Chapter 352
If it is said that it is a miracle that the gathering of fighting will can be condensed on a group of little ones whose highest cultivation is only at the Jindan stage, and can also be fused after the fighting will resonates, then the refining of fighting will is a legendary existence!
As mentioned earlier, if the creatures of the New Hundred Wars Realm want to successfully step into the cultivation world, they must have cultivation talents.

The level of cultivation talent is directly linked to all achievements in the cultivation world.

There has never been a creature without cultivation talent who can directly step into the threshold of cultivation without resorting to any means.

Even if it did appear, the moment he got the heaven-defying opportunity, he was improved a bit, and he possessed the acquired cultivation talent.

And cultivation talent is not static.

Strictly speaking, every individual living being will have an innate talent for cultivation during the process of being conceived by the mother.

When the embryo is fully formed in the mother's body or egg, it is the time for the innate cultivation talent to appear.

But as the time of gestation passes, the innate cultivation talent will continue to change due to various external factors.

By the time of birth or breaking out of the shell, the innate cultivation talent has basically been finalized.

It is precisely because of this that the cultivation talent in the newborn's talent test refers to the innate cultivation talent that has been finalized.

As for the newborn's cultivation talent during the growth process, whether it is through the use of natural materials and earthly treasures, or artificially refined medicines and panacea, and other external things, the cultivation talent is acquired cultivation talent.

Although the acquired cultivation talent can superimpose the effect of the innate cultivation talent, it cannot fundamentally change the innate cultivation talent.

However, there are always exceptions to everything. After all, "the Dao is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine", and it is still "one of them".

Therefore, refining the fighting spirit has become the "one of escape" to fundamentally improve and enhance the innate cultivation talent.

Fighting intent, as the name suggests, is a special form of energy produced by an individual living being from its source of life due to the influence of external factors, which can escape outside the body without hindrance.

Whether it is an intelligent race or other uninitiated species, as long as they have life, they will have the will to fight.

Therefore, the fighting spirit itself is invisible, colorless and tasteless.

However, due to the difference in the master's intelligence, cultivation talent, personality, etc., the fighting spirit will be dyed with the color that belongs only to the master, and the emotions, concepts, and wills will be given to the master.

With the promotion of the master who produced the fighting spirit, after crossing the threshold of condensing and solidifying the energy refined in the body due to cultivation, the fighting spirit will also have the opportunity to change from invisible to tangible.

This process of transformation will allow the laws of heaven to bestow rewards—extremely rare Primal Chaos Qi.

As the manifest form of the origin energy of all things, Primal Chaos Qi is the kind of heaven-defying treasure that has the ability to fundamentally improve and enhance the innate cultivation talent.

However, when an individual living being gathers his fighting spirit for the first time, he can get very few rewards from the law of heaven, so little that the energy of chaos is not enough to play its role against the sky, and it will quickly spread into the vitality of heaven and earth.

If at the moment when the fighting spirit gathers for the first time, the rewards given by the law of heaven can be increased, so that the energy of chaos can reach the level where it can exert its ability before it spreads into the vitality of heaven and earth, then it will be possible to let the people who are in the process of fighting for the first time An individual with a fighting spirit, revisiting the state of its innate cultivation talent in the early stages of life when it was not finalized, and improved and enhanced its innate cultivation talent under the nourishment of the chaos.

This extremely special phenomenon is called the training of fighting spirit.

But the refining of fighting spirit is just an ideal phenomenon deduced by countless well-educated people in the cultivation world based on data.

In fact, whether it is the original Xinghan world before the reorganization, the original Baizhan world, or the space inside the tower of the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda, there has never been a relevant record of the emergence of fighting spirit.

Perhaps in reality there has been a training of fighting spirit, either no one discovered it, or it was tried to hide it.

Anyway, in addition to the teacher's teaching, when explaining the fighting spirit and the gathering of the fighting spirit, the conjectures about the ideal phenomenon of the fighting spirit being refined, even the most authoritative history, the most mysterious unofficial history, and the most imaginative scriptures Novels and so on, there is no trace of fighting spirit!

From this, it can be seen how low the probability of fighting spirit training will appear, it is completely an idealized extravagant hope!
It is precisely because of this that all the creatures who paid attention to the eighty little guys in class 999999999 when they gathered for the first time, even if they noticed that their physique, mental power fluctuations, and the fluctuations in the vitality of the whole body have obviously strengthened a lot , also subconsciously ignored these.

They didn't dare to associate these scenes with the legendary training of fighting spirit!

But with so many creatures paying attention to the little guys together, after soaking in the shock brought by the little guys for a while, there will always be audiences who can react.

No, as soon as he realized it, another wave of upsurge was triggered, and it spread rapidly on the Primordial Energy Illusory Field at an unimaginable speed.

In the end, even the bosses of the ninth floor of the Immortal Origin Realm, who had not been able to retreat all year round, were alarmed.

Most of these bosses retreated in small secret realms derived from the core of the world's origin in the New Hundred Wars Realm.

Therefore, being alarmed by one is equivalent to alarming all of them.

While they were curious, they also released their divine thoughts one after another while investigating the specific situation and communicating with each other:

"Old ghost, that little guy with the same build as you belongs to your family, right?

Look at the thick-backed broadsword formed by the gathering of fighting spirit, it actually has the shadow of your natal weapon. "

"Hahahaha, that little guy really has my blood!
It really deserves to be the species of our Tyrannical Bear Clan! "

"Only your bully bear clan is so powerful?

Among the eighty little guys, there are 23 human races!
We still have the advantage of the human race! "

"Come on you!
The human race still has the upper hand. If it weren't for the large population base of the human race and the strongest reproductive ability among all intelligent races, where would the human race have a foothold in this world? ! "

"Even so, you have to admit the strength of the human race!"


"All right, all right, stop arguing!
It belongs to my juniors, just pay attention and send some resources, don't forget our current priority. "

"Huh, you are the most disappointing guy, if you can't beat you... Humph"

"Since you know you won't be able to fight, you can hold back what you say, and say it when your skin itches."

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole small secret realm fell silent.

Although the big bosses who discovered their juniors were still cursing in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything more on their faces. They just let their immortal senses find the speaker in their family and secretly ordered them.

As for the big bosses who didn't find their own bloodlines among the eighty little guys, many of them also had the idea of ​​supporting these little guys, and some even wanted to make inheritance disciples.

Of course, you have to test it before you can confirm it.

(End of this chapter)

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