Chapter 319 A Proper Black History
It is normal for practitioners to retreat. Guan Mingxin's retreat again did not attract the attention of many people, except for three roommates, senior management of the school, and the teachers and students of class 999999999.

This epiphany made Guan Mingxin's soul body, whether it is the main soul or the twelve split souls, doubled compared to before the retreat!
At the same time, it became more and more solid, and the blurred part was almost invisible.

And the entire sea of ​​soul and consciousness has been purified once, that kind of thorough purification, not letting go of any corner.

Even the physical strength has broken through to the level of a martial artist in the distraction stage!

It's a pity that Guan Mingxin's main soul is still in the soul realm, and he hasn't even recovered the immortal soul, let alone the divine soul.

And the original spiritual consciousness, naturally with the decline of the soul body state, degenerated into spiritual consciousness, that is, spiritual power.

It's not that the medicinal power of the lotus leaf has been exhausted.

In fact, most of the rest were forcibly sealed up by Guan Mingxin.

Although Guan Mingxin really wanted to directly use the power of the lotus leaf to restore the state of mind and soul, but the reality did not allow it.

Right now, my mental strength and physical strength are already a little vain.

If you continue to improve, the foundation will be unstable, and you will inevitably spend more unnecessary time in the future to build the foundation, which is not worth the loss.

If the foundation is not stable, there will be hidden dangers in future cultivation.

After a long time, not to mention the vain combat power, the body is also prone to hidden injuries, and even one bad one needs to be repaired.

For the time being, Guan Mingxin's mental strength and physical strength have reached the limit that she can control.

As for Yuanli, Guan Mingxin was unwilling to use such precious medicinal effects on the improvement of Yuanli.

Therefore, Guan Mingxin's current Yuanli cultivation base is still in a state of being abolished.

After much deliberation, he couldn't think of a good way, so Guan Mingxin had no choice but to send the medicine into the still-closed Cloud Fantasy Realm.

After finally disposing of the remaining effects of the medicine, Guan Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm very glad that I didn't pick the petals greedily back then, otherwise what was waiting for her was most likely to be blasted by the majestic effect of the medicine!
With Guan Mingxin's injuries at the time, if he wanted to recover as soon as possible, he could only use Rank Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian.

As for the Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian with other reincarnation times, the original injury of the soul cannot be eradicated.

Yes, that's right, even though he had taken precautions in advance, Guan Mingxin slashed at the soul body with eleven spiritual swords at the same time like crazy, and finally injured the source of the soul.

Of course, early prevention still plays a decisive role.

If it weren't for the double protection of the milky white silk thread and the colorful energy particles, Guan Mingxin's soul source would not be as simple as just being slightly damaged.

This is also the reason why Guan Mingxin had to retreat immediately to heal his injuries.

The source of the soul was injured, and if the injury could not be healed before it spread, it meant that the crisis of death might appear at any time.

Once the injury spreads, there is no chance of healing.

Because the diffusion of the original soul is the beginning of the soul flying away.
At this time, unless the top power uses supreme mighty power to save it, it will be possible to save it.

Even though the lotus leaf of the nine-turn nine-leaf Qingling Bilian had been used to heal the source of the soul, Guan Ming was still afraid for a while!
This is her dark history, and it must be completely concealed!
Unexpectedly, just wanting to shorten the time to learn and inherit knowledge, I almost took my life...

Guan Mingxin didn't dare to mention it to anyone. This was his dark history, and he must hide it thoroughly!
The retreat was over. After Guan Mingxin checked his body, he did not exit the Miracle Trial Space. Instead, he struck while the iron was hot, and actively urged the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" to work, to torture those who had been forcibly improved by the lotus leaf medicine. Vain mental power and physical strength.

This struggle is another half a year in the Miracle Trial Space, and three months in the real standard time...

Guan Mingxin finally exited the Miracle Trial Space, washed and changed clothes, and came to the restaurant of the villa. Seeing that the food was already set on the dining table, Shi Shiran sat down, picked up the tableware and ate elegantly.

Until Guan Mingxin was almost finished eating, the three of Xuanyuan Yunyan still seemed like a dream, feeling unreal.

Just keeping his misty eyes open and watching Guan Mingxin clean up the whole table, he regained his senses.

"Hey, my little ancestor!

My dearest little Highness, hello!How could you retreat without saying a word? "

In desperation, Xuanyuan Yunyan immediately forgot to cover up, and the address in his heart came out baldly.

After the words were out of his mouth, Xuanyuan Yunyan belatedly realized what a stupid mistake he had made, and looked at Guan Mingxin with some embarrassment.

Guan Mingxin swallowed all the words that hadn't come out of his throat under the gaze of Guan Mingxin's deep eyes shining with bright stars.

Xuanyuan Yunyan just kept giggling, giggling, and giggling again.

Not only that, but he kept hypnotizing himself from the bottom of his heart:
"Your Highness didn't hear...

Your Highness didn't hear...

did not hear it……



Seeing this, Guan Mingxin rolled his eyes helplessly, and even lost the mood to explain to him.

However, Xuanyuan Yunyan felt at ease after receiving the "blind eye reward", and the tension of "making a mistake" dissipated.

Seeing that look, Guan Ming was truly speechless.

"Your Highness..."

He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang keenly grasped this important point. They pondered over and over again but failed to catch the flashing thought, so they stopped thinking about it and just kept it in their hearts.

However, the two of them didn't show any abnormality on the surface. Instead, they both looked at Guan Mingxin with extremely surprised expressions, but politely restrained their emotions.

After Xuanyuan Yunyan, the "real elder brother", had finished communicating with the "younger brother" who had just left the customs, the two of them communicated in simple, seemingly innocuous words like "just leave the customs" and "just be fine". Despite their concern, he was reserved and introverted, but the genuine worry expression in the two pairs of eyes could still be seen at a glance.

They can be said to have perfectly interpreted the "big brother who is forced to have no blood relationship but can't bear the love of caring".

Of course, this is just what they think.

Although the two of them really have a lot of ability to hide their emotional fluctuations, if it were Guan Mingxin who hadn't retreated before, he really couldn't detect anything by relying on his intuition and mental strength.

But after leaving the customs this time, Guan Mingxin had already clearly perceived their true emotions.

It was just such a casual glance, as if observing the changes in the living room during the period of retreat, it was naturally obscure, and did not attract the attention of He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang at all.

How did they know how far Guan Mingxin's spiritual power had grown and how sharp his perception was.

With just such a light glance, Guan Mingxin clearly captured their emotional fluctuations and thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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