Chapter 83 Praise?

A few days ago, I don’t know which family’s unworthy descendants came out of the bar drunk, and the others came out a few steps later. As soon as they came out, they saw him get into the driver’s seat of their own car and started the car in a daze. This scared the others. When I was just starting out, taking advantage of the slow speed, I was accompanied by a friend who was allergic to alcohol and did not drink, and was directly stopped by someone.

How dare you drink and drive?Damn, people on the same road are easy to be yelled at by you. If you get on the road, no matter whether there is an accident or not, your family will find out, let alone cover up, you definitely don’t want to send them to the police station. , When the police station comes back, it is a one-stop service of card suspension and confinement.

Those old men couldn't tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes. They would rather have one less cub than a crooked one.

Therefore, it’s not that if you have money, you can do whatever you want. People at the top of the pyramid can cover the sky with one hand, but they don’t overshadow the law. On the contrary, their family education and family rules and thinking are based on national laws and regulations.

After all, the law is not a passing line, let alone a standard line, but the bottom line, and it is also the dividing line between humans and animals.

Those who have a little money and think they can be higher than the law and don't pay attention to anything are inferior to animals.


Looking at the news in the group, it was obvious that there were only two people, but they acted like a mighty army.

She smiled, exuding softness and gentleness all over her body, which made some people already start to move.

Tan Chuwei, who was looking at the phone, didn't notice this.

Chuwei: How about making an apology to the two of you for the feast tomorrow?

Seeing her finally appear, the news in the group slowed down a lot.

Shen Yue: I will give you a good meal!
Feng Ying: Calm down, don't forget that this is your benefactor.

Shen Yue: Shit, I'm not familiar with this setting yet, so change it, definitely change it, and change it after dinner.

Tan Chuwei: Eat!Big meals are a must.

Shen Yue: Some netizens said that your set of seemingly low-key diamond accessories actually cost several million?Really?

ah?Tan Chu, who had just put down the wine glass and rubbed the tassel chain of the necklace with his index finger and thumb very empty-handed, paused slightly, looked down at his necklace, and picked a style that he thought was not exaggerated. Is the price so exaggerated?

Concentrated essence?
Chu Wei: I really don’t know about it, I just chose a good match.

Shen Yue: Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that wealthy families never consider the price, they only care about whether the skirt matches well.

Feng Ying: Do you suddenly feel that it is still a bit heavy?After all, it's a suite.

Tan Chuwei: It feels a little heavy, and the neck suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.

This wasn't just her mouth talking. When Tan Chuwei learned that the price of this small chain was so high, Tan Chuwei immediately put down her boring hand just now. It seemed that at this moment, the originally slender and light chain became a bit heavy. , which is amazing.

"Hi Miss Tan, do you remember me?"

Hearing the voice, Tan Chu raised his head slightly, only to see a man and a woman standing in front of him, the woman had no impression, but the man looked familiar.

"The boxing one." The man reminded her without any impression.

After being reminded, Tan Chuwei remembered, "Feng... Shaoyu?"

Hearing that she could call out his own name, the man was flattered and smiled brightly, "Yes, yes, Miss Tan still remembers my name."

The woman next to him, it should be said that the little girl looked very excited, "Chu Chuzi, I'm Feng Qiao, I met you outside the lounge last time. I, I'm your fan, wait and give me an autograph ?"

fan?Tan Chuwei's eyes lit up, and his detached expression changed, "Hello."

"You are so beautiful. You look much better in real life than on TV." Feng Qiao looked at her from a close distance, and the sense of happiness from being overwhelmed by beauty almost made her dizzy.

It seemed familiar last time, but I didn't expect that it was really her master.


Mom, how can Chu Chuzi be so good-looking, those black fans are always asking for trouble, saying that Chu Chuzi is wearing makeup or a filter, so they should take a photo and wash the photo hundreds of times to take pictures of their faces.

Damn, can you talk, can't talk, go up the mountain to dig wild vegetables.

For some reason, Tan Chuwei looked at her fans as if they were wearing a filter. This little girl is so cute, she couldn't help but smile.

"Chu Chuzi, you said in the support club that you would go back to school to finish your studies. Everyone is guessing how long it will take you to graduate and whether you will continue to study." Feng Qiao blinked her starry eyes, her face full of admiration.

"I will graduate next year, and now I will choose to continue my studies, and I have already got a recommended place."

God, isn't that a 24-year-old postdoctoral fellow?
It's so terrifying, help me, how can I be a fan of a fairy, "Chu Chuzi, you are really a cow cough cough." The latter word was stopped by her only remaining rationality.

How can you say such words in front of fairies!But it's really nb, ah, huh, but I am uneducated, and I can break through the world with a word of nb.

Seeing that he suddenly couldn't get in the mouth, Feng Shaoyu felt a sense of regret, regretting why he brought his own sister here, well, this wave of her presence was directly filled.

"Chu Chuzi, can I add you on WeChat? It will never spread, and I won't disturb you. I just want to peep at the screen once in a while and see the circle of friends shared by Chu Chuzi." She took out her phone and raised her hands to her chest. The phone with the screen turned on face up.

On the screen of the phone is his QR code business card.

It seems to be "premeditated".

In the same circle, there is such a cute little girl again, plus!Tan Chuwei added WeChat without saying a word.

Seeing that she got the idol's WeChat so smoothly, Feng Qiao was so happy that she couldn't speak. If it wasn't for the limited clothing and the fear of scaring the idol, she could not wait to give her a bear hug at this time.

Originally attracted by her beauty, Tan Chuwei was just an idol of her fans at that time, and later her identity was gradually exposed, the aura of excellence, knowledge, background, etc. was added one by one, and the idol changed suddenly Quality directly became an idol.

This is the idol that young people should adore, three views are upright, excellent to the limit, why don't you be a fan of this kind of fan?Fans of those things whose three views are eaten by dogs and their brains are not normal?Whoever fans those things, I will laugh at him for the rest of my life.

Recently, there was a cosplay du Xiao who got out of the circle and was written by a young fan girl to say that he loves du Xiao. Damn, just looking at it makes me angry.

This kind of person should be stuffed back into the mother's womb and remade. No, it should be stuffed into the cremation furnace and burned. After burning, it will probably stick to the furnace.

Adoring owls or even singing praises?Brain eaten by yourself?If you were born a few years earlier, Lin Zexu should have destroyed you when he sold cigarettes in Humen. Damn it, it would be bad luck to breathe the same air with this kind of person.

This is an outrageous level that even Du Xiao can laugh at.

I don't know what the anti-narcotics police who saw their wives and children who were skinned and boned would think of this, and what the families of heroes who lost their loved ones would think.

You don't praise their strength and bravery, you don't praise their selfless dedication to go forward, you go to praise the owl?
Faced with those cruel photos, blood-stained police uniforms, unbearable text descriptions, their unrecognizable appearances, and even their limbs that cannot be put together, do you really have a heart?

(End of this chapter)

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