Logically speaking, the reorganized New Hundred Battles World should no longer retain these newsletters.

But I don't know what the Taling of the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda, who is in charge of the new heavenly way, was thinking. Instead of deleting these news, he didn't hide it at all.

Not knowing the reason, Guan Mingxin didn't think much about it.

No matter what Xintiandao wants to do, she cannot interfere now.

If so, then focus on improving yourself.

However, even though Guan Mingxin tried his best to maintain a peaceful mind, Xuanyuan Yunyan still vaguely sensed something strange through the inexplicable connection of inheriting blood.

He mistakenly thought that His Royal Highness was in a state of health, and finally waited for His Royal Highness to finish his meal, and before the housework puppet cleaned up the dishes, he opened his mouth to ask anxiously, forgetting that there were two outsiders present:

"Baby, are you hiding something from me?
Could it be that your body hasn't fully recovered yet? "

As soon as these words came out, He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang, who had already got up and were walking towards the bedroom, immediately turned around and rushed back to Guan Mingxin's side, waiting nervously for her answer, their eyes flicking to her body from time to time.

The three of them were genuinely afraid that they were young and ignorant, that they didn't take good care of Guan Mingxin and left some hidden wounds.

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin was not untouched, but at this moment, she didn't have the time or the mood to be moved by it. She wanted to seize all the time she could use to practice and improve herself.

But before that, she had to dispel the doubts of the three people in front of her:
"I'm fine, it's just that I was ravaged by wild monsters again in the Miracle Trial Space."


The three asked in unison.Guan Mingxin rolled his eyes from the bottom of his heart, but on the surface he couldn't be more serious: "Really."

Seeing this, the three of them relieved their emotions a little bit, and after another thought, Baby Yu was still young after all, so it's normal to be upset because of things in the Miracle Trial Space.

Thinking like this, the anxiety on the faces of the three of them finally dissipated a little.

Guan Ming's heart suddenly recovered, and when he turned his mind, he thought of a good idea to divert their attention.

That's the post on The Miracle of "Miracle"!

She also hinted that the cultivation level of her trial character has caught up with the cultivation level of her real body, and she seemed to really perceive a slightly strange fact last time.

As expected, the three of them immediately became very interested when they heard it, and after reassuring Guan Ming a little, they hurried back to their respective dormitories.

The next morning, it was still three and a half older boys preparing breakfast, and Guan Mingxin enjoyed it.

Since they have all read the post "On the Miracle of "Miracle"", the other three people except Guan Mingxin naturally have a hope in their hearts that they want their real bodies to enter the Miracle Trial Space.

For this reason, it is necessary to let the cultivation base of the trial character catch up with his own cultivation base, so as to test whether the real body and the trial character can be merged, so as to truly experience the novel feeling of traveling through another world.

So, they unanimously sped up their eating speed, finished breakfast twice as fast as usual, left a mess to the housekeeping robots, and went back to the bedroom to log in to the Miracle Trial Space.

The three Xuanyuan Yunyan who logged into the Miracle Trial Space this time all aimed to practice as much as possible and improve the cultivation level of the trial characters.

And they also try their best to reject the concept that the Miracle Trial Space is a virtual illusion from their hearts, and treat it as the real world.

All three of them chose to believe Guan Mingxin's suggestion that she had successfully entered the Miracle Trial Space with her real body.

Xuanyuan Yunyan needless to say, he completely took the words of his little highness as the standard.

As for He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang, there was no need to ask more questions at this time.

Through this period of getting along, they have already determined that Guan Mingxin's character is very good, and he will not be stingy with them if he has benefits.

Counting this time, it is already the second time they have benefited.

That being the case, why bother to ask Guan Mingxin about his specific feelings and what he has gained in the Miracle Trial Space?

What if the bottom line of the opponent is touched?
But the two of them forgot that there is another saying in this world:

"There is no betrayal, it's just that there is not enough price."

They didn't have enough bond with Guan Mingxin, maybe one day in the future, because of some interests, it is not impossible for them to become strangers or even completely betray.

It's just that for the time being, both He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang are subconsciously unwilling to think about this issue.

Although Guan Mingxin didn't know the little Jiujiu in He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang's heart, she didn't give them any trust from the bottom of her heart.

What can be told to them is that it does not involve their own secrets.

Regarding her own secrets, especially those related to her own safety, Guan Mingxin did not intend to tell anyone, including her brother Guan Mingchen who had sworn to her never to hurt her.

Not to mention other people?

Guan Mingxin forgot that there is another partner who is also extremely concerned about his own safety, and that is the companion spirit who signed the contract of living together and dying together - Wuji.

When Guan Mingxin didn't know, Wuji had already made a decisive move, leaving a real backup for his master.

No matter what happens in the future, Guan Mingxin can be guaranteed to have a chance of survival.

Before, when Wuji noticed the creation space formed in Guan Mingxin's body, suddenly, a strong heart palpitation made Wuji shudder!

But there is a trace of joy hidden in this palpitation, if it is not for repeated feelings, Wuji will miss the faint and almost non-existent joy.

With such a weird omen, Wuji immediately sensed something was wrong.

There should be fatal hidden dangers in that space of good fortune. As long as the space of good fortune is formed, no matter whether it is destroyed immediately or not, it cannot be erased.

But Tianyan is fifty, and Dayan is one of four or nine.

Unexpectedly, the Creation Space, which brings fatal hidden dangers, itself hides a trace of vitality to escape from this deadly hidden danger.

Wuji keenly caught this ray of life.

With Guan Mingxin's unguarded sharing of information, she searched through all the knowledge storage in Guan Mingxin's mind and soul.
Just at this time, the void energy absorbed by the energy market well in the small world of Wuji itself was mixed with a trace of the original power of chaos.

Although Wuji used his comprehensible innate supernatural power, Shina Yanhua, to create a Chaos Holy Orb for Guan Mingxin, but the original power of chaos contained in the Chaos Holy Orb is so small that it is almost equal to nothing.

Even in the small world of Wuji, the original power of chaos is very rare.

Wuji decisively split most of his mind, took the initiative to control the energy market in the small world of his body, aimed at the original power of chaos, and began to plunder this inexplicable opportunity.

At the same time, with the assistance of these chaotic original forces, Wuji forcibly absorbed the creation space into his own small world, and took care of it temporarily.

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