Sun Quan was no less shocked than she was. The two just stood there, looking at each other from a distance, "I, come back and get something."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to show a beautifully packaged box in his hand.Walk out of the room two steps forward, turn around and close the door. "I thought you were gone."

As he said that, he walked towards this side. For some reason, Tan Chuwei's subconscious reaction was to turn around and leave, "Not yet." She swallowed and avoided his gaze.

"Gift, congratulations on your No.1." The man stood in front of her, holding the small box in both hands.

Tan Chuwei looked at him and then at the box, trying to read something else from his face, but there was nothing, nothing. "I thought we wouldn't see each other anytime soon."

The forced smile on Sun Quan's face froze, "Why, what?"

After she finished speaking, she still accepted the gift, "I thought you would avoid me until I left."

"Why do you think so?"

"I don't know." She lowered her head and looked at the box, "C's watch? This year's limited edition."

She didn't open it at all, just looked at the box and told what was inside. 27 watches, "You are quite generous to your sister, 27 will be given away if you say so."

Knowing that she was still angry, Sun Quan touched his nose, why did it sound strange.

"Lao Tan bought this watch for me when it first came out, and I'm tired of wearing it." Tan Chuwei handed the box back to him, "I'm leaving first, someone is waiting for me." After finishing speaking, she turned around and was about to leave .

"Wei Wei." The man called her from behind, "I'm sorry."

Tan Chuwei paused, taking advantage of this pause, the man was already in front of him again. "Why do you apologize to me? Because you don't like me and don't accept my confession? Sun Quan, it's not your fault, you don't need to apologize."

Knowing that he did this just to repair the relationship between them and go back to the past, but Tan Chuwei felt very wronged and apologized to me?Are you going to apologize to me just because you don't like me?

"That's not what I meant. Wei Wei, I'm not good enough for you, it's already mine to be your brother."

"Whether you deserve it or not is up to me. Sun Quan, stay away from me. Please stay away from me in the future. I am not very lucky. When I like him, the person I like is just I don't like me, it's pretty bad, so stay away from me, so as not to infect you." Tan Chu smiled a little self-deprecatingly, because he had a fever before, and now his complexion is not very good.

Just, pretty unlucky. "But it doesn't matter too much. After all, life is not only about being in love. There are still many things waiting for me, such as finishing school, completing drug research, etc. I am very busy.

You are also very busy, busy with running the company, busy with your career, and you will be busy with getting married and having children in the future.But all this seems to have nothing to do with me.

Sun Quan. "She called him suddenly, then raised her head slightly and looked directly at him.

"I am here." It was the familiar phrase "I am here" again.

Tan Chuwei took another step forward, and then stretched out her hand to hug him. It was still a touch, just like the last hug.

The difference is that the last hug was the breeding of feelings, this time it is the end.

Then she stepped back to create a distance between the two of them, about the distance that Tan Chuwei stretched out his hand and his fingertips could almost touch him. "Thank you very much for helping me during this time.

If you want to get married in the future, you must send me an invitation card, and I will definitely fly back to meet you, and see what the girl who can make your heart beat is like. "

I don't accept it, but no matter how much I refuse to accept it, I still lose, a crushing defeat.

"There won't be that day." The man said firmly.



Looking at her leaving back, he held the undelivered gift in his hand and cursed himself in his heart.

There are countless moments when he wants to hug her, tell her that there will be no one else who doesn't know, it's just you or there is no one, tell her that not only your heart is beating, but mine is also beating crazily.

But reason told him that he couldn't.

Perhaps because of inferiority complex, Sun Quan felt that no matter how much he was not good enough for her, she should have the best.

The current self has become glamorous on the surface, but in fact he is still the same in his bones.

How do they match up?She is Mr. Tan's only daughter, the rose she holds in her palm. She has been pampered and raised since she was a child. She is a genius and the number one figure in the future medical field.

And what about myself?It looks glamorous on the surface, but it's all because of meeting Mr. Tan, and it's all given by Mr. Tan. If Mr. Tan didn't exist, what would he be doing now?
Suspend school or even drop out early, and even a slightly better formal unit will not want him, moving sand and bricks?Or continue to fight with black fists?

Sun Quan looked arrogant and arrogant outside, but facing Tan Chuwei, he had always been inferior. He was inferior to being an illegitimate child.

She is too shining and brilliant, like a little sun, a rising sun, and she is nothing.

If Tan Chuwei is emotional, then Sun Quan is too rational, so rational that he wants to suppress his emotion.

I thought that we would have to talk about the general manager's birthday banquet to see her again, but I didn't expect to see her this time, just like the first time, from this screen in his office.

On the screen is a variety show that is also very popular recently, invested by Shenghuang.

On the screen, a man and a woman are said to come to this mountain hut.

Tan Chuwei, who had done research before coming here, was still very nervous.

There are four permanent guests, two men and two women, the key is whether the two men, two women or two couples.

The four of them live in this mountain like a fairy couple.

In the barrage, Shimmer looked like it was Chinese New Year.

I love you all my life: I have been looking forward to it for many days, and Chu Chuzi finally came.

Hahaha_aD: Wow, it’s only been a few days, I feel like it’s been a year, I’ve replayed "Total Idol" many times, and I can’t get tired of Chu Chuzi’s flourishing beauty.

Huahuohan: Same, I saved the stage of Hatsuko and replayed it repeatedly.

20221123055040323: Does anyone think that Chu Wei and Si Yingdi are a good match?
The cp I knocked on is true: me, me, me, I feel it too.When I was in "National Idol", I felt that the two of them standing together were simply amazing.

Si Sikang: The actor Si said that he would concentrate on his career and not fall in love for the time being, and refused to be bound.

Yixiu: I also think Chu Chuzi is still beautiful. What kind of man do you want? The suit of the sister in "Bloody Love Story" is crazy.

On that stage back then, how many fans turned from mothers to girlfriends, just stood in front of the film king in that suit, and there was no distinction between top and bottom.

Sister, I can!Gu numb!
This is a very life program, which is to eat, drink, cook, complete some small tasks and go to the program group to change the ingredients.

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