Chapter 304 Miracle Trial Space
Although the original Xinghan world was divided into different regions by Xintiandao and placed in the other eight domains except the Xianyuan domain, the Manduoya Children's College where Guan Mingxin is located has not been split up.

Naturally, Guan Mingxin had to face what he had to face.

But at this moment, just because Guan Mingxin learned the truth about the formation of the New Hundred Wars World and the fact that he retained his memory, when his mood fluctuated very strongly, he found that there was something wrong with his cultivation after the mutation. The method "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" has been promoted, and has also obtained a new inheritance. What is even more unbelievable is that he actually cultivated the space of good fortune during the body quenching period!

After coming and going, Guan Mingxin couldn't calm down at all.

In her current state, she definitely couldn't hide her thoughts from outsiders.

Not to mention Teacher Lan, who was embarrassed to face him, even the people around him were reluctant to meet him for the time being.

Just the strong emotional fluctuations that need to be repressed from time to time at that time, it is not easy to see outsiders.

If someone catches something and brings trouble or even crisis to oneself, it will be very bad!
Thinking of this, Guan Ming's heart shivered abruptly. She decided to stay in her bedroom for the next two days and not go out!
Guan Mingxin would not gamble with other people's character on those illusory trusts.

After all, the natal exercise "Nine Turns Chaos Good Fortune Jue" after his promotion is too mysterious, and even contains laws!
As for the Creation Space, that is even more unbelievable existence!

At least, whether it is the original Xinghan world or the Baizhan world, except for those races that are born with accompanying space, Guan Mingxin has never heard of any method that can artificially cultivate the space in the body.

It's not that no cultivators have tried it with their brains open, but without exception, they all failed.

After countless failures, the cultivation circles of the two worlds have reached a consensus: it is impossible to artificially cultivate the space in the body out of thin air!
They gave up completely, and then turned their attention to refining the existing space. Whether it is formed naturally or artificially refined through casting techniques, they are all working hard to have a portable space that belongs to them alone...

I believe that even in today's New Hundred Wars World, it should be the same situation.

Maybe, apart from Guan Mingxin's advanced "Nine Turns Chaos Good Fortune Jue", the Wanxiang Sect's "Wanxiang Jue", which is unknown somewhere, is the incomparably precious one!

Leaving aside the upgraded "Nine-Turn Chaos Creation Jue" and the Creation Space, Guan Mingxin's newly acquired four inheritance books of the auxiliary cultivation system are enough to cause a sensation in the cultivation world!
Guan Ming doesn't want to think about how much Xuanyuan Yunyan, the cheap elder brother, loves him, and he doesn't want to test the character of the two new friends He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang who automatically sent to the door.

I can't afford to gamble!

Guan Mingxin didn't dare to gamble at all, he could only try his best to use time to calm down his mind completely, so that no matter in front of any creature, no matter whether his spiritual intelligence was activated or not, when talking about any topic of cultivation, there would be no abnormal fluctuations in his mind The situation is considered safe for the time being.

Although Guan Mingxin is not the kind of person who would block the inheritance content of non-major exercises that he has obtained, he still has to ensure his own safety before spreading it to outsiders.

Only when you are safe can you think about other things.

And for a long period of time in the future, before his cultivation is strong enough to deal with everything, Guan Mingxin can only completely conceal his chance, in order to maintain the existing family relationship and "friendship", and life will continue to be ordinary, without extra Trouble is coming.

With this thought in mind, Guan Ming felt again that he was in a state of ignorance and a mess of mind when he had an epiphany in the classroom and when he was taken back to the dormitory after being unconscious due to lack of energy and woke up. Thank you very much!
Suppressing his mixed emotions again, Guan Ming worriedly released his spiritual sense to check the situation of the three roommates.

Seeing that the three of them were sleeping dimly and without any abnormality, Guan Mingxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but still left a trace of consciousness on their bedroom door, as long as they woke up and opened the door, he would know.

The reason why he didn't use mental power of the same energy level as his spiritual sense was because he was afraid of being caught by them.

Now that Guan Mingxin has obtained a heaven-defying opportunity, the surprise has passed, and the rest is panic like a frightened bird.

No, she has subconsciously taken vigilant precautions in her actions.

Although he was a little too cautious, if he didn't do this, Guan Ming couldn't feel at ease.

I'm afraid that my ups and downs will be captured by others.

It's really a successful example of scaring yourself!
With a back hand, Guan Mingxin finally relieved his nervousness a little, and then lay down on the bed, ready to enter the Miracle Trial Space.

I have already learned through Wuji before that the New Hundred Wars World has retained all the settings of the original Xinghan World's virtual holographic online game "Miracle", and even added an extra layer of legal protection on top of it.

It's just that the public said that the game has been turned into a trial space, and the name "Miracle" has been retained. The current full name is "Miracle Trial Space", and the original players have become "Trialists." ".

The medium to enter the Miracle Trial Space is still a function similar to the original Xinghan world's personal optical brain Yuanxun magic weapon, but whether this function is loaded or not depends on whether the owner of the Yuanxun magic weapon has that The opportunity has been obtained.

There are also two ways to enter the Miracle Trial Space.

One is to transform into a virtual body by means of spiritual consciousness or spiritual power.

Second, the real body has entered.

The former is the unified default entry method, while the latter needs to meet certain conditions to trigger this option.

In terms of safety, even if the former encounters an accident in the Miracle Trial Space, it will basically not affect the real body.

The latter, however, is no different from reality, if you are injured, you are really injured.

Of course, death is also real death.

Because of the different ways of entering, the Miracle Trial Space is actually divided into two parts, one is a fantasy space with 100% fidelity, and the other is a real space.

Whether it is the fantasy space or the real space, it covers all places in the New Hundred Wars World.

And no matter how high the original cultivation level of the tester is, once he enters the Miracle Trial Space, it will all return to zero.

This has led to the fact that the testers basically uniformly start the test from the lowest space.

Of course, some people with extraordinary luck are likely to break this setting and become special cases.

It is worth mentioning that Xintiandao did not openly publicize the Miracle Trial Space and spread it throughout the New Hundred Wars World in the original Xinghan World, which is similar to the Xingwang Magic Realm.

Instead, it still remains in those areas of the original Xinghan world, but the original game nutrition cabins are all erased by the rules.

That's why Guan Mingxin didn't lie down in the game nutrition cabin as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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