"However, even so, the enemy of the father still did not give up the idea of ​​completely obliterating you.

As long as he has time, he will continue to tear down the barriers of the world and send his subordinates to enter. On the one hand, he waits for the opportunity to attack you again, and on the other hand, he also searches for precious resources in that small world as much as possible.

Finally, when the world barrier of that small world was about to be shattered by his father's enemies, he struck again.

The two non-comprehension system small worlds that he will invade and gain complete control over, together with a cultivation small world that has been completely hollowed out by him, directly invaded the small world you are in..."

"The will of the world is at the moment when the barriers of the world are shattered. It manipulates your body and wants you to fuse with the source of the soul, and directly sacrifices itself to save the world..."

"The will of the world thinks well, it wants to kill two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, it can completely erase you, the chief culprit who caused the changes in the small world.

On the other hand, it can also make it truly form a complete heaven, and everything will return to normal..."

"Unfortunately, although my father doesn't hate the will of the world for using you as a puppet flag, even if he intends to sacrifice your body and soul, as long as the source of spirit and soul is intact, it will be fine.

After all, all the changes in that small world are caused by you, and you have burdened too much karma, which must be repaid.

It is precisely because of this that being a father has no intention of blocking the will of the world. "

"However, what my father didn't expect was that the will of the world was too greedy.

It actually wants to sacrifice your soul source, as the most important nourishment to enhance its own strength, and at the same time completely obliterate you, replacing a part of its own source to complete the purpose of saving the world.

This is something my father cannot tolerate..."

"Next, you should have guessed it...

For the father, he snatched back the source of your soul with a soul split, but the sacrifice had already started at that time, and there was no way to interrupt it.

After all, the cause and effect of the interruption is too great, it will directly destroy your soul source.

As a father, I can only watch your physical body and the remaining soul body disappear in the sacrifice together, being dragged by the source of the will of the world..."

"But the good thing is that the origin of the will of the world has been completely sacrificed, not only a part of it was originally envisaged.

But because of this, the salvation of the small world was not completely successful.

And, because of the father's intervention, the karma owed by you has not been fully settled.

In order to pay back all the karma you owed at once, Weifu had to consume [-]% of the energy of the last divine soul splitting soul, allowing the four small worlds to completely merge to form a new world.

It's a pity that the world barrier of the new world is still very weak, and there is even a small space-time crack left, which will burst open from time to time.

But as a father, there is nothing I can do..."

"My father knows that my father's enemies will not give up attacking you.

The new world has been able to block 10 years, and the father is already very pleased.

But now the man has launched another invasion of this new world.

This time, that person changed his method, although this world will not face the crisis of destroying the world, but it will inevitably be included in the big world of cultivation where the father resides, and become part of the territory under the control of the enemy of the father..."

"However, this is also the best chance for you to return to the big world of comprehension you were born in.

Now you have repaid all the karma, and your soul and body have also been restored, so father can finally leave with peace of mind..."

"Finally, let Weifu help you completely erase those memories that have nothing to do with cultivation.

I hope that without the burden of those memories, my son can be happier, as if your life is a new beginning...

Goodbye, my son.

Both my father and your mother will be waiting for the day when we will meet again..."

Guan Mingxin was overwhelmed by the long string of non-stop words, and didn't know how to face this figure who called himself 'father'.

While he was still trying to digest the information, he saw the figure whose face he couldn't see clearly waved his hand, and the white mist covering his body instantly dissipated.

Although it was only for a moment, Guan Mingxin still clearly saw the perfect appearance of that person that could not be expressed in words.

Seeing Guan Mingxin's stunned look, the man pulled the corners of his mouth helplessly, and after showing an extremely loving smile, he dissipated and turned into countless pure soul energy, which quickly merged into Guan Mingxin's soul body.

Guan Mingxin's main soul body, under the catalysis of this pure soul energy, successfully evolved into a soul again, possessing the ability that a practitioner will not die completely as long as the soul is not destroyed.

Before Guan Mingxin was pleasantly surprised by this, suddenly, countless tiny memory fragments flew out of her sea of ​​consciousness, and were erased one by one by invisible energy.

When those memory fragments are being erased, the pictures in them are automatically displayed in Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness:
Born in a place called Huaming Peak, beloved by his parents, and pampered by the entire sect, Xuanyuan Huiye has cultivation resources that no one else can even imagine. I don't know exactly how many...

At the young age of 15, when most practitioners are still struggling in the Qi refining stage, Fairy Huiye, who has been promoted to become the youngest top master in the Transcending Tribulation Stage in history, was ambushed when she was ascending to the Transcending Tribulation... …

When the source of the soul was about to be scattered, her father's soul split rescued her, and when her father, who had already ascended to the upper world, arrived in person...

Afterwards, she was thrown by her father into a great phantom world where intelligent beings had just evolved and had the initial cultivation system.

Fairy Huiye accidentally became the patriarch of the Illusory Clan. Taking advantage of her status, she began to publicize the cultivation system, changed the original cultivation system of the Illusory Clan, and even robbed the energy source of the Demon Clan...

In the world of phantom spirits, Fairy Hui Ye flaunted herself wantonly, as if she wanted to vent all the anguish of being attacked in her previous life, but she was unexpectedly attacked again.

Still a direct subordinate of the raider back then, the mysterious man who called himself Zhu Ma made a surprise attack in public.

Naturally, Fairy Huiye was saved again by a divine soul of her father.

But Zhu Ma's attack was too ruthless, and his father's distracted soul dissipated after withstood most of the attacks.

Fairy Hui Ye fell into the hands of the world will of the phantom spirit world that had long hated her, and her reincarnated body, Xuanyuan Yanhao, was forced to become a puppet of the world's will, serving as a pawn to attract others , and shouldered many inexplicable responsibilities...

One day, when Xuanyuan Yanhao was searching for treasures in an underground cave, three different worlds invaded the Phantom World at the same time.

Just when the sky was falling apart and the four worlds were about to be destroyed, Xuanyuan Yanhao's body was controlled by the will of the world, and he flew out of the underground cave, and was forced to appear in the vision of all the intelligent races who were confronting each other in the phantom spirit world and the three invading small worlds .

Acted as the "savior who took the initiative to sacrifice himself to save the world"-the eternal Xishen.

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