Chapter 344 Jiujiu Appears
After conscientiously perceiving Yuanzhu Xiaojing with his spiritual sense, Guan Mingxin confirmed that Yuanzhu Xiaojing really possessed the basic ability of self-evolution.

If left alone, maybe after a long, long time, this small bead realm will evolve into a small world with all creatures and complete laws of heaven.

But if that's the case, even if Guan Mingxin has almost unlimited vitality and can live for a long time, she doesn't have to worry about waiting until the day when Yuanzhu Xiaojing evolves into a small world by itself, she is unwilling to do so.

Let Yuanzhu Xiaojing self-evolve, it seems to save time and effort.

But in fact, it meant that Guan Mingxin completely lost the complete control of Yuanzhu Xiaojing, and was banned by his self-evolved way of heaven.

This is more than worth the loss.

Therefore, Guan Mingxin would not adopt this method to evolve Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

After Guan Mingxin's real body entered the small bead realm, the phantom star suddenly flickered with colored light.

This colored light is very faint, so faint that it is almost invisible, and there is no energy fluctuation.

But in this colorful light, a very small phantom light and shadow of a humanoid child gradually condensed.

This phantom child in human form is only about four centimeters high, but his appearance is very clear. It is a little girl who looks a bit like Guan Mingxin.

At this moment, she was staring at Guan Mingxin with a pair of big eyes full of eagerness, and whispered silently in her heart:

"Master, Jiujiu can finally gather her figure again, it's great!"

But Guan Mingxin, who was completely focused on Yuanzhu Xiaojing, didn't notice Jiujiu's small figure, and left Yuanzhu Xiaojing directly.

The moment Guan Mingxin returned to Minglan Village, Jiujiu hid in the phantom star, dissipating the newly condensed body.

As a weapon spirit created by Wuji, Jiujiu still possesses a certain degree of independent spirituality.

On the basis of not exceeding Guan Mingxin's control authority, Jiujiu can find opportunities to improve herself.

This control authority refers to the strength of Guan Mingxin's soul power.

Now, with Guan Mingxin's main soul body having evolved into a divine soul, Jiujiu's independent spirituality is still very strong.

No, when Wuji was born, Jiujiu, who had been drawn by Wuji so much energy that he couldn't show it, actually took advantage of Guan Mingxin's opportunity to protect Guan Mingxin's soul core when Wuji was at a loss. Simultaneously improving himself, the spirit body was condensed again at once, which also made Jiujiu's own independent spirituality a little stronger than before.

At the same time, Jiu Jiu changed the original male appearance into a little girl.

This little bit of independent spirituality added by Jiujiu has a lot to do with it.

It allows Jiujiu to speed up the speed of autonomously absorbing energy particles between the heaven and the earth, and continuously improve herself; it can also advance by leaps and bounds every time through Guan Mingxin's cultivation.

Of course, as the weapon spirit of the phantom star, Jiujiu also has the same characteristics as the weapon spirits of other high-level Yuanxun instruments, and can self-evolve through continuous calculation of data and analysis of information flow.

However, whether Jiujiu can finally maintain this part of his newly-increased spirituality depends on whether Wuji, who has finished his work, allows it.

Guan Mingxin, who didn't know anything about these things, had recovered a little bit of his physical strength after resting.

Henceforth, Guan Mingxin began to walk along the street to check one by one, getting familiar with Minglan Village again.

After visiting all Minglan villages, Guan Mingxin went to the practice room to practice.

First meditate for a while and adjust your breath, then go to fight against the fighting puppet for a while, and then continue to read the inheritance of the aboriginal people in Minglan Village, learning and researching one by one...

When there was only half an hour before class the next morning, Guan Mingxin hurriedly left the Miracle Trial Space under Jiujiu's reminder.

Quickly brushing himself a dust-cleaning technique, changing into his school uniform, Guan Mingxin ran out of the villa in a hurry without waiting for Xuanyuan Yunyan, attracted flying boards, and flew towards the classroom of class 999999999.

The location of that classroom was found out from Xuanyuan Yunyan's memory.

Guan Mingxin thought bitterly: "Why did I suddenly lose my memory?
Amnesia is not a panacea!

Legend has it that Teacher Lan in class 999999999 is terrifying!

In case Teacher Lan asks me about my previous knowledge, how should I answer?

To be honest, I'm sorry teacher, I lost my memory?
Unless I want to get spanked! "

With a stomach full of worries and troubles, Guan Ming didn't dare not to go to class no matter how much he dawdled.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and stepped on the class bell and walked into the classroom.

Guan Mingxin lowered his small head, peeked out of the corner of his eye, and saw that only the last few rows had vacant seats, so he quickly ran to an empty seat.

Teacher Lan on the podium saw the little guy flustered, obviously different from before the retreat, raised his eyebrows, and immediately aroused a strong curiosity, so his eyes naturally shot a very obvious look. The color of interest.

Seeing this, the other students mourned Guan Mingxin from the bottom of their hearts:

"Poor little guy, you're going to be out of luck!
It actually made the big blue demon king take an interest in you and set his sights on you. I hope you can hold on for a little longer!

May God bless you! "

The Blue Demon King didn't care about the other students' superficial regret and pity, but in fact they were unabashedly gloating.

After Guan Mingxin sat down obediently, the Blue Demon King went uncharacteristically and clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the [-] cubs in the class whose age was as young as four years old and as old as ten years old.

I saw the big blue demon king said with a smile:

"Our 'Nine Nine Classes' finally gathered 80 students today, and we can officially start classes. Are you happy?"


While the students responded weakly, they couldn't bear to complain in their hearts:
"Big Blue Demon King, our 'Class of Nine and Nine' has already reached 80 people a few months ago, are you always sleepy?"

The ragged, obviously listless and perfunctory responses made Big Devil Lan dissatisfied.

But the big blue devil didn't say anything, and he still had a smile on his face, but his eyebrows were raised.

Exhausted by the various methods of the Big Blue Demon King, the students understood that the thoughts of these little cubs were black and white on the white paper in the eyes of the Big Blue Demon King-clear!
After Guan Mingxin's main soul body evolved into a divine soul, the original mental power was also evolved into a higher level of energy during this period of time——spiritual consciousness.

Now Guan Mingxin's spiritual consciousness is similar to the spiritual perception of the Great Blue Demon King.

Although the part of the "Nine Turns of Chaos Fortune Art" belongs to the cultivation of the soul body, the cultivation still produces spiritual power, but it is also infinitely close to the existence of divine consciousness, comparable to the immortal consciousness of a fairy who has faded into a fairy. Its power far exceeds the previous mental power.

Out of subconscious self-protection, Guan Mingxin tried not to use his consciousness outside.

(End of this chapter)

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