After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 337 The memory was tampered with again

In order to weaken Xuanyuan Yanhao's resistance, the will of the world rescued all the relatives and friends related to him, and let those people watch Xuanyuan Yanhao sacrifice himself...

What no one saw was that at the end when the source of the soul was being led to sacrifice, the father's soul split his hands and only kept her source of the soul, and put it into a drop of his heart to nourish it.

Xuanyuan Yanhao's soul origin was nourished by his father's heart and soul, and finally condensed into a body again, but it was a little baby.

After going through a series of strange experiences, this little baby became the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao, and finally turned into blood essence and merged into Guan Mingxin's body...

Those pictures quickly disappeared in a flash, and then were completely erased...

In Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​soul consciousness, apart from all kinds of knowledge about the cultivation system, there was only an illusory man with unparalleled aura and appearance, who smiled lovingly at him, and left a sentence: "My son! , because my father and your mother will always wait for the day when we will reunite with you..." There is no other memory.

Among them, Guan Mingxin's reincarnation into Guan's family members naturally included all the memories that had nothing to do with cultivation.

Guan Mingxin had no idea at all that this "for father" actually had such selfishness, and she was still not sure whether the person this "for father" was talking about was herself, or the praying Yu Xiaoshi, the "for father" "Father" wiped out all the experiences in this life!
This is really a bit too much!
Without these memories, Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly seemed empty, except for the memory storage related to cultivation.

The main consciousness body that has evolved into a soul, together with the twelve soul split soul consciousness bodies, and the impurities in the lake formed by the spiritual power at the bottom were also completely removed.

From this moment, Guan Mingxin really became a self-righteous human who was about to celebrate his fifth birthday, but in fact he was a half-demon cub.

A little baby who only knows his own name and possesses a vast amount of knowledge about various cultivation systems.

Fortunately, the "father" didn't know whether it was due to lack of energy or other reasons, but he didn't discover the cloud fantasy world hidden in the core of Guan Mingxin's soul origin, as well as the Wuji world that was being bred in the cloud fantasy world and the sleeping Wuji.

Just because he didn't know the existence of Wuji, when the "father" erased the memory, he didn't notice anything wrong with the memory related to Wuji at all, and regarded it as a part related to cultivation, and kept it together.

After all, there is a contract. The "father" can still vaguely perceive the contract, but he is not sure what kind of contract it is. Just relying on the vague contract rules he perceives, he mistakenly thinks that Wuji is his own child's contract. It's just a small pet.

With the idea of ​​pampering the child, this "father" kept this little pet for Guan Mingxin.

He thought that after he dissipated, there would be a small pet to accompany his child, and the state of his child's inability to adapt due to blank memory would be relieved a lot.

I believe that when Wuji wakes up and knows how the "father" behaves, he will most likely restore the memories that were erased by the "father" in a fit of anger, so as to vent his anger at being treated as a pet.

Don't say it's impossible.

With Wuji's ability, she would know everything that happened to Guan Mingxin, as long as Guan Mingxin was not on guard.

What's more, Guan Mingxin, who has a blank memory, is there any defense at all?

If Guan Ming knew at this time that her memory had been tampered with again, she would probably lie flat.

After all, since I joined the Guan family to gain consciousness in this life, my memory has been tampered with no less than three times.

This is not counting the experience of being forcibly poured in by the memory of the wisher during the mission after she joined the Yanyi Divine Realm.

After all, strictly speaking, that's tampering with memory, right?
Perhaps, in the future, Guan Mingxin will encounter this kind of opportunity for her memory to be tampered with, until she is so powerful that no one can attack her.

Let's talk about the present.

Guan Mingxin, who had just been wiped of all memories other than those related to cultivation, raised his head again, looked at Xuanyuan Yunyan in front of him with a confused face, and clearly saw the dignified and nervous face of the other party, and when he even started to sweat profusely, his face The confusion quickly disappeared.

Sensing the familiarity from the same bloodline, Xiaobai Guan Mingxin showed a suddenly realized expression again, as if he had figured out something important, he nodded very seriously.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled again, and very politely, he shouted in a soft and strange tone:
"Brother, hello."

However, this series of changes in Guan Mingxin made Xuanyuan Yunyan show a stunned and stupid look.

This made Guan Mingxin, whose memory was almost completely formatted, wrinkled his little nose in disgust, and showed a serious expression of "I want to leave but I have to guard my stupid brother to protect my stupid brother from being hurt when he is stupid". There is as much joy as there is joy.

It also made Xuanyuan Yunyan finally come back to his senses, and became really stupid.

The barrage in his heart is about to overwhelm the screen:
"I'm sooooooooooooooo!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!
"My most honorable little Highness, how could he have such a cute expression?!"

"Look at her confused little eyes!"

"I really want to pinch His Highness's chubby little face..."

"Hmph! Don't be stupid! How can your little highness be desecrated by your stinky hands?!"

"But...but...but, what should I do if I really want to pinch it?"

"Wow ka ka ka!"

"Wow ka ka ka!"

"Your Highness actually called me brother!"

"The voice is so cute, so cute, so cute!"

"I want to pinch His Highness's little cheek more and more, what should I do if it is swollen?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

"My lord, how could you make such a foul?"

"Your Highness, don't look so cute, okay? It's really cute, I can't stand the old bird..."

"God, let the original cold and domineering little Highness come back!"

"If this continues, I really, really, really can't control my evil hands that are about to move..."


Guan Mingxin expressed that he couldn't bear to look directly at Xuanyuan Yunyan's rich barrage at this time.

That's right, all the bullet screens in Xuanyuan Yunyan's heart were perceived by Guan Mingxin verbatim!

Seeing that the other party will continue to complain endlessly in his heart, Guan Mingxin, who has already sensed all the memories of Xuanyuan Yunyan through a ray of consciousness evolved from spiritual power, reluctantly put on a face according to his previous appearance in the other party's memory. :
His expressionless face was almost paralyzed, his eyes were indifferent and cold, with a look of contempt for all living beings, aloof and isolated.

At the same time, there was a strong cold aura that should not be approached by strangers.

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