This "training" that lasted for more than four hours finally allowed Guan Mingxin to completely absorb the medicinal effects of the lotus leaves left in his body.

The strength of her body has been raised by a small level again, reaching the level of the middle stage of distraction.

That is to say, relying on pure body, under normal circumstances, Guan Mingxin is already strong enough to resist cultivators below the distraction stage.

Lying on the bottom of the medicine pool, Guan Ming simply relaxed his mind, put aside all distracting thoughts, and fell into a deep sleep.

When Guan Mingxin fell asleep and woke up naturally, another half month had passed.

Getting up to leave the medicine pool, Guan Mingxin bowed to the row of puppets before leaving, and then cleaned up the broken pieces of wood scattered on the ground and put them into his phantom star storage compartment.

Guan Mingxin recited "Exit the trial space" silently in his heart, and the space changed instantly, and he was already on the big bed in the dormitory when he opened his eyes.

Outwardly, he carefully inspected the villa, but found no sign of Xuanyuan Yunyan. Then Guan Mingxin looked at the time displayed on the magic star, and realized that his elder brother should have gone to class.

As for He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang, they didn't go to class. They are currently receiving five guests in the living room.

After "beating puppets violently", Guan Mingxin, who was beaten by his "elders" for four hours, can already look at He and Kong very calmly.

After all, they themselves were strangers from the beginning, and now they just returned to the original relationship of strangers.

Of course, before that, Guan Mingxin would personally sever the karma with He and Kong.

So, Guan Mingxin uncharacteristically took a hot bath to his heart's content, and spent a long time picking and choosing from the storage compartment of Huanxing, choosing a set of clothes made of the most ordinary materials.

However, the workmanship of this set of clothes is quite exquisite, and Guan Mingxin immediately looked a lot more noble after wearing it.

That's not all, she sprayed a little bottle of liquid incense that she made herself on her body.

It was Guan Mingxin's handiwork when he accepted the inheritance from other aborigines in Minglan Village, and learned the technique of fragrance mixing on a whim, so as to cover up the special smell from the medicine pool that remained on his body.

After looking at himself up and down, Guan Ming felt that something was wrong, and picked out a mask from the many treasures left by the master, put it on his face, then looked at himself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Guan Mingxin Shi Shiran opened the bedroom door and walked out.

At this time, Guan Mingxin didn't realize at all that he actually took out the items in the Miracle Trial Space in reality!

The liquid incense and the face decoration only exist in the Miracle Trial Space!

The living room is on the first floor, and the bedrooms of the four of them are all on the second floor, so when Guan Mingxin's bedroom door slammed slightly, the seven people in the living room all noticed it, and subconsciously glanced this way, but never moved again. Keep your eyes open.

A petite, obviously very young child, dressed in an elegant and understated luxurious snow-white brocade robe, with an ethereal and indifferent demeanor, walked down the indoor stairs slowly.

Glossy jet-black waist-length hair was loosely scattered, with a little moisture, exuding a lazy attitude that was extremely inconsistent with her age, and at the same time adding a bit of unruly and open-mindedness.

The crystal clear and exquisite snow-colored lotus face decoration, like the moonlight, covered the child's right eye and the surrounding parts.

The immature body of the child is a little more mysterious and noble.

And those places that are not covered by the mask are also perfect like works of art.

The young boy only had a half-smile at the corner of his mouth, which added a touch of evil charm to her whole body, making her look even more dazzling.

And the soft light in the room, shining on the young child, seemed to cast a faint golden halo around her.

Under the watchful eyes of the seven people, Guan Mingxin was like a fairy boy who had strayed into the mortal world. He walked down the stairs unhurriedly, stood in front of a single sofa in the living room, nodded slightly to the seven people, and sat straight down. down.

It wasn't until Guan Mingxin recruited the housework puppet and ordered the meal that the seven people woke up like a dream.

The housework puppet quickly brought from the kitchen what Guan Mingxin had ordered, a cup of low-grade animal milk at just the right temperature, a plate of steamed buns, and a small plate of fruit platter.

Immediately afterwards, the housework puppet tapped with one hand on the armrest of the single sofa where Guan Mingxin was sitting.

The next moment, a simple dining table extended from the armrest, and after automatically adjusting to the height suitable for Guan Mingxin, the housework puppet put down the tray in the other hand on the dining table, and retreated to the corner to wait for the next order.

Only then did Guan Mingxin gracefully pick up the cutlery and set to work, without any self-consciousness, and without the feeling that it was hard to swallow under the bright eyes of the seven people. Time for breakfast.

In the end, those seven people looked away in embarrassment, picked up the cold tea as a cover, and sipped it lightly, as if they were drinking top-quality tea.

After Guan Mingxin finished his breakfast, the housework puppet immediately stepped forward, picked up the tray with one hand, tapped it on the sofa again with the other hand, put away the simple dining table and returned to the kitchen.

The room suddenly became calm again.

He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang, who had been quiet all this time, looked at each other, and it was He Piaojun who took the lead to break the silence in the room:

"It seems that the baby has gained a lot from going out this time, and it is extraordinary to see this charm.

Even if the level of the baby's cultivation method should not be low, but the baby can achieve this now, it is enough to show that the baby's talent is really good.

At least your elder brother is not as high as your cultivation base at your age.

As for us, it is even worse than you two brothers.

Senior here congratulates you for your great progress.

When your brother comes back, invite some friends, and let's celebrate together tonight, what do you think? "

The tentative meaning inside and outside the words is so obvious, Guan Mingxin didn't respond, but couldn't help laughing at himself secretly:
"Guan Mingxin, Guan Mingxin, you were really blind and deaf before!

Can't you detect such a blatant temptation?
Could it be that the seals of those years not only sealed the puppet clone, but also sealed your mind? "

"Yes, yes, baby, hurry up and agree!

Xiao Junjun just made a windfall recently, and you were still showing it off before you came down!
He opened his mouth, and we just took this opportunity to have a good meal with a big family and make him laugh!hum! "

Kong Qinglang was also fanning the flames, the anticipation in his eyes was almost overflowing.

Those who didn't know thought that he really wanted to take this opportunity to kill his good brother He Piaojun.

But Guan Mingxin knew what the other party was really looking forward to.

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