming belongs to paddling, she still figured out the rules of this show.

Those who get F in the initial rating of this thing will be eliminated directly, so in theory, as long as she paddles on the stage, she will definitely be eliminated, so she can take 10 yuan and travel far away.

The money is also enough to eat and drink for a while.

So it was finally Tan Chuwei's turn to take the stage.

Tan Chuwei attracted a lot of attention as soon as he came on stage.

Man, this is too pretty.You must know that people are visual animals, with a face that defies the sky, even if you haven't done anything, just standing there can gain countless favors.

"Ah, ah, my sister is so beautiful!"

"Sister, I want to give birth to you!!!"

"I think she just has to stand there and she wins!"

I don't know if I was really excited or deliberately took the camera, the following was quiet for a few seconds, and suddenly there was a "riot".

You can shout anything, that's all.

The director looked at the effect with satisfaction, and he said, it has grown like this, and it is the focus of attention wherever it goes.Even in such a talent show with so many beauties, she can outshine the crowd, and the money was well spent.

There is nothing wrong with buying a vase for two installments.

Wait, have a baby?Director Feng suddenly realized, is there something weird mixed in?

The three mentors in the audience also looked at her with smiles, and asked her if she wanted to introduce herself first or perform first. Tan Chuwei chose to perform first.

When Feng Anjing subconsciously looked at the performances in the materials, the smile suddenly froze on her face, a little... strange.

Shen Zui who was next to him was the first to notice. Just as he was about to ask what was wrong, the accompaniment on stage started.

In an instant, he understood why Feng Anjing reacted in this way.

When the accompaniment was played, everyone was dumbfounded, including the three instructors on the stage.

The originally lively atmosphere froze in an instant.

Tan Chuwei on the stage spoke seriously.

"My country and I cannot be separated for a moment.

Wherever I go, a hymn flows out.

I sing of every mountain, I sing of every river.

There is a small village with smoke curling up from the kitchen, and there are ruts on the road. "

The one on the stage was silent for a while, and they all didn't understand the operation of this young lady. Is this another marketing method?
If you want to say that she can't sing well, she has a good voice and the tune is not out of tune, but if you want to say that she can sing well... I feel that there is something wrong.

The photographers in the audience also laughed like crazy. He has been in the industry for so many years, and he has never seen such a song sung on the talent show stage.

Why is this little girl so cute.

The one with the stiffest expression was Director Feng. This...he felt like he bought a one-time song for 10 yuan.

This money... my heart hurts.Director Feng was heartbroken, why did this little girl play cards so out of line.

He has been in the industry for decades, but he has never met anyone who chose this song.He regretted why he hadn't checked everyone's preferred repertoire in advance.

But it's not his fault. A few days before the filming of the show, he was so busy that he tried his best to "deal with" others.

This assistant director is really unreliable!

Assistant Director: You can't blame me, you just say that you don't sing illegally, and that's fine.How much... Guotai Minan, is there something wrong?nothing wrong.

 Quote song info:

  Singer: Big Daddy
  Album: China Hip Hop List


  "My Motherland"

  Lyricist: Zhang Li

  Composer: Qin Yongcheng
  Original Singer: Li Guyi
(End of this chapter)

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