Chapter 305 Promise Takes Action

As for why the game nutrition cabin was erased, Guan Mingxin guessed that it was because Xintiandao wanted to be fair to other creatures while taking care of the natives of the original Xinghan world.

Because, without the game nutrition cabin, even if the natives of the original Xinghan world can still log in to the "Miracle" game like before, they can enter the miracle trial space one step earlier than other creatures in the new battle world. Before the golden elixir period when one can fully fast the valley, one will no longer have the capital to immerse himself in the miracle trial space for a long time.

What's more, before the accident happened, the original Xinghan World's "Miracle" game was officially launched to the world's intelligent races, and it was less than a month.

In such a short period of time, they haven't even completed the basic exploration of the "Miracle" game, let alone achieved much achievement.

As for other people in the New Hundred Wars World who want to know and enter the Miracle Trial Space, they can only go through the natives of the original Xinghan World.

I believe that the natives of the original Xinghan world who are used to Xingwang will inevitably complain about the Miracle Trial Space on the Yuanneng Illusory Domain.

As long as someone complains, it will definitely be discovered by others.

Of course, there are exceptions.

The Guan family and the blood servants who Guan Mingxin had presented as a gift of the Magic Sky Bracelet were.

Regardless of whether they discovered it or not, Wuji secretly tampered with the Magic Sky Bracelet, loading it with the function of entering the Miracle Trial Space.

In addition, compared to the original virtual holographic online game "Miracle", there is no other change in the miracle trial space today.

It is precisely because he knows that the Miracle Trial Space can still operate normally, Guan Mingxin also thinks that there should be no problem entering the Miracle Trial Space now, so he wants to go to the Miracle Trial Space to relax.

However, accidents always appear when they are caught off guard!
At this moment, Wuji, who thought he was going to sleep and practice again, suddenly made a move!
A strong and irresistible pulling force suddenly activated, starting from the core of the soul, rushing out of the sea of ​​consciousness, along the meridian, straight into the dantian, grabbing the "creational space" that Guan Mingxin had just cultivated, and immediately pulling the "creational space" Withdraw the original core of the soul like lightning!

The tearing pain was postponed for a moment before it erupted. The extreme pain that pierced her heart made Guan Mingxin lose all strength immediately. Before she could react, she passed out because she couldn't bear the pain. ...

When she finally regained consciousness, she found that the connection with Wuji was temporarily cut off.

Even the Vientiane space under Wuyou control, which could not be opened temporarily because I cheated myself, disappeared together.

But even so, Guan Mingxin did not suspect Wuji's evil intentions.Since Wuji acted without his own consent, it means that there are hidden dangers in the "Space of Creation" that he cannot detect.

And the situation is very bad, maybe once this opportunity is missed, the hidden dangers will never be dealt with again.

Wuji's sudden attack also sounded a wake-up call for Guan Mingxin.

Insufficient strength should not expose the difference. Guan Mingxin decided to use his spiritual power as much as possible in the future, and never use his spiritual consciousness unless it is absolutely necessary.

No matter where you are, even in the Miracle Trial Space!
Anyway, now Yuan Wu Dao is dominant in the New Hundred Wars Realm. Before he fades into immortality, his spiritual power is equivalent to the spiritual consciousness in the original cultivation system.

Guan Mingxin believes that in the New Hundred Wars World, practitioners who only have spiritual power or spiritual knowledge definitely occupy the majority.

Before myself, I was still a little flustered...

After introspecting for a while, Guan Ming couldn't help but be sincerely thankful that he had Wuji, his lifelong partner, by his side.

Moreover, after experiencing this accident led by Wu Ji, Guan Mingxin's mood, which had been ups and downs before, had completely calmed down, and his mind was clear.

Guan Mingxin curled the corners of her lips in a self-deprecating manner. She was lying on the bed at this moment, and she simply put aside all thoughts and directly entered the Miracle Trial Space.

This time, it was still Guan Mingxin's real body who entered, and she clearly felt the energy fluctuations when switching between two different spaces.

As the reminder sounded in the Miracle Trial Space, Guan Mingxin's body appeared in another space - in the lowest space of the New Hundred Wars World, in a small border country named Tang Linguo. A small village in China, Minglan Village.

Guan Mingxin still remembered that he was on the recliner in the backyard before he went offline.

But when I went online this time, I found that I was lying on the big bed in the only bedroom in the shop.

I have slept in this bed before, but it was only a few exceptions when Master Shizun didn't have time to accompany Xiao Dan'er who was sleeping soundly.

The last time Guan Mingxin went offline, he went to lie down on the recliner in the backyard before exiting the original virtual holographic online game "Miracle".

On the premise that Wuji has confirmed that the internal rules and settings of the current Miracle Trial Space are consistent with the original "Miracle" game, he should still be on the recliner in the backyard after logging online.

After thinking about it, Guan Mingxin couldn't think of anyone else who could move the phantom (the original player character) who fell into a deep sleep after being offline, except Master Shizun.

She didn't care about carefully perceiving the details of the fusion of her body and phantom body, and suddenly felt an inexplicable panic in her heart.

Guan Mingxin, who was in a hurry to get out of bed and look around for Master, forgot that his body hadn't fully adapted to the current state, and suddenly his body became uncoordinated.

I couldn't bear to look directly at that movement, even crawling with the gun, slamming left and right, I was stunned to have a bulge on my forehead, and I was blushing.

Even the gray linen clothes and trousers with game special effects hidden on his body, after a few times of tossing, showed a sense of dilapidation and desolation, and there was no trace of the aristocratic charm that flowed out inadvertently. Demeanor!

But Guan Mingxin couldn't care less about these minutiae at this time. After looking through the entire store and the backyard, but without any desired results, he finally returned to the bedroom where he was when he went online.

Looking around, when his eyes swept over the round table emitting faint sandalwood, he froze.

The neatly arranged familiar things on the round table are clearly the quest items that I spent seven days making meeting gifts in exchange for - the tokens of the NPCs of the Minglan village aborigines!

On the top of the keepsakes are two emerald green bracelets, a piece of letterhead, a piece of white jade, and a simple and dull black ring.

Guan Mingxin suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be... Could it be...

Guan Mingxin shook his head, trying to shake that guess away.

But the more this happened, the more panic I felt.

(End of this chapter)

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