Chapter 351 Parents' Thank You Gift
It is precisely because of this that after eighty little ones were sucked into the public training ground, "Teacher Lan" received eighty letters of thanks from parents and eighty gift lists on the Yuanxun Magical Artifact of Great Demon King Lan!
That's right, eighty copies!

When Guan Mingxin didn't know it, Yuling's avatar who stayed in the Yu clan in Sasuo District had already included her under the protection of the wings, recognized her fabricated identity as "Yu Xiaoxiao", and quietly recorded it on the genealogy.

This "Yu Xiaoxiao" identity is not the identity of Yu Xiaoxiao, the petitioner Guan Mingxin replaced, but for the sake of convenience, Guan Mingxin used the name "Yu Xiaoxiao" without thinking too much when fabricating his identity. .

Afterwards, she also thought that this might not be appropriate, but as things happened one after another, Guan Mingxin didn't have the energy to take care of this trivial matter anymore.

But Guan Mingxin, who has lost all her memories now, does not know that the identity she thought was fabricated has actually become a real existence long ago, and it is not a disguised identity at all.

This time, the Blue Demon King calmly accepted the eighty extremely extraordinary gift orders, and did not refuse any more.

No matter what kind of purpose he has for coming out today, the result is what the parents love to see.

It also achieved the ultimate goal of changing the fate of the eighty little guys, and that was enough!
The parents have a tacit understanding that they will not pursue the process in detail.

The big blue devil Shi Shiran walked into the public training ground.

As for the sensation caused by the little guys in class 999999999, and what happened afterward, that's not what he, the blue devil, cares about.

And the largest training forum on Yuanneng Magic Domain is about to explode!
In view of the fact that the New Hundred Wars World has also continued the original Xinghan World's protection regulations for cubs, there is no creature that is not a blood relative to save the images of the eighty little guys in class 999999999.

Even those who are capable have blurred the appearance of the little guys in their memory, just in case one day the enemy obtains the real appearance of this group of heaven-defying little geniuses through their own memory, so as to give them a chance to grow up. Bring unnecessary trouble.

The world convention of the original Xinghan world clearly stipulates:
"Using the age of the human race as the reference standard, and converting the lifespans of each race according to the ratio, the individual living beings under the age of 15 have the highest protection authority in Xinghan World.

Creatures within this age range, regardless of whether they violate the laws of the Xinghan Convention or the laws and regulations of various local forces, any race of creatures, and any individual creature is not allowed to directly violate those with the highest protection authority in any way and for any reason Interests.

Violators will be punished ten times as much in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

If there is an indirect violation of the interests of the creatures in this age range, the minimum penalty of more than twice the punishment will be imposed depending on the specific situation.

If a creature enjoying the highest protection authority commits any violation of law and discipline, it will be judged by the relevant professional department and punished accordingly. "

Since the release of this agreement, it has been thoroughly implemented in the original Xinghan world.

Now, after changing the "Xinghan World" to Baizhanjie in this world convention, the rest of the agreement is copied almost verbatim by the new Baizhanjie's Dao of Heaven, which is still set as the rule of Tiandao. .

Of course, the rules of the Dao of Heaven are not particularly strict, and those who are interested can still find many loopholes to take advantage of.

But overall, it's extremely useful.

Although this world has never lacked lawbreakers, but under the premise that the entire New Hundred Wars world strongly implements this agreement, there are still the vast majority of living beings who abide by this agreement.

Among them, the execution strength of the creatures in Yuan Xinghan World is the highest.

The creatures of this age group who enjoy the highest protection authority are nicknamed "little cubs".

After this joking name is widely used, when not specifically stated, "little cub" is the general term for creatures of this age group.

The above is the reason why the high school student dared to broadcast live directly in Yuanneng Magic Domain.

On the Primordial Energy Illusionary Realm, no creature would be able to save any image of a cub if they were not blood relatives.

Unless you can get the double approval of the cub's guardian and the cub himself.

Even the lowest-equipped Yuanxun magic weapon has the function of identifying whether the image content is a cub.

If someone tries to preserve it forcibly, it will be forcibly deleted by the powerful and ubiquitous Taling.

And depending on the situation, Taling will also give a corresponding fine, which will be deducted at the same time as the image is deleted.

In the New Hundred Battles World, where the primordial energy illusion is everywhere, there are very few creatures that do not store spirit crystal coins in their Yuanxun Magical Artifacts.

Of course, if there is really no spirit crystal coin, the relevant local departments will come to ask for a fine.

After a series of follow-up preventive measures for the live broadcast were completed, domain friends began to discuss heatedly in the comment area under the post whose live content had been deleted.


I'm dead, don't pull me!
I'm actually not as good as a group of little cubs under ten years old.

It has been several years since I broke through to the golden core stage, and I haven't found the skill to gather fighting spirit yet! "

"You have only been upstairs for a few years, and I have spent most of my life!
Don’t talk anymore, I’ve already fainted from crying in the toilet woo woo woo ()·”

"Ah la la~ Ou Lailai~ I am a little cub and I am proud~ Our little cubs also have great energy!"

"My mother asked me why I knelt down to look at the Yuanxun Magical Artifact, and I told my mother that I saw eighty little angels today, and I was praying for them!"

"Pray together..."

"Pray together +1..."

"Pray together +2..."

"Pray together +3..."


"Same prayer + Yuanxun magic weapon number..."

After a big wave of "Praying Together" craze passed, only Yuyu made a trembling speech to remind:

"Could it be that I'm the only one who notices obvious changes in the little angels' physique, mental power, and even the fluctuations in the vitality of the world around them?
Could it be that... the rumored... ideal phenomenon? "

As soon as this message appeared, the whole post suddenly fell into silence. After a long while, someone finally left a message again:
"If the brother upstairs didn't tell me, I haven't remembered it, but now that I think about it... Mamma Mia, it's amazing!"

Immediately afterwards, another person joined in.

"Huh? I remembered it too... Mamma Mia, it's incredible!"

Soon, another wave of "Mamma Mia, it's amazing" craze was set off again.

But all the domain friends no longer mentioned specific words, but repeatedly used various languages ​​to express their inner complex emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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