A certain mysterious power whose real body resides at the core of the original universe of Liyuan Great Universe was also hit hard by this sudden shock.

Not only interrupted his process of refining the original core of the universe, but also made all previous efforts come to naught.

That's right, I originally thought that after I merged with the other universe, it was the cosmic will of the Liyuan universe that existed almost invincibly in this dimension, but I never thought that within a few days, I would be targeted by a mysterious power .

The will of the universe has not struggled, but to no avail.

He could only watch helplessly as his original core of the universe was refined by that mysterious power.

It's slow, but continuous.

Even after the refinement started, the mysterious power split out and entered the Liyuan universe to recruit troops, and made a series of plans that were not conducive to the development of the Liyuan universe.

The will of the universe is almost desperate, and I never thought that there will be a surprise!
Not wanting to perish just like that, He immediately decided to leave the Liyuan Great Universe to seek a glimmer of life.

Before leaving, he naturally wanted to put that mysterious power together, and the scene where the mysterious power was severely injured was the beginning.

Not only that, even the small part of the original core of the universe that was refined by the mysterious power also broke free from the control of the mysterious power and devoured his original core of the soul!
As a result, the mysterious power had no time to remedy, and was forced to recall all clones, and fell into a deep sleep to start a slow self-recovery.

Of course, the plans made by the avatars were also forced to shelve.
The subordinates of the mysterious and powerful avatar were suddenly leaderless, and the rebels seized the opportunity to severely damage many forces' garrisons, which greatly hindered their plans.

Immediately afterwards, the cosmic will of the Liyuan Great Universe took advantage of the slumber of the Almighty to pull out a small piece from the original core of the universe, and then decisively left the Liyuan Great Universe, rushing towards the endless void. go.

In order to escape as soon as possible, the will of the universe even abandoned most of the energy.

However, the will of the universe does not want the energy it throws away to be absorbed by that power.

Therefore, before leaving, while still able to mobilize that part of energy, the will of the universe mobilized that part of energy to rush towards the New Hundred Wars Realm:

"I hope you can survive the cause and effect of heaven and earth, and hope that we will meet again one day in the future."

After that, the will of the universe fled away without looking back.
When this part of energy reached near the world barrier of the New Hundred Wars Realm, it crashed into the void energy storm vortex in an instant, and was directly absorbed by the energy market well of Wuji's small body world.

Due to the extremely fast rotation speed in the vortex, this part of the energy of the cosmic will was absorbed before it could dissipate, and there was not even a scum left!

The sleeping mysterious power also sensed that something important was lost forever.

However, he was seriously injured and struggled for a long time, just like the original will of the universe, it was of no avail
At this time, the great powers of Liyuan Universe discovered that the secrets of heaven were in chaos.

"It's going to change"

"I don't know this time, whether that person can stop for a little longer."

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

And in the Honglin Great World, one of the largest worlds in the fairy world, Yuhua Immortal Venerable who has already occupied the first of the nine fairy realms, Liluo Xianyu, looked at his newly awakened wife in surprise:
"Lin'er, you finally woke up, how do you feel now? Is there any discomfort?"

"Brother, I'm fine, I'm fine like never before. The heavenly secrets are finally in chaos again, and our chance has come!"

Immortal Xihua shook his head, his tone was not like that of a person who has been in a coma for tens of thousands of years, with complex emotions such as joy, excitement, longing and so on intertwined.

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged, that person has left me a hint before, now that the sky is chaotic, it is a good time for us to act.

Otherwise, when the secret is back to normal, our every move will be monitored again. "

Immortal Yuhua nodded in agreement, looked at his wife with a smile, and said nothing.
It's not just the couple who are ready to act.

In the entire universe, as long as people who perceive the chaos of heavenly secrets, they will start various actions.

It also includes those bigwigs in the Yanyi God Realm.

Although the bigwigs in the Yanyi Divine Realm cannot do things that damage the core of the universe because of the oath they have made, there is still a lot they can do.

In this way, the addition of several parties made the secrets of heaven even more confusing, and completely prevented some interested people from exploring some secret ways
In the new Baizhan Realm, Guan Mingxin's core of soul origin, in the small world of the Wuji body that is compatible with it, the core of origin placed deep in the energy market well has been washed away by countless void energies, and there is no longer any external energy. thing.

At this moment, before leaving, the cosmic will of the Liyuan Great Universe sent most of its energy, which contains the origin of countless laws.

After being scoured by the void energy vortex, all the sundries were successfully removed, leaving only the purest source of law, which was absorbed by the energy market and poured into the core of the source.

With the watering of these pure law sources, an energy market well was born in this source core.

Although this newborn energy market is still very weak, having it means that this energy core has the hope of continuous growth and evolution.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for this original core to give birth to a brand new space.

It contains not only all the laws of the small world of Wuji itself, but also the original power of chaos in the core of the universe that is booming, and the artificial power of creation.

At this time, the void energy absorbed by the energy market of Wuji's small world is no longer sent to the inside of the small world.

Instead, it directly inputs the energy market well of the newly reborn small space in the depths, allowing these energies to be purified and condensed for the second time, and all of them are supplied to the small space for growth.

As the two energy markets worked together to absorb void energy and purify and condense it, the small space began to evolve and grow rapidly.

Soon, the Promise True Spirit sleeping in the original core of the small space woke up.

Perceiving the changes in the small space, Wuji smiled gratifiedly:
"Little master, Wuji has finally done it. Although Wuji will only be here to protect you silently in the future, Wuji does not regret it!"

"The potential of this small space is many times higher than that of my own small world, so it is called 'Infinity Realm'.

For a long time, Wuji Realm will not be open to you, the master, unless you have settled the karma of heaven and earth on your body.

I hope that one day in the future, the master can enter the Wuji Realm without any worries."

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