"Wind money?
I'm afraid it's a reward I begged from the elders of the family for my news!

Kong Qinglang was uncharacteristically so excited, finally couldn't help but want to do it tonight?

If I keep silent, then it should be my turn to ask about my attire.

After all, I had never worn anything like it before, nor had I purchased such an obviously expensive luxury item.

Especially my snow lotus face decoration, the material is shiny and shiny, and there are subtle energy fluctuations, it is not ordinary at first glance.

It is estimated that this is what they are most curious about.

I'd like to see what else they have to say, just for fun before drawing the line. "

Guan Mingxin was noncommittal on his face, but he was full of complaints in his heart.

Sure enough, before Guan Mingxin's answer, He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang didn't care.

After knowing each other for so long, Guan Mingxin said very little.

In the eyes of these two people, Guan Mingxin's cold-faced and warm-hearted image has been deeply ingrained.

From the beginning to the end, they never thought that Guan Mingxin would pretend to be himself.

After all, in their view, "Baby Fish", a young child who was taken away from his relatives when he was born, wandered outside for four years, and was lucky to be rescued by his brother when he was dying, has no scheming at all.

Without the growing environment of intrigue in big families, children are generally innocent.

As for the "baby fish"'s wariness towards them at the beginning, it was just a manifestation of not being used to contact with strangers.

It was precisely because of this that the two of them subconsciously ignored Guan Mingxin's unusually weird silence at the moment, thinking that the little guy was embarrassed.

Regardless of the astonishment of the other five guests, He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang spoke again:

"Baby, when did you buy this suit?

This kind of material, if I'm not mistaken, seems to be the silk of Xuanling Iceworm?

It should be that some special clothing techniques were used, tsk tsk, it's not easy! "

"Little Junjun, you are wrong, what is the appearance, it is the Xuanling ice silkworm silk at all!
But I still think it looks better!

At first, I thought it would be ugly for boys to wear flowers and plants, and it felt nondescript.

Unexpectedly, the lotus face decoration of the baby does not show femininity at all, but it shows your temperament more and more. "


How beautiful!
I want to wear a face mask like this after seeing it.

Alang, you come too, maybe we can still top the draft list of our Menduoya Children's Academy!

Of course, I am the first, and Alang is second! "

"Fuck you, you're second!
Hehe, but just thinking about it makes me excited!

Tell me baby, where did you get the face covering?
Also, does the store have any other fancy decorations?
Or other accessories? "


I want to ask this too!

Be good, baby, speak quickly!
When the time comes, I will buy one for your brother too. The four of us will each have a face mask. If we go out, it will be a big show of turning heads! "


The two of you talked to each other, and as they talked, their words became more and more explicit, and their emotions were also very excited.

He Piaojun even stood up, walked straight to Guan Mingxin, and stretched out his hand to take off the snow lotus mask on Guan Mingxin's face to find out.

"The clothes and face accessories are all birthday presents from an uncle who took me in before he left.

Sorry, I don't know where my uncle bought it from. "

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin opened his mouth slowly, leaning back slightly, avoiding He Piaojun's extended hand, and also severing his thoughts of doing it again.

But this time, at such a close distance, Guan Mingxin also clearly saw the disappointment and scorn in the other person's eyes. Although it was fleeting, Guan Mingxin believed that it was not his own illusion.

Even though he had already made a decision in his heart, Guan Ming was still very uncomfortable when he saw the two people in front of him unscrupulously revealing the greed and covetousness that he thought he had hidden well in front of his clothes and masks.

Coupled with the fact that they have decided to implement the original plan at the so-called "celebration banquet" tonight, Guan Mingxin no longer has the patience to face their ugly faces.

At this moment, Guan Mingxin suddenly felt sad, not because of himself, but because of his elder brother Xuanyuan Yunyan.

The boy whose family changed suddenly, even though he fell into a slum, still kept a pure heart, soft, kind and pure.

For the unaccompanied Guan Mingxin, who had just unsealed his identity as a petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao, he sent the care and warmth of his long-lost relatives.

After arriving at Manduya Children's College, that silly boy trusted the two people in front of him so much, and regarded them as close friends.

He could share anything with them, and even a kind of dependence arose in his heart that he didn't even notice!

But how did these two people trample on this sincerity? !

How can they? !
How could he treat that silly boy who was still pure and innocent like this? !
What's more, that silly guy is still the eldest brother of the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao!
And the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao has become his avatar, in other words, the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao is also himself!

Before finding his parents and other relatives, Xuanyuan Yunyan was his only relative in the lowest level of the Mortal Realm!

No tolerance!

Thoughts were flying, Guan Mingxin realized that he was angry again, closed his eyes slightly, and silently recited the formula of "Wanxiang Jue", "There is no infinite beyond the infinite, and there is no endless within the endless.

The thoughts that surged up in his heart instantly flew, and Guan Ming's heart was agitated with anger.

Realizing that she was actually angry, she closed her eyes slightly, and silently recited the formula of "Wanxiang Jue":

There is no limit beyond the limitless, and there is no limitless within the limitless.

Infinity after infinity, infinity in infinity.

Chaos produces everything, everything turns into chaos, and Tai Chi is born. Knowing its infinity and infinity, but not knowing that its existence has its limit and its end..."

After several times, Guan Mingxin finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

She closed her eyes as if embarrassed, and when she opened them again, Guan Mingxin finally decided to cut through the mess quickly and completely cut off the cause and effect with He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang.

Instead of just thinking about letting Xuanyuan Yunyan witness the facts after they did something, and let Tiandao judge that the evil deeds of He and Kong against Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan offset the cause and effect of their previous deliberate selling. , this simple and crude way.

Originally, based on what these two people did, Guan Mingxin didn't want to pay any price to settle the karma.

Now it seems that it is better to give out the small gift that I prepared when I left the customs last time, and use it to waste money and avoid cause and effect.

Although that little gift is only the lowest-level spiritual fruit among the treasures that Master Master left for him.

Very depressed, since yesterday afternoon, I suddenly started morning sickness reaction without warning.Come here from time to time throughout the night, making it impossible to sleep at all, and it is the same during the day, vomiting even after drinking plain water.Hey... Being a mother is not easy. May all mothers in the world be safe and healthy, and smile often!

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