The two were quickly called away by other companions, and Tan Chuwei stood happily in the corner quietly.She swiped Weibo, and a trending search was quickly posted.

It is an online book that involves distorted three views and praises Du Xiao. He was named and criticized, but there are still many little fans defending him in the hot search, and even praising Du Xiao's affection.

To be honest, Tan Chuwei has read a lot of novels in recent years, but he has always avoided such novels, so he has never read this novel that is said to be very popular and even published.

Seeing the hot search this time, she went to search for this article, and before she clicked on it, she saw that some enthusiastic netizens had already summarized the content. Tan Chuwei just scanned a few lines and quickly clicked to close.

What is this called? This is called emergency avoidance.

It's hard to imagine that such a novel could pass the review and even be published as a book for sale. Because of her bad influence and the high popularity of the novel, it was named and criticized.

In China, almost every day, an anti-drug police officer dies in the line of duty. Their life expectancy is 32.5 years lower than the average life expectancy in China.

The youngest of them is only 18 years old, the age when he should be studying at school and chasing idol dramas with the support of his parents.

The oldest one, 68 years old, was supposed to enjoy his old age and enjoy family happiness, but he died on the road of drug control because he became an anti-drug policeman.

An anti-narcotics policeman with the pseudonym Li Xiong was tortured by a drug lord after he was caught by a drug lord. During more than 45 hours, five of his ribs were crushed with a blunt instrument, and two of his legs were below the knee. She was skinned and fleshed, her nose was cut off by a knife, two eyeballs were smashed, her jaw was crushed by a blunt instrument, eight fingers were chopped off, and the final fatal injury was a blunt depression in the skull.

The most cruel thing is that during the whole torture process, he couldn't pass out from the pain because he was given a lot of sober drugs by the drug dealer.

An anti-drug police officer met his son by chance and was brutally murdered by drug dealers after the child called him "Daddy".It sounds like a magical story that only exists in novels, but it happened in real life.The real name of this policeman cannot even be known, and the cause of death can only be summarized as "died in line of duty".Internationally, June 6th is designed as the "International Anti-drug Day" to commemorate those heroes who died in the fight against drugs.

As for du xiao, why is he praised by others?Because of the wealth accumulated by their manufacturers and dealers?Because of the forced stories and the so-called affection in the novel?

Those villains standing on the corpses, when they met some saints who were moved outside the story, their evil deeds became personality and became cool?Their love began to be praised, and their energy and bloody life were yearned for?

Boys and girls who were born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze have been tortured to this point. Their hearts are no longer pure and they no longer yearn for the light and the five-pointed star. They have become extremely disgusting.

Tan Chuwei couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, he just felt chills for the martyrs and heroes.

A virtual existence can distort the three views of so many people, have they read the country's nine-year compulsory education into the stomach of dogs?


The few people who wanted to strike up a conversation just now looked at this side and were eager to move, but seeing the increasingly serious expression on this man's face, no one dared to step forward.

Sun Quan, who has been paying attention to this side, feels that the situation is not right, and Zhou Xuan, who has ended the relationship with a few old foxes ahead of schedule, walks here.

"what happened?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Tan Chuwei put away his phone, "It's nothing."

The smile on her face had long since disappeared. She looked at Sun Quan, "You just left those few? Are they okay?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of him being surrounded by several old foxes, and she didn't need to guess to know that he must be inquiring about Tan Yan's airborne landing.

Tan Chuwei also didn't understand this matter, but he didn't ask too much. Old Tan has his own way of weighing the pros and cons.

What has been confirmed is that Tan Yan's arrival will definitely have an impact on Sun Quan. Sun Quan will definitely face the situation of being divided.

Some people even said behind their backs that Tan Yan is here, maybe Sun Quan has to change his real name back, what is his real name?Can't remember, who cares.

"It's nothing more than asking for news around me. If you get the news you want, you will let me go." Sun Quan stood beside him, seemingly not paying attention.

Hearing this, Tan Chuwei couldn't help but look at him, "You..."

She hesitated to speak, not knowing what position to ask this question from.

friend?Does it count?
The boss' daughter?Outrageous.

Who is Sun Quan, with eight hundred minds, he can guess the general idea at the beginning of her side, "What's wrong with me?"

"It's okay." She shook her head and chose to shut up.

If you shouldn't ask, it's better to keep your mouth shut.

"when are we leaving?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"Come back for Chinese New Year?"


The two just chatted together.

After a while, there was a commotion in the venue. The two looked at the same time, and it was Lao Tan who had entered the venue.

As the birthday star and also as the object that everyone wants to get along with, as soon as the old talk comes in, no matter what they are doing, people will gather there.

Seeing the excitement over there, Tan Chu slightly clicked his tongue. Old Tan was most annoyed by such a scene. She was a little surprised when she heard him say that he was going to hold a birthday party.

Tan Chuwei basically didn't know the guests in this room, it seems that there was no one from Fu's family today.

It shouldn't be, is it already bankrupt? "The Fu family has gone bankrupt?" Tan Chu asked slightly.

It was only then that Sun Quan realized that Mrs. Fu was not there, "I sent out the invitation card, so it should be reasonable to come. I didn't even notice if you didn't tell me."

It seems that she cares about the Fu family, is she concerned about the Fu family or some people?

It won't really go bankrupt, tsk tsk tsk, right?Not really, Fu Siyun, as a film star, should have a lot of private property, unless the uncle of the Fu family really paid for the entire Fu family.

That's really interesting.She looked at the group of people with interest, and suddenly met Lao Tan's eyes.

For some reason, suddenly a little flustered?

Yes, it was flustered. Lao Tan smiled at her and walked straight to the stage.

"Thank you all for coming to my birthday party." Maybe it's because I'm old-fashioned, I don't want to say that my 50th birthday is a birthday party. "Today's guests are all Tan's business partners. The only daughter is officially introduced to everyone."

After finishing speaking, he looked this way and nodded slightly at her, "Wei Wei, come."

Suddenly being called Wei Wei, Tan Chuwei didn't realize it all at once, and Tan Chuwei always called her Wan Wan on weekdays, and this seemed to be the first time she was called Wei Wei.

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