But Wuji felt that it was not enough just to take care of the Creation Space.

What Wuji wanted was to seize the chance and completely solve the hidden danger.

For this reason, Wuji suppressed the unbearable feeling in his heart, and at the same time he pulled away from the creation space, he directly used the original power of chaos to forcibly look through the unsealed memory fragments in Guan Mingxin's soul consciousness sea.

That's right, memory fragments.

Before these memory fragments were unsealed, even Guan Mingxin himself didn't know about them.

But not knowing doesn't mean that you can't feel the pain when these memory fragments are touched.

Although Wuji had already used his fastest speed, it was precisely because of the speed that the pain of the forbidden backlash was superimposed in a short period of time, so that Guan Mingxin couldn't bear it at all.

This was the main reason that caused Guan Ming's heartache to directly faint.

It's not what she thought was caused by the withdrawal of the creation space.

In fact, there is not much pain at all in the process of leaving the space of creation and entering the small world of Wuji.

Wuji finally found a way in Guan Mingxin's memory fragments. Combining the inheritance of Wanxiang Sect, the special laws of his own small world, and the power of creation in the creation space, he formulated a plan that would never cause future troubles.

Now that he had a plan, Wuji began to act without stopping.

Just at this time, outside the world barrier of the New Hundred Wars Realm, the original power of chaos appeared for some reason.

As a result, the constant source of chaotic power was actively absorbed by the energy market in the small world of Wuji's body.

Even, because of Wuji's move, the void energy that was still stirred up rioted, forming a void energy storm.

But Wuji never refused to come, opened the energy market well to the limit, and absorbed this void energy storm!
In this way, there was an unexpected harvest, the energy of Wuji's small body world was finally full, and it began to drive the rapid growth of the original core of the small body world.

And the good fortune space that was temporarily guarded, under Wuji's laissez-faire, driven by its instinct, also automatically absorbed the abundant energy in the small world of the body, and strengthened itself
When the original core of the small world of the main body grew to twice its original size, Wuji made a decisive move.

This time, she was attacking herself.

As the spirit of space in the small world of the ontology, the original core of the small world is the original core of Wuji.

Enduring extreme pain, Wuji dug out a small piece of the original core of his own small world!

During this period, Wuji couldn't maintain the human form at all, but relied on strong obsession, using the original power of chaos absorbed by the energy market as a sharp blade, and dug out the most central original core bit by bit.
When it was finally completed, Wuji was completely unable to transform.

Fortunately, there is still a steady stream of chaotic original power and void energy replenishment, and Wuji has kept his consciousness.

After a little relaxation, Wuji took out a ray of power of creation from the rapidly increasing area of ​​creation space, which was not contaminated by any breath, and the original core of the small body world she dug out, as well as her own true spirit. blend.

True spirit is the most important part of every soul body.

As long as the true spirit is there, even if the soul is scattered, it can still regenerate the soul body and reincarnate into a new life body.

Wuji was also cruel enough to himself, and actually took out his true spirit.

Afterwards, Wuji put the original core that fused the power of good fortune and worry-free spirit body into the energy market well, allowing the constant source power of chaos and void energy to wash away all foreign things on it.

Although Wuji can be sure that on the part of the original core and worry-free spiritual body that he chose, he did not perceive other non-existent things such as energies and imprints.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Especially after merging a trace of the power of good fortune in the good fortune space, it is better to let it go through the scouring over and over again in the energy market well
Just when Wuji felt that the original core was almost washed away, suddenly a gentle but extremely strong mighty force swept over, and suddenly made Wuji who had just shown signs of transformation be washed away again.

Fortunately, this mighty force has preserved Wuji's true spirit consciousness, so that a face-to-face meeting will not cause tragedy:

"I'm sorry, little one, so you haven't recovered yet.

It's because I didn't pay attention, in order to make up for my carelessness, I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and give you a good luck.

It can be regarded as returning to the original owner, and your owner may also be able to completely escape from this world of karma by virtue of this
Time is running out, and it happens that there is a void energy riot on your side, so let me wish you a helping hand. ""

Before the words fell, the master of that mighty power stuffed something into Wuji's original core without giving Wuji any time to react.

In the next moment, Wuji, who was brainstorming, was forced to enter the promotion state.

It is precisely because of this that Wuji did not see that the original core that she placed in the depths of the energy market in the small world of her body was also placed at the same time a chaotic original crystal wrapped with a little true spirit.

That crystal is only about the size of a human baby's little fingernail.

Immediately afterwards, that being took out a little bit the size of a sesame seed from the original core of the soul of the unconscious Guan Mingxin, and integrated it into the original core deep in the energy market well.

Don't look at that point, which is only the size of a sesame seed, but it is the only core of Guan Mingxin's original soul core that has not been contaminated with the aura of Li Yuan's great universe!

This was the late time of Guan Mingxin's rebirth, so he kept this little bit.

If it takes another one or two years, Guan Mingxin will be completely integrated into the Liyuan universe.

At that time, even with such a powerful helper, it will be extremely difficult to strip out even a trace of pure soul origin.

Moreover, when this man shot, he didn't bring any discomfort to Guan Mingxin.

After all this was done, before the being left, he intercepted all the void energy outside the world barrier of the New Hundred Battle Realm, and poured it all into the energy market well of the small world of Wuji itself.

This huge, almost boundless void energy combines the original core of Guan Mingxin's spirit and soul into the small world of the Wuji body in the energy market well, and the chaotic source crystal that wraps the unknown true spirit, and contains the true essence of Wuji. Ling [Wuji is Wuji's spiritual body avatar] and the original core, as well as the original core of the power of creation that has added a ray of creation space, to carry out endless energy flushing
With the energy flushing again and again, the original core was reorganized, and some things were eliminated during the period, including energy and imprints, etc.
At the moment when the reorganized original core was formed, the original core of the universe in the Liyuan universe suddenly shook violently a few times.

After tossing around early in the morning, it was already 12 o'clock when I walked out of the hospital. I was almost starving. In addition, I had four tubes of blood drawn from my left arm, which hurt a little. I didn't update until now, sorry.

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