After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 345 The Feat of Class 999999999 【1】

Chapter 345 The Feat of Class 999999999 [[-]]

But even if he only uses mental power, Guan Mingxin is very powerful now.

For example, in the past, it was necessary to release the mental power out of the body, and use the tentacles of the mental power to capture the emotional fluctuations of others, in order to analyze the other party's thoughts.

But now, he only needs to mobilize his mental power, conduct a large-scale perceptual investigation, and without actually touching the other party's mental fluctuations, he can easily "see" the thoughts of people whose mental power is lower than his own.

The same is true even for mental strength of the same level.

Therefore, being able to clearly "see" Guan Mingxin in the hearts of other students in class 999999999, he was naturally infected with these emotions.

Guan Mingxin, who has erased all his own memories in this life except for the knowledge of cultivation, is at the age where he loves to play, make trouble and imitate.

She pretended her emotions to be the same as those of other students, and she didn't just imitate one person, but changed to another imitation object after a while, and after a while, she changed to another student to imitate, having fun Almost.

What's more, Guan Mingxin was so out of control when he was playing, that he turned this method of imitating the emotions of outsiders into a habit, almost instinctive!
It was also because of this that Big Blue Demon King didn't notice Guan Mingxin's strangeness from the beginning to the end.

In many environments where it is not easy to expose herself in the days to come, Guan Mingxin also used this instinctive ability to successfully avoid the mental perception of her opponents and enemies, allowing her to disappear from the crowd and preserve herself.

No matter how strong the person who releases the spiritual perception is, Guan Mingxin is not afraid.

After all, even if the mental power is not enough to support oneself to imitate other people's mood swings all the time, isn't there a divine consciousness that is more powerful than mental power!
The blue devil didn't know that there was a pretender among these little guys, and he was very satisfied with the knowledge and interest of the little guys.

Seeing that it was almost done, the Big Blue Demon King immediately said:

"Since you are so happy, then..."

The intentionally paused and elongated voice once again made everyone's hearts tense up.

Unleashing his mental power again with vile humor, sensing the nervous, fearful and pitiful emotions of a circle of students, the Blue Demon King slowly spit out the last few words:


As soon as the voice fell, the Blue Demon King took the lead and walked out with lazy and leisurely steps.

It was obvious that he didn't care whether the little guys could keep up or not.

"Training Course?"

"The rumored training ground?"

The students were dumbfounded!

It is said that the training ground is not cultivated until the Qi training period, and it cannot resist the pressure of fighting spirit at all!

They are a group that can't even enter the body tempering period. I'm afraid they are "waste materials" who will rush to the street as soon as they step into the range of the coercion of fighting spirit. How can they go to the training ground?
Could it be that the big blue devil changed his way of tormenting them?
This time, it is estimated that there is no way to pass the test without taking off a few layers of skin!
Eighty little guys, you look at me, I look at you, hesitate, hesitate, hesitate again...

In the end, when the figure of the big blue devil was about to disappear in the corridor outside the classroom, the little guys with drooping heads reluctantly walked out of the classroom.

They are like a group of deserters who are about to go to the front and be forced to fight, how pitiful they are.

But none of the teachers and students I met on the way dared to ask, let alone the persuasion that the little ones were looking forward to!

Therefore, it is an extravagant hope for the little ones to hope that someone can stop the evil deeds of the big blue devil!
The eighty little ones in class 999999999 were already deeply aware of this sad fact when they walked halfway.

Ever since, they put away all the pitiful and sympathetic expressions on their faces, put on paralyzed faces, and accelerated their pace a lot.

When I saw the sign of "Public Training Ground of Menduoya Children's College" from a distance, most of the little guys had shortness of breath, pale faces, and trembling legs.

After coming out of the classroom of class 999999999, all the way was on their feet, and the blue devil didn't say anything to get on the flying board, so no student "dare to take the shame of the blue devil" and call the flying board without authorization.

They all gritted their teeth and held on, no matter how tired they were, they would hold on. They must not let the Big Devil Blue raise his eyebrows, or even frown!

Absolutely not!

Guan Mingxin couldn't help laughing at the self-motivating words in the hearts of the students.

While imitating this emotion, she secretly sighed:

The Blue Demon King's prestige is so powerful that it is more effective than any potion for replenishing physical strength!

When they finally reached the critical point [-] meters outside the gate of the public training ground, where the pressure of fighting appeared, there were a few frail little ones who had to rely on the support of their classmates to stand firm.

But the big blue devil didn't give them any time to rest.

After the eighty little guys had all rushed to the marking line of the critical point, the big blue devil turned around again, and walked towards the gate of the training ground mercilessly, without slowing down at all!

Seeing this, the little ones had no choice but to shake their legs and bite their lips fiercely. Some even bit their lips, and they didn't know that they were bleeding from the bite.

After trying to stand upright one by one, the little guys slowly stepped into the marking line.

Like thunder from the sky, the coercion of war is coming!

There seems to be a little rumbling sound in the ears, impacting their brains, mental strength, and then their souls and seas of consciousness non-stop!
The marking line drawn by the ordinary one-centimeter thin fiery red line separates the space here into two completely different worlds.

Take a step back, the blue sky and white clouds, and the breeze.

Further, thunder rumbles and rainstorm pinches!

The few little guys who could only rely on the support of their classmates to stand firm before, all rushed to the street after getting their feet on the ground!
With this pounce, the entire small body almost fell within the marking line.

Immediately, the more powerful pressure of fighting spirit made their attempts to get up paused at the moment when the brain issued an order.

Under the all-round attack of the coercion of war, their bodies are completely out of control, and they cannot follow the instructions of the brain to make corresponding actions.

Among the rest of the students, even if most of the little guys didn't completely throw themselves on the street, they were half kneeling, half prone, or both.

There are only seven people who can really keep standing.

Among the seven remaining people, Guan Mingxin was the only one who kept walking forward at the same speed from the beginning to the end, surpassing all the classmates in a few steps.

However, Guan Mingxin stopped suddenly after passing all the students a few steps away.

Just when the people who followed here mistakenly thought that the little guy couldn't continue walking, they saw her turn around and walk outside.

There is no slight effort in the agile posture of raising his feet and striding forward!
(End of this chapter)

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