Chapter 343
Whether it is the Purple Dragon Soul Jade or the Primordial Sacred Bead of Chaos, in the eyes of Guan Mingxin now, they are all obtained by his own "chance".

Even if they are now in harmony with their souls, they will live forever and belong to themselves alone.

But Guan Mingxin has always held an attitude of "I'm lucky if I win, but I'm dead if I lose it" from the beginning to the end.

Just because they are not from their own hands.

For Guan Mingxin now, only the Yunfanjie and Wuji in the origin of the soul are her most cherished treasures.

The second is the phantom star and its weapon Lingjiujiu.

As for the Wuji Realm, which is more precious than the Illusory Cloud Realm, Guan Mingxin doesn't know its existence yet.

Therefore, at this time, in Guan Mingxin's cognition, this new chaotic creation space in the dantian is an existence second only to the cloud illusion world and Wuji.

This was the reason why Guan Mingxin was extremely happy and excited.

However, Guan Mingxin, who was too emotional, did not notice that a milky white light spot entered the chaotic creation space and disappeared in an instant.

After the excitement, Guan Mingxin thought about naming the new chaotic creation space.

After much deliberation, he couldn't think of a reason, so Guan Mingxin simply took its appearance and called it "The Small Realm of Round Beads".

The new space of creation of chaos—the small realm of round beads, can add a protective barrier to one's dantian.

And in normal times, you can also store the energy generated by your own cultivation in it, and draw it out without hindrance when you need it, just like installing an energy storage magic weapon that takes into account protection in the dantian.

In Guan Mingxin's perception, the size of the small bead realm and the diversity of landforms can all increase slowly with the improvement of her cultivation base, and even to a certain extent, even life forms may be bred!
Such a process will bring Guan Mingxin the experience of being the creator of the world, creating a world by himself, breaking it from the original chaotic origin, forming the division of heaven and earth, having complex landforms, and giving birth to life...

This experience is incomparable to any treasure obtained from chance!

Just when Guan Mingxin was happy for her small circle of beads, what she didn't know was that just as she recognized the owner of the Purple Dragon Soul Jade, and with the help of the Purple Dragon Soul Jade, she completely refined the source of the chaotic holy bead. At the same time, the nine domains of the New Hundred Wars World trembled violently several times.

It was like an earthquake happened at the same time!
Fortunately, the shock was not strong, and the duration was too short, causing no casualties.

This made the management of the Nine Domains just a false alarm. When no casualties were detected, they just reported the above to the upper-level leaders. After that, they had nothing to do, and everyone was busy entering the miracle trial space again. I went to practice hard.

In the secret realm that no one knew about, the bloody phantom figure, together with Zhu Ma and Zhu Ma's subordinates and servants, were all swallowed by a space crack that suddenly appeared.

In the Miracle Trial Space, Lingshen also suddenly lost his sanity at the same time.

At the heart of the spiritual body of the spirit god, at the moment when the Nine Realms trembled, there was a blood-colored light, which was pulled out by an invisible force and thrown into the small space crack that suddenly appeared.

After regaining his sanity again, the Spirit God didn't realize that he had lost part of his memory at all, and he was still wandering in the Miracle Trial Space.

Lingshen didn't know why he was swaying around like this, it was just a subconscious habit...

And with the passage of time, the memory of the spirit god is constantly being lost.

It didn't take long for Lingshen to completely "forget" all the memories of the past, and became a whiteboard-like existence, and no longer responded to any messages calling him.

However, the changes in the Spiritual God did not have much impact on the outside world.

Even under the premise that there is no abnormal operation in the Miracle Trial Space, its operation speed has been accelerated a lot, and the collection and allocation of various data and information flows have become more and more smooth.

Under such circumstances, the top powers in the original Xinghan world who can directly contact the spirit god, even if someone has already guessed that something happened to the spirit god, pretended not to know it, but thought it was good.

who cares!
If only Spirit God would be like this forever!
Now, I should hurry up and go to the Miracle Trial Space World to improve my cultivation!
Even if there will be no major changes or catastrophes in the New Hundred Wars World in the short term, the world is unpredictable, and who knows what changes will happen in the future?
Just like Lingshen, before this, no one would think that Lord Lingshen could have any accidents, right?

But it turns out that anything is possible!
All the powers of Yuan Xinghan World gathered in private for a while, exchanged information with each other, and came to a conclusion of "guessing that the vibration of the nine domains may be related to the spirit god", and they all responded happily. I went to the Miracle Trial Space to practice hard.

Spiritual gods, earthquakes, etc., were completely forgotten by them.

How could Guan Mingxin know that one of his unintentional actions actually triggered a series of accidents.

All the people and things from the enemy faction of "father" who have been persecuting me, regardless of race, whether they have life characteristics, real or illusory, were all pushed out of the New Baizhan Realm by an inexplicable force.

In this way, it directly won more time for the New Hundred Battle World to improve its strength.

Guan Mingxin, who didn't know anything about it, wanted to try to enter just after he sensed that the small bead realm in his dantian had evolved.

Unexpectedly, with a thought, the scenery in front of me changed in the blink of an eye.

Guan Mingxin quickly got up, looked around, and immediately burst into joy.

I didn't expect that I could enter my real body in the small bead realm!
Guan Mingxin wandered around, and found that in the dark brown land, there were actually dots of green shoots, one by one scrambling to get out of the ground, swallowing the energy of the small bead.

After swallowing and spitting, Guan Mingxin keenly noticed that the air quality around Nian Ya'er had improved a little bit, and the energy purity had also improved a little bit.

If he hadn't used his only wisp of divine sense to observe, he still wouldn't have noticed this subtle change.

In the current small territory of Yuanzhu, the air is no longer filled with the unchanging energy of chaos, but the vitality of heaven and earth has been spawned by the tender buds!

Guan Mingxin carefully felt everything in the small territory of Yuanzhu, and the joy in his heart was beyond words.

With Yuanzhu Xiaojing, his own cloud fantasy world can be perfectly hidden!

At the same time, he also has an extra way out for self-protection.

Although so far, Guan Mingxin has never really entered the cloud illusion world, even if he uses his mind or spiritual consciousness to penetrate, he can't do it.

But this does not prevent Guan Mingxin from regarding the Cloud Fantasy Realm as his treasure.

However, Guan Mingxin at this moment seems to have forgotten the saying that "the sky is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and blessings". How can the future be accurate?
Maybe one day, Yuanzhu Xiaojing will also meet the opportunity to be promoted, so that the space will be closed to prevent her, the master, from entering?
In fact, not long after, Guan Mingxin encountered such a situation.

(End of this chapter)

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