Chapter 3 f equals freedom
The instructors in the audience also changed from bewildered to uncontrollably amused. Such a cute little girl is rare in this circle.

When the performance was over, Tan Chuwei stood in the center of the stage, feeling elated, and a sense of happiness overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Chu Wei?" The first person to speak was the dance instructor Feng Anjing. She is 26 this year. She debuted in the Korean group ten years ago. Later, she returned to China and developed her career.

The program team was also the one who abducted after a lot of effort.

Chuwei is talking about the stage name that Chuwei uses in the program group. Of course, the name on the ID card used to sign the contract, but the stage name is not necessarily the case. It can be said that as long as it is not illegal, it is not a big problem to choose anything.

The girl whose name was called blinked and looked at Feng Jingjing with big bright eyes.

"Introduce yourself first."

"Okay." Tan Chuwei bowed obediently to the audience, and introduced himself in a decent manner following the words of the dozens of trainees in front of him, "Hello everyone, I am Chuwei, a personal trainee. Thanks to the program team for giving me this opportunity to come to this stage." Making money.

Maybe only she and Director Feng can get the last two words without saying it.

Director Feng: My heart aches.

"I see in your profile that the exercise lasted for a month?"


Don't ask, the question is just filled in by the program team.In fact, I didn't practice for 1 minute, I just read the words before going on stage.

"Are there any other talents you want to show? Like dancing musical instruments?" Feng Jingjing seemed to like this little girl very much, and said with a smile.

It is inevitable for Xiao Xinmeng to be nervous on the show for the first time. Feng Jingjing specially reminded that talent show is usually a bonus item in talent shows.

"No, no, I'm not proficient in dancing instruments, so I won't make a fool of myself." Tan Chuwei waved his hands again and again.

Of course, in the future, everyone will be able to see what she means by not being proficient.

Tan Chuwei: Those who can’t play the national rankings are not proficient, is there anything wrong?Is there a problem?no problem.

Hey... life is not easy, let's talk about online entertainment.It's not easy to make money.

"Okay. Then Brother Shen and Brother C, do you have anything to ask?" Unexpectedly, Feng Anjing's smile was still bright.

It's better to be such a little girl, if you are not proficient, you are not proficient. Compared with the previous few who were clearly unable to show their hands, they insisted on showing off. It is much better to see them beat their heads.

Candle flipped through her profile, and she wanted to write down all the weird awards she got, just this little girl, on a thin piece of paper, the key is that there are not many words.

How can he ask?
Shen Zui next to her closed the thin document and suddenly leaned forward slightly, resting her chin on her hand and looking at her with a malicious smile, "Chu Wei, guess what level your rating will be?"

This little girl is quite interesting, and I can't help teasing her.

"F." Tan Chuwei said firmly.

f is equal to free, equal to freedom, equal to being able to take money and run away.Talking about Chu Xiaoguang, he felt happy when he thought about it.

I can't wait to help the tutor announce his ranking.

"As you wish, f." Under Tan Chuwei's expectant comment, Shen Zui announced her ranking.

In an instant, Tan Chu was slightly relieved, and the smile on his face became brighter, "Thank you, Teacher Shen." The little girl bowed, as if the other party was not talking about the worst ranking but the best ranking.

The mentor below laughed even more, and even Candle, who had been sullenly, couldn't help laughing.

"Where did Director Feng abduct this little cutie? It must not have been kidnapped."

"She's really cute."

"Miss sister, if you are kidnapped, you can blink."

There was a lot of laughter below.

Director Feng sighed, resignedly turned on the live broadcast channel of the mobile phone, and flipped through the real-time barrage.My money is wasted like this, it's uncomfortable.

Netizen Xiao Zhao: Hahahahahaha, what the hell is that happy face of Miss Sister, you should be more sober, it is f, not a.

Happy not happy tiger: Director Feng set up the cannon while saying that participating in the show is all voluntary.

Feng Feng: Hahahahaha, the previous one is perfect, be careful that Director Feng will bombard you.

Liu Sheng na na na: Are the current marketing methods so wild?I have to say, woman, you managed to get my attention.

Hanfu is not a costume: I love it, I am a dog with a face, and I can lick it for a year.

Makabaka: Go away, this is my wife, wife, look at me, look at me, I am your long-lost husband~

(End of this chapter)

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