Chapter 320
Guan Ming's mood faded in an instant, and he lost the desire to stay any longer, so he said "I'll go to sleep" to Xuanyuan Yunyan, turned around and left.

Of course, when he turned around, he still nodded slightly at He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang expressionlessly.

With the opening and closing of the bedroom door, Guan Mingxin isolated himself from the outside world again.

It turned out that the coincidence between He Piaojun and their "brothers" at the gate of Manduya Children's College was premeditated.

It's not that they were lucky enough to meet a "warm-hearted senior who likes to help juniors".

Although Guan Mingxin knew from the very beginning when he assumed the identity of the petitioner "Yu Xiaoxiao", that he could not avoid the Yu clan and the group of people related to the Yu clan.

Moreover, she knew better that from the moment Xuanyuan Yunyan was exiled and used the backup identity of "Yu Longhan", even if he avoided the monitoring and even assassination sent by the Heywood family and the enemies of the Heywood family, he still could not escape. It is impossible to avoid the new wave of surveillance and guards brought about by this identity.

Otherwise, how could it be possible that Xuanyuan Yunyan was just a little wronged because of a bad job, instead of more cruel treatment?

The rumors about the chaos in the exile area on the starnet of the original Xinghan world are not without factual evidence.

Naturally, Guan Mingxin, the four-year-old who accidentally appeared next to the "eldest son Yu Longhan" of the Yu clan patriarch, will also be subject to the same monitoring.

Even when Guan Mingxin was carried back to his five-square-meter nest by "Yu Longhan", the guards who secretly followed "Yu Longhan" had already judged whether Guan Mingxin was dangerous.

And when Guan Mingxin finished the identity information of "Yu Xiaoxiao", even the details such as appearance were properly handled, no matter how he tested, he was the "genuine" "Yu Longhan"'s half-brother, The Yu clan has confirmed her identity, and immediately dispatched her exclusive secret guard.

Yes, it was her, not him.

Guan Mingxin's disguise was indeed flawless.

But she ignored the special bloodline in the praying fish Xiaoxiao's body.

As for the Yu clan, which is originally a branch of the mysterious Xuanyuan clan, they can naturally detect Guan Mingxin's true gender under the disguise, as well as her unique identity represented by the concentration of her blood.

However, since Guan Ming wanted to pretend, out of the desire to protect her, the Yu clan pretended not to know, and helped her hide the secret better.

It was because of the protection and help of the hidden guards of the Yu clan that Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan were able to travel safely from the slums to Manduya Children's College.

Otherwise, just based on their looks, it would be enough for some vicious people in the slums to attack.

Of course, Guan Mingxin had already guessed all of this.

I am afraid that Xuanyuan Yunyan was the only one who was kept in the dark at first, and he probably realized it after a long time.

Therefore, from the very beginning of the "encounter", Guan Mingxin guessed that He Piaojun should contact the two of them purposefully.

Even though He Piaojun at that time seemed to perform quite well and was perfect, he didn't have the slightest sense of disobedience.

However, a "heart-warming senior" who met for the first time took a pair of brothers who were clearly living in distress to undergo an entrance examination, "running around" for their class placement, and entered the dormitory to help with resettlement. It is too "heart-warming"!

But the next day, I took the two brothers I just met to buy the explosive game pod, which was the kind that I paid out of my own pocket and gave it away without an IOU!

When these series of actions are connected, it is obvious!

Just ask a normal senior, even if he subconsciously cares about a well-behaved and cute elementary school student, there is a limit.

At most, they help with the admission procedures, lead the way to the dormitory, introduce the school, and stop at the door of the dormitory.

Obviously, when He Piaojun "encountered" on the first day, he had already done it, but he could barely say that he was too "enthusiastic", and he was able to persuade some people to accept such an excuse.

But what happened the next day was no longer something that could be smoothed over by a simple statement like "too enthusiastic"!

Guan Mingxin didn't say anything in person, but was just waiting for the other party's next move.

For this reason, she also blocked Xuanyuan Yunyan's idea of ​​probing for a while in private, and even used the so-called "Little Highness" to suppress him with his identity, so that he could keep his heart on guard. Both He and Kong are self-sufficient."

However, the two of them didn't do anything else other than letting the four of them share a villa on their own initiative.

Even Xuanyuan Yunyan tried to repay them the money for the game cabin, they accepted the repayment rather than refusing.

Of course, in Ta Ling's altered memory, the matter of buying the game cabin was replaced by He and Kong helping Guan Mingxin and his brothers to buy the top Yuanxun Magical Artifact.

As time passed day by day, Xuanyuan Yunyan had already let go of his guard, and he and Kong He even "broke together", "brotherly", and "confided their hearts".

Even Guan Mingxin's own attitude gradually loosened.

Earlier in the Miracle Trial Space, when it was discovered that Master had left only two Magical Sky Bracelets, Guan Mingxin felt a little guilty because he couldn't get the Magical Sky Bracelets for He and Kong.

He even secretly planned in his heart that when the Vientiane Space could be opened in the future, he would take out two Magic Sky Bracelets from it and give them to He and Kong.

As for the conjecture that the real body could enter the Miracle Trial Space, even if it might be announced to the public in the near future, it is an opportunity one day in advance. Guan Mingxin's frank confession is enough to show that he has recognized the two of them.

Guan Mingxin felt that it was time for him to completely let go of his guard against He and Kong and treat them as close friends.

Even during this unexpected retreat, Guan Ming was faced with the fatal crisis of losing his soul, but there was still a place in his heart that worried about the three roommates.

They are afraid that the three young and frivolous boys will not know how to restrain themselves after entering the miracle trial space with their real bodies for the first time, and thus encounter danger.

After all, it is impossible for them to have their own weird experiences and adventures similar to their own. If they are not careful, they may really lose their lives.

Guan Mingxin understands how precious the things he owns are, and he still wants to provide the three of them with some life-saving things after he gets out of this crisis.

If it came to a life-threatening moment, Minglan Village would not be unable to open up to the three of them, and it could be regarded as providing them with a safe haven in the miracle trial space.

It was precisely because of this that after Guan Mingxin left the customs, he only did a simple freshening up, and then he couldn't wait to come to the living room. With a vicious attitude, he exaggeratedly robbed all the food, admiring the astonished and dreamy expressions of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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