Chapter 353
No, these bigwigs who have ideas also secretly sent voice transmissions to the people who are active outside, and ordered some things...

As for the one who quieted down the entire small secret realm with one sentence, he focused his attention on Guan Mingxin.

This most powerful and mysterious boss did not tell others that she had actually discovered her little ancestor.

"I didn't expect you to wake up, your highness, it's a pity that this subordinate can't come to accompany you in person.

I sincerely hope that your little Highness can grow up happily, and stop being so lonely with the one before the deep sleep that makes people feel distressed..."

The big man prayed silently in his heart for a while, and then transferred the external sense of immortality to the blue demon king.

Just after betting on the immortal consciousness, he was discovered by the big blue devil.

Sensing the slightly familiar wave of immortal consciousness, the Great Blue Demon King frowned slightly, and then stretched it out when others around him didn't notice it.

He also released a wisp of his immortal consciousness:
"What? What happened again?"

"What is it that you don't know yourself?
You said that you want to help those little guys get rid of their hidden dangers. With your ability, it's not easy and you can catch them with your hands.

Why make such a big battle?
Aren't you afraid of being discovered by those secret hawks and making our plan fall short? "

Sensing the casual and perfunctory attitude of the big blue devil, the mysterious boss also had a trace of anger.

"Don't mind, don't mind, the beauty is not beautiful when she is angry!
If you say it was an accident, do you believe it? "

Speaking of the heaven-defying feat of the little guys in class 999999999 just now, Big Blue Demon King is also very surprised, isn't he?
He originally planned to let these little guys feel the coercion of fighting spirit, so as to lay the foundation for a few days of training.

When the little guys really can't bear it, he will take them out of the envelope of the coercion of fighting spirit.

Never would I have thought that the little guys could still carry it all the way, and because of this, they got a heaven-defying opportunity.

Sensing the helplessness of the big blue devil, the mysterious boss in the small secret realm also fell silent.

If this is said, there will probably be another uproar.

"Okay, since it's an accident this time, forget it. Time is running out, you have to be prepared."

"I understand, you have to be careful.

If there is nothing we can do, we must protect ourselves first, our lives cannot be lost in this small world, and there are more serious tasks waiting for us. "

Knowing that he had escaped a catastrophe, the Blue Demon King hurriedly changed the subject.

"You still need to say this? You should leave the Hundred Wars Realm as soon as possible.

Hmph, I won't give it away at that time! "

After delivering this message, before the Blue Demon King could respond, the mysterious boss withdrew his immortal consciousness.


The little guys in class 999999999 don't know that there are top bosses paying attention to them, and some little guys even get rewards from the big bosses.

Little ones won't know, though, that time is running out for all 80 of them to attend classes together.

They have solved their hidden dangers, and they will be taken away from Mendoya Children's College by their parents and returned to their original family power.

Of course, for the time being, all these disturbances can't affect the eighty little guys who were sucked into the public training ground.

They looked at the Big Blue Demon King who had been standing in front of them at some point, and the excitement they had previously had for successfully gathering their fighting spirit instantly cooled down and vanished into nothingness.

The little ones finally remembered belatedly, the ultimate purpose of the Blue Demon King asking them to come to the public training ground - to attend classes.

Not knowing that he has obtained a heaven-defying opportunity, the eighty little guys are all hanging their heads at this moment, waiting for the admonition from the big blue devil.

Seeing this, the big devil blue couldn't help laughing. The words of praise that had come to his lips were rendered speechless by the performance of the little guys, and he simply swallowed them back.

He secretly mocked himself in his heart: "Even if the deity really said the compliment, these little fellows would probably think it was ironic, paving the way for the next trick.

Anyway, the deity is the "big devil" in their eyes, which is still recognized.

That being the case, then the deity should be the Great Demon King, so as not to bear the prestige of the "Great Demon King" in vain.

Besides, the little guys are still too young, it's not good to praise them too much, it's better to be strict.

The deity has great expectations for these eighty little guys.

After all, strict teachers produce excellent apprentices!
Well, such a happy decision! "

【Big Devil King Blue, you still have self-knowledge!

But little ones will cry, really! 】

Of course, the self-deprecating words of the Big Demon King Lan just wandered around in his heart before being forgotten by him.

Time is urgent, and if he wants to achieve his expected goal, it is really impossible for the big blue devil to toss the little guys any more.

Therefore, what the little ones didn't know was that before they were about to part with the little ones, the big blue devil didn't plan to torment them anymore.

Of course, the necessary courses still need to be attended.

In order not to leave a bad impression of "Teacher Lan only knows how to play games" to these little guys during the last period of leaving the New Hundred Wars World.

However, the "tossing" in the eyes of the blue devil and the "tossing" in the eyes of the little guys in class 999999999 are two different things!

In the eyes of the little ones, if the big blue devil doesn't make a fuss, it means that bigger troubles are coming.

At this moment, the big blue devil just looked at the eighty little guys with a half-smile and a half-smile, and just watched and watched quietly.

An extremely embarrassing atmosphere lingered in this corner immediately, causing people passing by to tremble involuntarily and leave quickly.

Until among the little ones, a few grumpy ones couldn't bear the awkward atmosphere, raised their heads secretly, lifted their eyelids, glanced quietly, and then glanced again.

After the little guys found that the big blue devil didn't have any unhappy expression, they suddenly became bolder.

Although they didn't dare to be too unscrupulous, their bodies had already started to move to the left, twist to the right, lean forward, and lean back. They actually started warm-up exercises before training on the spot.

When these little guys moved, the students around them followed suit.

After a while, all the little guys seemed to have forgotten the psychological shadow brought to them by the big blue devil just now.

Or it can be said that the broken pot is broken.

Clearly sensing the voices of these little fellows, Big Blue Demon King and Guan Mingxin were quite speechless.

The former can't help but laugh.

The latter, while pretending to be this kind of voice, secretly lamented the strength of the students. It was just a baptism of fighting spirit and coercion, which allowed them to successfully grow to the point where they were not afraid of the big blue devil. It is really gratifying!

(End of this chapter)

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