Chapter 339 Ignorance Is Blessing
The blood-colored blurry figure is very clear. Ever since this soul-splitting came to the phantom world that has not encountered three small worlds invading at the same time, the various cultivation resources he has consumed are enough to make the entire Yuan Xinghan world The concentration of vitality has more than quadrupled!

That's right, the phantom world where the "father" said his child was reincarnated and reborn was the predecessor of Yuan Xinghan's world.

This is also a coincidence that the original Xinghan world merged with Baizhan Realm and other unknown worlds to form the new Baizhan Realm, which interrupted the scarlet phantom avatar's continued consumption of the original Xinghan world's resources.

And the fuse that caused the reorganization of the New Hundred Wars World happened to be Guan Mingxin.

It can be regarded as consuming part of the enemy's strength in advance by mistake.

Although, even before the memory was erased by the "father", Guan Mingxin didn't know that such an enemy existed.

If the incarnation of the bloody phantom knew that Guan Mingxin had done this, I'm afraid he would not just be out of temper.

At this moment, the ignorant blood-colored phantom avatar couldn't figure it out, he had paid so much, but the result he got was that the imprint was gone, and Kaguya's soul source breath was also gone? !

Could it be that in the end, so much effort was for nothing?

how can that be! ! ! !
Even the bloody illusory figure could not be accepted by himself, and Zhu Ma, the person in charge of the operation plan to obliterate Hui Ye, was even more difficult to accept.

Zhu Ma didn't feel it personally, to verify whether the words of the bloody blurred figure were correct.

It has nothing to do with whether he has met the conditions for mastering the soul source perception technique.

But he is very clear that the person in charge is more eager to complete all these plans than him, the person who hates Kaguya and the power behind Kaguya more than him!
Therefore, Zhu Ma didn't need to verify the authenticity of this news at all.

But since this is true, how could such a situation happen?

Now, Zhu Ma really wanted to cry.

He felt that everything was over for him, and his life was finally coming to an end...

In the Miracle Trial Space, Guan Mingxin didn't know how crazy and sad her enemies were.

She herself didn't even know who the enemy was, and even the existence of the enemy was learned from the previous life of the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao, or her father in the previous life.

It is worth mentioning that the "father" actually kept the picture he told Guan Mingxin.

It is precisely because of this that Xiaobai Guan Mingxin knows that he still has an unknown enemy.

But at present, as long as Guan Mingxin is careful enough, there will be no problems in the short term.

For the unknown and powerful enemy, Guan Mingxin was not afraid in her heart, but she also knew very well that fear was useless.

Now that he has reached the current situation, no matter how "bad" he is, he will inevitably be unable to avoid the so-called enemy in the future, and it will be a long time later.

As for saying that she was "bad and criticized", it was Guan Mingxin who heard about the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao from the mouth of the "father". , the result judged by yourself.

Although at present, I don't seem to feel any signs of "declining criticism", but I still have opportunities and blessings.

But Guan Mingxin was still very sure of his judgment.

In this way, it is somewhat unreasonable.

Could it be that these are all illusions created by some enemy?
Just to find himself one day in the future, and then kill him?
Guan Mingxin believed that no one would be willing to do this.

Throughout the ages, many people have held the idea that once they become enemies, they will kill the weeds and root them out.

Even if you can't solve everyone in the first time, you will try to solve it as soon as possible later.

There will be no chance and time for the other party to grow up at all.

After all, the world of cultivation is turbulent and there are countless opportunities. Who can guarantee that the other party will never catch up with him?

Not to mention deliberately providing opportunities for the other party to let the other party grow up before dealing with it.

Since it was impossible to be the hands and feet of that unknown enemy, Guan Mingxin was not so worried even though he couldn't figure it out.

Now, I just need to practice hard, study hard, hide myself as much as possible, and disappear from the public.

Being in the limelight, making a difference, and other things that are infinitely beautiful, will have nothing to do with her, Guan Mingxin, for a long time to come.

Before the phantom of the father's split soul appeared, Guan Mingxin just thought about how to live well as the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao every day, and brought his cheap elder brother to find the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao's parents and five other children. Brothers and sisters, a family reunion, so as to fulfill the little wish of the praying fish.

But the phantom of the split soul appeared, although it quickly dissipated completely and turned into countless energies to nourish his own sea of ​​soul, soul, and consciousness, but it had an extremely profound impact on Guan Mingxin.

Guan Mingxin, whose memories of this life have been wiped out, mistakenly thought that she was Yu Xiaoxiao, the petitioner, and it was the first time she knew her "life experience".

He knew that all the unlucky events in his body were all because of one person's hostility towards his father.

Guan Ming didn't want to comment on the fate.

On the surface, that person was extremely powerful, as if he controlled his own destiny.

But in reality, Guan Mingxin also has his own feelings.

What's more, even if that person is really playing with his own fate, who can be absolutely sure that fate cannot be reversed?

If it really couldn't be reversed, he would have died a long time ago!
Where can I live well and have opportunities to accompany me? !
Whether it is a blessing or a bad luck, everything is still unclear, and the future has to be carried out on its own.

Guan Mingxin's thoughts were also felt by Wuji, who was awakened by the phantom of his father's ghost.

Wuji naturally also heard about Guan Mingxin's true "life experience".

It's not that she wasn't shocked, but she and Guan Mingxin had the same opinion, what the future holds depends on herself.

Of course, Wuji still took that enemy seriously, and after he made a big move last time to completely solve his worries, he started to make arrangements silently again.

Guan Mingxin didn't know that Wuji had awakened and started a new layout again.

As for the memories that Guan Mingxin had been erased in this life, after Wuji got angry, he didn't naively think about restoring them immediately, in order to express his dissatisfaction with the "father" who treated him like a pet.

Instead, after careful consideration, he decided to keep his master's memory erased for the time being.

From Wuji's point of view, even if the memory is erased, the bond of blood cannot be broken, and none of the blood servants who have signed the blood contract to recognize the master will be able to escape.

That being the case, why not keep this state temporarily, so that the master can concentrate on improving himself?

But Wuji's thoughts did not represent the thoughts of Guan Mingxin's family members in this life, the blood servants were nothing more than that.

But the Guan family, especially Guan Mingchen who regards Guan Mingxin as his only salvation and responsibility after rebirth, will never allow the part of his precious sister's memory to be forcibly erased!
Even if that person is the baby sister's previous life, or the father of the previous life!
(End of this chapter)

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