Chapter 303
I saw that in the center of Guan Mingxin's dantian, where the Holy Bead of Hooligans had been, had been replaced by a black sesame seed-sized sphere.

And the chaotic holy bead that devoured the mysterious ball brought by the puppet clone, so that its volume soared more than twice, is slowly rotating around the black sphere, and most of the milky white light spots that are constantly escaping from it enter The black sphere was removed, and a small part continued to circulate in the tendons, slowly lifting Guan Mingxin's body.

When his consciousness touched the black sphere, Guan Mingxin realized that it was not solid.

Its interior is a gray and extremely small space.

Although the entire space is filled with silver-gray gas, one can still clearly see the difference between the upper and lower opposite areas next to the black sphere barrier.

The lower part was darkened black, and the top was white tinged with a light gray.

Seeing this scene, Guan Ming immediately thought of the changes in the exercises.

When logging into the "Miracle" game in the original Xinghan world, the master who was an apprentice in the "Miracle" game world by accident once said that when the "Wanxiang Jue" she passed to Guan Mingxin is practiced to the extreme, a space will appear.

Guan Ming suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and an extremely intense surprise filled his heart, and he couldn't calm down at all!
If I didn't guess wrong, that black sphere is the creation space that I cultivated from practicing the "Wanxiang Jue"!

Thinking about it now, the energy in the dantian of the puppet clone finally formed a silver-gray air current due to the fusion of skills in the state of epiphany, which should be the chaotic air artificially cultivated through the "Wanxiang Jue".

Although it is artificially cultivated, the basic characteristics of Primal Chaos Qi are still preserved.

Chaos can evolve all things, create the world, and open up chaos. The light and clear things go up to the sky, and the turbid and heavy things go down to the earth.

Later, after merging with the real body, this strand of chaotic energy naturally also entered the real body's dantian.

Perhaps with the help of the evolved Chaos Sacred Orb, a space was actually created out of thin air in Guan Mingxin's dantian, that is, the black sphere!

Even though the internal space of the black sphere in Guan Mingxin's dantian is extremely small, it has already shown polarization. Although it has not been completely separated, the change of color is enough to prove it.

Don't look at Guan Mingxin's extraordinary Vientiane Dimension, but it didn't come from self-cultivation, so he lacked an artificial sense of accomplishment.

After the excitement, Guan Mingxin also noticed something was wrong.

According to the experience taught by Master Master, I have not broken through the Qi refining stage and have reached the level of Yuan Wu's entry-level cultivation to create a space for creation in the body. It is logically impossible for there to be a space for creation.

But the black sphere in the dantian clearly shows that the fact is exactly the opposite!

On the basis of being still in the body tempering period, I have successfully cultivated the creation space!

With the improvement of cultivation base, the creation space should also continue to evolve until the division of heaven and earth is completely formed.

In the future, while the cultivation base is constantly improving, the good fortune space should also evolve along with it. First, the area will expand, and second, it can collect and store non-vital objects, and then it can accommodate living things, planting, breeding...

One day, this space of creation of mine will surely evolve into a real world, self-sufficient, evolve all creatures, have its own complete rules, and become a complete small world!
If other people knew what Guan Mingxin was thinking, they would probably be ridiculed and scorned at first, but when they calmed down, they would inevitably become greedy for her cultivation skills.

Although, at first they thought that Guan Mingxin's idea was completely crazy and whimsical.

But after a while, he would guess that since Guan Mingxin had such an idea, there must be room for creation.

What kind of exercises can actually create a space for creation in the dantian out of thin air? !
Could it be a god-level skill?
How can such a skill be possessed by a little cub?
No, it has to be mine!


It was precisely because of this concern, not to mention the cheap eldest brother Xuanyuan Yunyan who was by his side temporarily, even Guan Mingchen, his own brother, and other relatives and blood servants, Guan Mingxin planned to hide it.

However, concealment is concealment, but they can be reminded to find Master's sect, the Vientiane Sect.

Anyway, the world where the Wanxiang Sect is located has been integrated into the New Hundred Wars Realm by Xintiandao.

It is beyond Guan Mingxin's ability to know which level of space it is in.

After all, when I first met Master Shizun in the "Miracle" game world, Master Shizun was not in the Wanxiang sect, but a tiny village in a backcountry very far away.

Moreover, when teaching Guan Mingxin the inheritance of the Wanxiang Sect, it was not just intentional or unintentional that he did not tell Guan Mingxin the address of the Wanxiang Sect.

It is precisely because of this that what Guan Mingxin would reveal to his relatives, blood servants, and his elder brother Xuanyuan Yunyan was only the name of the Wanxiang Sect sect, plus a plausible news that the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect could cultivate the inner space.

At that time, whether they can find the Wanxiang sect and get the inheritance will only depend on their own chances.

As for the "Nine Turns of Chaos Good Fortune Jue" after the fusion of "Wanxiang Jue", although strictly speaking it is not the inheritance of the Wanxiang sect, even if it is passed on to others, it cannot be said to be a betrayal of the master.

But that was Guan Mingxin's natal exercise, unless it was absolutely necessary, Guan Mingxin didn't want anyone to know about it.

Besides, because the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao voluntarily fused her own blood with Guan Mingxin, she and her elder brother Xuanyuan Yunyan had the blood of the Xuanyuan clan flowing in their bodies, which included the "Nine Nine" before the promotion. A practice very similar to the simplified version of Zhuan Chaos Fortune Jue, called "Nine Transformations Fortune Jue".

As long as the concentration of Xuanyuan Yunyan's inherited blood increases to a certain level, he can obtain the "Nine Transformations of Good Fortune".

Even though the "Nine Turns of Good Fortune Jue" is only comparable to the simplified version of the "Nine Turns of Chaos Good Fortune Jue" before it was promoted, but its level of skills is at least the immortal level, and it is not a big deal.

Even the Guan family, where the reborn ultimate villain Guan Mingchen belongs, does not have the skills passed down compared to the "Nine Transformations of Good Fortune".

It is precisely because of knowing this secret that Guan Mingxin can hide the secret of his cultivation from Xuanyuan Yunyan with peace of mind.

After all, he is just a cheap elder brother, not a real close relative.

To put it bluntly, you still have to rely on yourself to practice all the way...

After finally suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his mind, Guan Mingxin thought of his previous "epiphany" again, and he could only rejoice that it happened to be the first day of the weekend weekend, and he didn't have to face the mysterious teacher Lan who saved him right away, which is great!

After two days, Guan Mingxin believed that he could face this "lifesaver" quite calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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