Chapter 338 Reborn?

Xuanyuan Yunyan suddenly felt the familiar aura again, and took a closer look.

The familiar indifferent eyes that could be engraved into the soul at a glance immediately brought him back to normal.

Xuanyuan Yunyan forcibly suppressed the infinite regret in his heart, and with a serious face on the surface, after nodding to the most honorable little highness of his family, he walked upstairs.

Guan Mingxin's eyes followed Xuanyuan Yunyan's figure all the time.

When he saw him stop in the corridor between the two bedrooms, the breath on his body instantly strengthened to the left.

In the next moment, Xuanyuan Yunyan, who had stopped, raised his foot again, turned his body to the left, opened the door with the Yuanxun magic weapon, and closed the door after entering the bedroom.

Guan Mingxin reached out and rubbed his little face, the expression on his face immediately collapsed.

She really didn't understand why she had to work so hard all day with a sullen face?
Is it not sore or painful?
After complaining to himself in his heart, Guan Mingxin got up and went upstairs, and stood still in front of the bedroom door on the right.

Subconsciously raised his left wrist, aiming at the sensor on the door with the magic weapon evolved from the phantom star.

With a sound of "ding", the door opened.

Guan Mingxin entered the door, acted according to the subconscious mind in his body, went to the bathroom immediately to wash up, and changed into pajamas.

Afterwards, Guan Mingxin quickly climbed onto the comfortable big bed, covered the quilt and lay down, ready to enter the miraculous trial space that Xuanyuan Yunyan saw from his memory.

In the bedroom on the other side, Xuanyuan Yunyan relaxed when he walked to the bed with a sullen face.

Immediately, I felt exhausted all over, and I really wanted to just lie down like this and sleep in the dark.

But the upbringing of the aristocratic family made Xuanyuan Yunyan unable to endure falling asleep without washing up.

Xuanyuan Yunyan had to struggle and took a battle bath as fast as possible, brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth, and as soon as he was wrapped in a bath towel, he rushed out of the bathroom and rushed towards the big bed.

The body suddenly sank deeply into the soft mattress, Xuanyuan Yunyan stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt away and pulled it on his back, he didn't bother to move anymore, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, how could Xuanyuan Yunyan remember that before, he planned to ask his most honorable little highness why he changed the villa?

Regarding this trivial matter, through Xuanyuan Yunyan's memory, Guan Mingxin, who already thought he knew his character quite well, would not be worried.

At this moment, Guan Mingxin, who had already entered the Miracle Trial Space, was staring at her trial character.

Guan Mingxin couldn't figure out what was going on. She already knew that the trial character could merge with her real body, so she came to Miracle Trial Space with the mood of experiencing another world.

But what's going on now, why didn't my real body and trial character merge?
Time seemed to be frozen, and it took a long while for Guan Ming to come back to his senses.

Glancing at the phantom star, she realized that it was only a few seconds, not the long illusion she felt.

At this moment, the phantom star suddenly burst into a burst of intense light.

The provocative Guan Mingxin's eyes closed uncontrollably.

Guan Mingxin, who didn't feel any crisis, didn't make any resistance and preparedness. He closed his eyes and quietly waited for the end of the phantom star's transformation.

What Guan Mingxin didn't know was that the light from the phantom star irradiated the trial character on the opposite side, and the trial character melted into the air like ice and snow being irradiated by the sun.

At the same time, some things in the phantom star were completely melted and erased.

But the light from the phantom star has not disappeared, and a new trial character has been generated at the position where the original trial character was standing, from feet to head, little by little.

The appearance of the new trial character that was finally completed looks the same as the original one.

When the trial bracelet on the left wrist of the new trial character was swallowed by the phantom star again, the new trial character merged with Guan Mingxin's real body.

When the new trial character was completely integrated with his real body, Guan Mingxin suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of relief that penetrated his heart.

As if the huge and heavy shackles were suddenly removed, every part of the body was relaxed and happy, as if singing and celebrating.

Guan Ming was suddenly surrounded by this feeling, and suddenly became intoxicated involuntarily.

Really comfortable!

And at this moment, in an unknown secret realm in the New Hundred Wars Realm, a blood-colored phantom figure sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up, the movement was so violent that the body scattered a little.

But the bloody phantom figure didn't take this into consideration at all, but roared frantically:

"Do not!

This is impossible! "

Hearing the voice of the bloody blurred figure, Zhu Ma, who was waiting outside, was shocked, and immediately ran in to ask:
"My lord, what's the matter with you?"

"What did you say?
Just now, Kaguya's aura completely disappeared!
Together with the imprint left by the deity in the origin of Huiye's soul, it has been completely erased!

You know, that brat Xuanyuan didn't even notice that I left a mark on his precious daughter's soul source.

However, just now, the mark was gone!
What do you think happened to the deity? ! "

After the bloody illusory figure finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and threw Zhu Ma into the air, still very puzzled.

Zhu Ma flew upside down and crashed into an energy ore mine hundreds of kilometers away, and suddenly spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, which was mixed with internal organ fragments.

But at this moment, Zhu Ma couldn't care about the severe injury at all, and his mind lost control, and he kept repeating in his mouth:

"how can that be?

Do not!
This is impossible!

How can this be?

Do not!
This is impossible!


Yeah, how is this possible?
Seeing that success is imminent, after spending so much time and energy, and countless resources, why did the imprint that even that person couldn't detect at the beginning suddenly disappear inexplicably?
Not only did the imprint of the mark disappear, but even Kaguya's own aura emanating from the source of the soul was completely unperceivable? !
You must know that every soul source core, whether it is the soul source or the evolved fairy soul core, or the soul source, has a special breath that belongs to itself, which is called the soul source breath.

Under normal circumstances, no one can detect this soul source breath.

Not to mention deliberately in a complete world, aimlessly perceiving the soul source breath of a certain soul source core.

However, when the cultivation level reaches a certain level, even those who do not specialize in soul art can naturally master the ability to perceive the breath of the soul source - the soul source perception technique.

And the blood-colored phantom figure has just met this condition.

In order to keep an eye on Kaguya's movements at all times, ninety percent of his own energy was spent on performing the soul source perception technique.

Because of this, his Tao directly divided half of the soul from the main body, so he is so weak. Under the premise that there are many secret realms with unusually strong vitality to provide energy, it has reached the level where it can barely maintain basic survival.

Although the energy level of the reorganized New Hundred Wars World is far lower than the big world where the main body is located, it is a top existence in the world of the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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