After inheriting billions of dollars, I became popular by showing off

Chapter 64 In the future, my name 1 will definitely appear in textbooks

What I saw lying in the palm of the man was a black hair rope of the most common style.

Tan Chuwei didn't dare to ask for it, so she took one of the unused chopsticks that were given to her just now, and then put her hair into a braid.

Tan Chuwei with a high ponytail is full of youthful atmosphere, but the way he curls his hair is unique.

Seeing that she was too lazy to take care of her and walked out, Fu Siyun took the coat that was on the sofa and followed, "I'll see you."

His car is a black Mercedes-Benz, perhaps because of his identity restriction on the surface, otherwise he wouldn't have such a low-key look in his eyes.

Fortunately, there were still quite a few taxis in front of the hospital. Tan Chuwei raised her hand to stop one and got in. She gave an address.

The driver hesitated a bit, "It's a bit out of the way, I can't get the order to burn the fuel when I come back."

Seeing his dilemma, Tan Chuwei didn't make things difficult for him, "Double, no matter how much, I will pay double, which is equivalent to covering your money back."

"Excellent!" As soon as she finished speaking, the driver kicked the accelerator and went out.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but the master was waiting for her words, as if he gave back too much.

At this moment, Tan Chuwei only felt that he was bleeding, ah, this heartache.

If someone else is present, they will definitely shake her shoulders and tell her, be sober, you are a rich second generation, no, you are a rich second generation according to your father, and you are many generations rich according to your mother. You are very rich!
The second generation of the rich family is 100 million to 1000 million, and the luxury cars under their name are like clouds, and changing cars is like changing shoes. You will feel distressed no matter how you take a car.

Tan Chuwei: Hiss—terrible.

Maybe it was due to environmental factors, she hadn't had much contact with the rich second generation, even the so-called princelings, so she was recruited by them in a daze.

The relatives on the mother's side are all living without eating fireworks, and they look like they want to become immortals. Not to mention, Tan Chuwei is the most ignorant of these things in this life.

Tan Chuwei: Money should be on the cutting edge.

Ludwig: Yes!Money to spend on research!

dawn: Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow! (Money is going to be spent on freeze-dried meat!)
It was Fu Siyun who sent her here when he came. His idea was to send her to the best hospital. Besides, there were no cars at night, so the distance was fine with just a few gas pedals.

When I came back, I took a taxi and agreed to double the price. After Tan Chuwei scanned the QR code and paid, I got out of the car and saw many young ladies walking out with their suitcases.

Those who can stay until today are all familiar faces in the finals.There are also family members, managers and staff who want to pick up people. Everyone greets each other, and Tan Chuwei goes in against the crowd.

At this time, some people came to ask Tan Chuwei if she really didn't plan to sign with the company, saying what was going on with their company, and what she could do after she came back from studying.

Tan Chuwei was about to decline, when another voice came in, "Forget it, he is a pillar of the country. How can he think of us in the entertainment industry." It was obviously a compliment, but Feng Annan said it very awkwardly Son.

"Looking for scolding?" Tan Chuwei was also very straightforward.

Feng Annan, who didn't believe that she would really curse in public, was full of confidence. Surrounded by four or five assistants, she had a lot of confidence.


"It's fake to look down on the entertainment industry, but it's true to look down on you. Not only do I look down on you, but I can't see you." She straightened her back and the height difference between the two suddenly appeared.

"Chuwei, let me see how long you can be so arrogant, the public fans, the traffic will soon forget you." Indeed, many people think that Tan Chuwei's popularity can only be a flash in the pan, let alone she chose to leave the entertainment circle , Without the blessing of traffic, generally speaking, it will be forgotten soon.

But they forget, in general?Sorry, let's talk about Chu Wei is not an ordinary person.

"It's none of your business, at least now there are more people who know me and like me than you. What's more, how can you be sure that I will not be able to let everyone remember my name in the future when I am not in the entertainment circle?
Feng Annan, I am confident that my name will definitely appear in textbooks in the future. "This sentence is not arrogance, but self-confidence.

Confidence comes from learning God.


When she returned to the dormitory, the moment she opened the door, she was greeted with a big bear hug, "Oh! Wei Wei, why did you come back so early?"

Feng Ying was a step too late and didn't hug Tan Chuwei. Every time Tan Chuwei was hugged by a bear, she would silently turn away the "evil bear" to save her.

This time is no exception.

"I thought you guys were leaving first." Tan Chuwei looked at them with some reluctance.

"Are we such heartless people? I'm fine. Manager Feng Ying has been urging me several times. Don't forget that you still owe us a lobster meal. You have to remember that."

"Never forget, never forget. Create a group, and make a phone call when you are free these days."

"When will you leave? How soon will you be back?"

Tan Chuwei was silent for a long time, "I can stay for a month at most, maybe I won't be able to come back in three to five years."

Three to five years... the atmosphere has cooled down.

It was still Feng Yingpo's ice, "Don't forget us when the time comes, otherwise, hehe." She waved her "sandbag-sized" fist to pretend to threaten.

"I feel like you want to punch me, but I have no proof."

"I'll give you five years at most. Five years later, the best and most expensive restaurant in Kyoto will pay for whoever is the best!"


"I don't mind either."

"I wish you all a bright future, and reach the summit in each circle." Finally, after taking a few group photos, everyone went their separate ways.

The future is bright, and the laps reach the top.

It was originally a blessing, but who would have known that it would be true when we meet again five years later.

Tan Chuwei sent Feng Ying and Shen Yue away one after another, and sat alone in the empty dormitory. The person who came to pick him up called and said it would take another hour.

Suddenly, as if she thought of something, she stood up and walked out of the dormitory with her mobile phone.

Although I didn't stay here for a long time, I left a lot of memories here.

Walking all the way to take pictures, the fallen leaves scattered on the streetlights and benches, walking, Tan Chuwei slowed down, and then realized that he had come to this place unconsciously.

She looked at it, took a few steps back, and when she confirmed that the screen could probably fit all of this film, she took a photo of the closed door with her mobile phone, and the moment she pressed the shutter, "Shua"!The door was opened from the inside.

"Crack." Following the "Picture" on the screen, Tan Chu was slightly stunned.

The person who opened the door didn't seem to expect this scene, and was also stunned.

"Liar." Tan Chuwei murmured softly, Liar, you are still here, why are you...

Her raised hand slowly lowered to the side, and the hand holding the mobile phone unconsciously clenched the mobile phone tightly, her fingertips turned white.

Somehow, an indescribable emotion got out of control, and the eye sockets gradually became moist.

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