Chapter 325

After making sure that everything was packed properly and that there was nothing missing, Guan Mingxin gently closed the doors of the two rooms. Finally, he glanced at the two people in the living room who were still immersed in the joy brought by the ice-blue fruit, and wiped away the fruit with his mental power. All traces and aura of himself and Xuanyuan Yunyan were wiped out.

After that, Guan Mingxin jumped from a ventilation window at the end of the corridor on the second floor without hesitation, and left the villa.

Until this time, Guan Mingxin hadn't realized that he was actually able to freely take out the things in the Miracle Trial Space in reality!
The storage device in the trial bracelet of Miracle Trial Space - the storage bracelet on the right wrist can also be displayed in reality and can be used normally!
Maybe Guan Mingxin accidentally found a way to enter the Miracle Trial Space with her real body not long after logging into the Miracle Trial Space, which made her subconsciously regard the things in the Miracle Trial Space as real.

And vice versa.Just like the phantom star, and the phantom sky bracelet left by Master Shizun who was swallowed and fused by the phantom star, the perfume, spiritual fruit, etc. that were taken out before.

In fact, even if the testers can actually enter the Miracle Trial Space, they cannot substitute real things into the Miracle Trial Space.

For example, real clothes, Yuanxun artifacts, storage bags, storage rings, etc.

On the contrary, it is also impossible to bring items from the Miracle Trial Space to reality.

At least not in the short term.

The trial bracelets on the left wrists of the trialists in the Miracle Trial Space are not Yuanxun instruments, and the storage bracelet on the right wrist can only be displayed and used in the Miracle Trial Space.

The reason why Guan Mingxin was able to bring Huanxing into the Miracle Trial Space and "swallow and fuse" the Huantian Bracelet was due to Jiujiu, the spirit of Huanxing.

As for the things in the Miracle Trial Space that Guan Mingxin brought to reality, it was also Jiujiu's role.

Closer to home, whether Guan Mingxin has really forgotten the "side effects" of the perfume that revealed He and Kong's true colors, only she knows.

The current "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" can perceive the line of cause and effect.

Guan Mingxin clearly discovered through the "Nine Turns of Chaos and Good Fortune", that the slender causal line between himself and He and Kong has disappeared.

With the help of the blood relationship of the same origin, it can be vaguely seen that even the causal line between Xuanyuan Yunyan and the two of them has been disconnected.

Although it has not completely disappeared, it has been disconnected.

I believe that as long as Xuanyuan Yunyan no longer interacts with those two people in the next few days, the disconnected causal line will disappear.

Such a result immediately made Guan Mingxin happy.

She suddenly had the idea of ​​going to see her cheap elder brother.

Guan Mingxin is also a man of action, and since his heart is moved, he should take action.

After identifying the direction, Guan Mingxin walked towards the direction of Class [-], Class [-], Junior High.

I didn't borrow any means of transportation, just walked over step by step.

At first, Guan Mingxin's speed was not fast.

But as he walked, Guan Mingxin unconsciously began to operate the secret body technique "Lingyun Stepping on the Void" learned from the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art", and his figure gradually became unpredictable.

It looked like he was walking forward, but when he misunderstood, he actually took several steps backwards.

The movement of raising the foot was obviously striding towards the left and forward, but when the foot actually landed, the whole body was leaning towards the right...

Fortunately, during this period of time, the students in the elementary school were basically in the classroom, and the routes Guan Mingxin traveled were all relatively remote and quiet places.

Although she was practicing the secret technique of "Lingyun Stepping on the Void", she was not completely immersed in it. She avoided the surveillance cameras as much as possible along the way.

Even when it is unavoidable, Guan Mingxin will walk in a regular manner within the monitoring range of the camera, stop practicing, and continue after passing through the monitoring area...

Therefore, when Guan Mingxin came to the teaching building where the second class of the ninth grade was located, no one had noticed her strange way of walking along the way.

Although he had been able to release his mental power a long time ago, Guan Mingxin would not usually do so.

Instead, like ordinary students, he raised his left wrist and glanced at the time displayed on the phantom star.

School was over in two quarters of an hour, Guan Mingxin simply leaned against the statue in front of the building and closed his eyes.

At the same time, Guan Mingxin began to use his mental power to evolve his own body in a specially opened spiritual space in the Sea of ​​Soul Consciousness, and continued to practice "Ling Yun Ta Xu"...

When Xuanyuan Yunyan and his classmates walked out of the teaching building, what they saw was this scene:
A solitary toddler with his eyes closed leans weakly in front of the statue, isolated from his surroundings.

The young child exudes a lonely and desolate atmosphere...

[Thick fog ╯□╰!

Brother Cheap, this is really, absolutely, your illusion!


Say important words three times! 】

Xuanyuan Yunyan's heart suddenly felt like being hit hard by a heavy hammer, a blunt pain spread, and the eye sockets were unconsciously misted.

The students around noticed Xuanyuan Yunyan's emotional changes, and turned to look at him in surprise.

Only then did he discover that Xuanyuan Yunyan's face was not as bright as it was before, but only lingering guilt, heartache, and an unknown anger remained.

Following Xuanyuan Yunyan's line of sight, the young boy leaning on the statue with his eyes closed came into their eyes.

They, who already knew the identity of "Yu Longhan", suddenly realized.

Several classmates stepped forward and patted Xuanyuan Yunyan on the shoulder, signaling him to hurry over and talk about other things later.

Xuanyuan Yunyan was reminded, came back to his senses, nodded apologetically at his classmates, signaled them to wait a moment with his eyes, and then quickly ran to the young boy.

Bowing down and hugging the young boy into his arms, before standing up, Xuanyuan Yunyan hastily and carefully looked at the body of the young boy in his arms.

After finding that there was nothing unusual, Xuanyuan Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, looked back at his classmates, and waited for them to approach.

As early as when Xuanyuan Yunyan's breath came to Guan Mingxin's side, she had already sensed it.

That's why he allowed the other party to hug him without any resistance, while Guan Mingxin continued to close his eyes and practice the secret art of movement in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Guan Mingxin had just gained some knowledge, and it was the critical moment of practice, so he could only pretend to be sound asleep, and let Xuanyuan Yunyan hug him and walk.

The destination of Xuanyuan Yunyan and his classmates was the college restaurant.

Since coming to Manduya Children's College, Xuanyuan Yunyan will send his itinerary for the day to Guan Mingxin every morning, rain or shine.

Even if the plan is temporarily changed, she will leave a message to inform her.

This habit has been preserved, even after Guan Mingxin retreated.

This caused Guan Mingxin to receive a bunch of messages immediately after leaving the Miracle Trial Space today, 90.00% of which were from Xuanyuan Yunyan.

(End of this chapter)

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