Guan Ming thought for a while, she seemed to know a lot, looked at her friends, and thought, a thin wooden dagger that was only one foot long and one and a half fingers wide suddenly appeared in her hand, engraved with some Mysterious patterns.

At first glance, this small wooden sword looks like a work of art for people to enjoy.

Guan Mingxin counted himself as a martial artist.

Guan Mingxin didn't know where this sword came from. Anyway, when he wanted to take out a weapon just now, he randomly took a sword from the purple lotus bracelet on his right wrist.

Guan Mingxin raised his hand to look at the thin wooden dagger in his hand, and swung it a few times, it felt good.

Guan Ming nodded in satisfaction, he was in a good mood.

As for the current situation, Guan Mingxin was not allowed to be too different.

Although she is very clear that no matter which one of you, there will be no danger.

But Guan Mingxin just didn't want to show the slightest difference from his friends.

In less than a minute, everyone was ready to fight.

After the silence was restored again, the eighty little ones in class 999999999 felt a gloomy wind all over their bodies, and a heavy air pressure gradually spread, which made them more vigilant.


Suddenly, a shocking howl resounded through the forest, breaking the silence that was about to stagnate. At the same time, it was deafening, and at the same time, it also caused a strong wind in the forest, and the fallen leaves were flying.

A little boy standing at the front had the quickest reaction. After swishing a few times, he climbed up a thick and tall tree with his hands and feet, and looked towards the east where the sound was coming from.

He saw that five kilometers away, there were trees that had fallen all the way and were spreading towards them.

And the culprit who caused all this naturally came into his sight.

"No, it's a mutated Red Flame Tiger!

Judging by its speed and direction, it took only a few minutes for that mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger to come to us. We don't even have the strength to hit it. Let's go! "

Seeing this, the little boy jumped off the big tree directly, and several little guys met him tacitly on the ground without hurting the little boy.

The little boy didn't bother to thank his friends, he spoke hastily, speaking eagerly, but calmly judged the situation.

Seeing the powerful momentum of pulling up trees as if the autumn wind swept away fallen leaves, the mutated red flame tiger was not too small. The little boy guessed that it was at least a fifth-level primordial beast.

However, in order not to scare the students, the boy did not say this guess.

But which of the little guys in class 999999999 is really innocent and ignorant.

Looking at the little boy's expression, and recalling the power of howling just now, he couldn't guess the strength of the mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger that was about to rush over.

So they turned around and ran back led by the little boy who climbed the tree.

The route chosen by the little boy was not to keep a straight line with the mutated Red Flame Tiger, but to drill as far as possible into densely wooded areas.

The purpose of the little boy is self-evident.

He naturally hoped that his choice would slow down the mutated Red Flame Tiger's speed, and also hoped that the dense trees would completely cover their figures, and it would be best if the more intense vegetation scent could dilute their aura.

However, they only ran for more than 200 meters, and they felt the violent momentum that was approaching behind them, sweeping away with broken branches and rotten leaves.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to run away, the little guy was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split. In those immature eyes, the fear had reached the extreme, and some people even shed tears uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the remaining sliver of reason made them suppress their crying, and they did not cry out loudly, but the suppressed sobs that could only be heard in their throats were more suffocating and uncomfortable than the miserable wailing. .

At this moment, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" came from the front left of them!

Immediately following this howling came the sound of trees being smashed and collapsed by the impact.

That formation seemed to be somewhat stronger than the mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger chasing after him!

Now, there are wolves in front and tigers in back, Guan Mingxin, who used to be the old god, always thought that there was the big blue demon king secretly watching, is a little numb now!

There's no real danger, is there?

The flustered feeling in my heart is really a novel experience.

Guan Ming was thinking like this while having fun in his heart.

At this moment, if there are bystanders around, you will see eighty frightened little guys, who are still in a running posture in a daze, and even forget to cry or howl, just like that quietly waiting for impending death.

The fear of dying has left their minds blank, and they don't know anything.

But accidents are always so naughty, they always sneak out for a turn inadvertently, bringing troubles or surprises.

The extreme fear made Guan Mingxin's mysterious bloodline that had been transformed into his own, which originally belonged to the wisher Yu Xiaoxiao, violently riot.

The mysterious energy that once inspired Xuanyuan Yunyan to start the inheritance of the top bloodline reappeared!

As soon as it appeared, it quickly escaped from Guan Mingxin's body, covering the figures of the eighty little guys in the blink of an eye.

The appearance of this mysterious energy immediately caused the mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger, which was chasing the little guys in class 999999999, to suddenly lose the aura of the little bugs that disturbed its rest.

This sudden change made the mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger galloping even more manic.

Not only did the power generated during the actions double directly, but even the pressure that had been suppressed on his body was released suddenly, heading towards the direction where the little bugs' breath disappeared.

Inspired by the sudden coercion, coupled with more and more violent movements, it immediately enraged the owner of the other beast's roar - the fangs and poisonous wolf.

The fangs and poisonous wolf immediately gave up the original plan, and directly locked the target of the enemy on this neighbor who had always had a grudge.

As for the group of little bugs who strayed into their own territory, don't worry, wait until this irritable and stupid tiger who took the wrong medicine is dealt with.

As a result, the fangs and poisonous wolf raised its head and roared, mixed with the sound of wolf howling with strong mental attack, skipping the hiding place of the little guys in class 999999999, heading towards the place where the little guys in class [-] were hiding because they suddenly lost the breath of "little bugs". The mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger that had become berserk attacked.

What the fangs and poisonous wolf thinks in his heart is that with the abilities of those "little bugs", even if he has done a fight with the stupid tiger, they will not be able to get out of their territory.

That being the case, let's deal with Stupid Tiger first!

This sneak attack by the violent wolf really caught the mutated Chi Yanhu by surprise.

The unsuspecting huge tiger, whose huge body jumped high in the gallop, suddenly froze when the mental attack hit, suddenly lost control, and fell straight down from the sky.

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