Chapter 324

Various similar spiritual fruits piled up like a mountain in Guan Mingxin's storage ring that could be hidden in the left hand and placed on the tail.

But these spiritual fruits are placed in the Mortal Realm, and each one will be worth a lot, even priceless!

In the previous plan, Guan Mingxin wanted to give He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang a hundred coins each, after all, they were friends he recognized.

But now, one per person is enough!
I believe that with such two spiritual fruits, it is enough to end the cause and effect.

Furthermore, after giving the "gift", move out immediately.

See you later is a stranger.

If He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang still don't give up on plotting and murdering themselves and Brother Cheap, then they should be wiped out completely!

And use the Yu family to deal with the family forces behind them at the same time, and wipe out the roots!
Don't say that children are innocent and those who don't know are not guilty!
Since the family they belonged to was able to kill themselves and the "Yu Brothers" that Xuanyuan Yunyan pretended to be under the premise that the Yu family had no hostile disputes with them, then there was no need to say anything!

You must know that the two of them are 15 years old and the other is [-] years old. No matter which intelligent race they are placed in, they are still cubs!
Just because they seem to have obtained a great opportunity, they are going to do it, so why pretend to say that the Yu family's early action is cruel!
If you want to harm someone, you must be prepared to be retaliated in advance!

With this in mind, Guan Mingxin pretended to touch the phantom star on his left wrist that was disguised as the latest customized version of the Yuanxun Magical Artifact.

When he backhanded, two ice-blue fruits the size of an adult's thumb had already appeared in his palm.

Suddenly, a refreshing fragrance quickly dissipated, making people feel refreshed.

Guan Mingxin clearly saw the undisguised greed in the eyes of He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang after the fruit appeared, and they even wanted to rush forward to take it away!

As for the other five visitors, when they saw the fruit that appeared out of thin air and smelled the fragrance, they just showed a little surprise and turned their eyes away.

The five of them were more curious about Guan Mingxin, as well as their alienation and disgust when they saw clearly the other side of He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang that they usually hide.

They secretly sighed in their hearts:

It turns out that this young prince from the direct line of the Yu family is really favored. He even has a high-end custom-made Yuanxun magic weapon inlaid with space stones.

Moreover, the spiritual fruit seemed to be of great value, and the little guy could easily show it to others, either because he was innocent and didn't know its value, or because he was full of confidence.

But no matter what kind, it's better not to offend the young master of the Yu family, even if you can't make friends, you can't make enemies.

As for He and Kong, they really didn't see such a side on weekdays.

These two people have to stay away, otherwise it would be bad if they cheated them one day.

Seeing this, Guan Ming didn't feel the same indifference towards those five people as he did when he first saw them chatting happily with He and Kong, but the guard in his heart has not dissipated.

If possible, you can still try to get acquainted with these five people.

Not to mention becoming close friends, at least ordinary friends are still possible.

After all, having already arrived at the Manduoya Children's College, it means that contact with other students cannot be avoided.

Guan Mingxin didn't want himself and Xuanyuan Yunyan to be too "unique" like they were in the slums before, like a pair of lonely and inseparable little ones, raising the spikes all over their bodies, always vigilant for any things that appeared around them. People, reject all kindness.

No matter how much you want to keep a low profile, you must at least blend in with the student body.

Which ordinary student doesn't have a few friends to talk to?
It was also a kind of fate, just when Guan Mingxin made up his mind to settle the cause and effect with He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang and put aside their relationship, he met these five people.

Whether it's manners, appearance, or clothing, the three men and two women in front of them are obviously not ordinary students.

Coupled with capturing their emotional fluctuations, Guan Mingxin's affection for them increased a lot.

Even most of the negative emotions in my heart dissipated.

But that's all for today.

Not a good time to make friends.

In the future, there will always be opportunities to get acquainted with these five people.

You must know that none of the students who can enter and leave the villa area at will is really ordinary.

Even, they are very likely to be residents of the villa area.

Thinking of this, Guan Mingxin also slowly stretched out the hand with the two fruits towards He and Kong.

He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang became more and more excited as the little hand approached.

No, just as Guan Mingxin opened his lips and uttered the words "Thank you...", He Piaojun snatched the ice-blue fruit from his palm.

If Kong Qinglang hadn't hammered him on the back, He Piaojun had no choice but to throw one to the other party with an extremely unwilling mood, and he would have swallowed it all to himself.

"You have been taking care of me for so long, we will move out when my brother comes back..."

Guan Ming endured it again and again, but suppressed the impulse in his heart, and finished what he had just said.

I thought those two guys would stop them from moving away, but Guan Mingxin really thinks highly of each other!

At this moment, He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang had already attracted all their attention by the ice blue fruit.

They didn't even notice that the five guests who really couldn't bear it left left.

As soon as they walked out, a girl among the five couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice:
"Is there something wrong between He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang?

Usually they are not as gaffe as they are today? "

"Even if something is wrong, it has revealed its essence.

Never mind, anyway, it wasn't the young master of the Yu family who did the murder. "

A boy who looked very similar to the girl who spoke earlier patted the girl on the head angrily.

"Let's go, it's better for us to stay away from these two people in the future."

"Yes, it's better to stay far away. I also need to remind the family. I don't think the He and Kong families are quite right recently. They seem to be engaged in some small conspiracy."

"Hmph, I said a long time ago that those two people are not good people, and you still don't believe it. Now the truth is revealed, right?

I really want to thank the person who did it secretly, for letting those two hypocrites show their true colors, tsk tsk! "


The released mental power was not taken back by Guan Mingxin until the five people left the enveloping range.

Guan Mingxin seemed to have been reminded at this time, lowered his head and sniffed the scent of the perfume on his body, and remembered that this perfume also had a "side effect" that could make people unconsciously relax and reveal their true thoughts.

Guan Mingxin shrugged, and gave He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang an apologetic look, said nothing else, turned and went upstairs.

She packed all the things in her bedroom and put them into the storage bracelet on her right wrist.

Immediately afterwards, he used the authority shared by Xuanyuan Yunyan to himself, walked into Xuanyuan Yunyan's bedroom next to his own bedroom, and also packed and tidied up.

(End of this chapter)

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