The unsuspecting huge tiger, whose huge body jumped high in the gallop, suddenly froze when the mental attack hit, suddenly lost control of its body, and fell straight down from the air.

Immediately, a shaking of the ground spread rapidly towards the surroundings, causing all the little guys in class 999999999 to fall on their backs and fall to the ground.

Coupled with the sound of the fangs and poisonous wolf's wolf howling that carried a mental attack, these little guys felt dizzy and weak, and they couldn't get up for a long time.

Fortunately, these movements did not affect the mysterious energy in the special blood in Guan Mingxin's body. While it was not disconnected and dissipated, it also became more intense, which also made the breath of the little guys in class 999999999 perfectly concealed.

As for the sound of the little guys falling, it was completely covered up by the fighting movement of the two giant beasts.

When the fangs and poisonous wolf saw the mutated red flame tiger falling, he immediately seized this opportunity, and once again bullied him, attacking the wolf's claws on the tiger's head again.

However, even if the mutated Chi Yanhu lost the opportunity, he was not a vegetarian.

It avoided the wolf's claws by turning its head, and gave the fangs and poisonous wolf a tiger whip.

The successive sneak attacks made the mutated Chi Yanhu forget the existence of the little bugs, and finally focused on his old enemy.

The long tiger tail stood up straight, and slashed fiercely at the waist of the fangs poisonous wolf!

The mutated Red Flame Tiger's anguish of chasing and losing the little bugs, as well as the anger caused by the surprise attack by the fangs and poisonous wolf, all vented out in this blow!
You must know that wolf beasts, whether enlightened or not, are all copper-headed, iron-boned tofu waists.

The blow of the mutated Red Flame Tiger can be said to have hurt the sore spot of the Toothed Poisonous Wolf.


Although the Toothy Poisonous Wolf jumped in time to avoid the blow, it was still too late, and the rear hip was still hit.

In an instant, the powerful tail whip broke the tailbone of the fangs poisonous wolf!

Coupled with the blood gushing out from the scratched fur, just looking at this kind of pain makes one shudder.

The severe pain made the fangs poisonous wolf howl uncontrollably.

The sound of "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

However, this kind of pain also completely aroused the ferociousness of the fangs and poisonous wolf. It didn't care about its own injuries, and opened up again to let out a wolf howl mixed with mental attack.

Even though the mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger had a bad feeling when he saw the action of the violent wolf opening its mouth wide, and it took precautions in time, it was still attacked by the violent wolf. The mental power attack, which was much stronger than the previous attack, hurt the brain and even the soul.

The shock of the soul immediately caused the mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger to bleed from all seven orifices, convulsing and collapsing to the ground.
After the pain subsided a bit, the mutated Scarlet Flame Tiger, who clearly sensed the damage to his soul, also went berserk completely!

The two behemoths, both in a berserk state, came and went like this, fighting desperately.

Normally, although the two of them would fight once or twice from time to time, they were always on point, and they never even suffered serious injuries.

But today, a group of small bugs accidentally broke in and made the two beasts really angry.



Bang Bang!


The little ones in class 999999999, who finally came to their senses, were stunned by this earth-shattering life-and-death contest between the two beasts, and they didn't know what they should do next.

Although I don't know what kind of means the big blue devil used to suddenly throw them into this strange and quiet forest, but the numb nerves that have been tortured by the big blue devil have accepted it very well.

However, in the face of such a scene, tension is inevitable.

And the more nervous you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

No, the little girl stepped on the ground in a daze before, and the extreme nervousness made the little girl scream uncontrollably.

Now, a series of noises came from them continuously, which naturally alarmed the owner of this forest.

Misfortunes never come singly, the way ahead is blocked again when fleeing, and the wolf and the tiger are about to be torn into pieces and buried in the mouth of the beast, but they never expected that the two beasts would fight by themselves!

They fight themselves? !
The little ones who finally realized what had happened were all terrified, and they couldn't help but get excited after a while of fear.

These two beasts are obviously going to be separated for life and death, in case they both lose...

"Ha ha……"

A little guy was made to smirk by his own fantasies, and others could tell what the other person was thinking just by looking at his expression. While they were contemptuous on their faces, they also fantasized involuntarily in their hearts:

"just in case……

In case they do...

Both lose...

If they are all dead...

Ah ha ha……"

Thinking about it this way, it was incredible, almost all the students in the class showed silly smiles.

Even though they were afraid of disturbing the two giant beasts that were fighting to the death, the little ones subconsciously did not dare to make a sound.

But on those tender and smooth faces, the twitching and twitching flesh clearly showed the true emotions of the little ones.

As for the little Highness Guan Mingxin who lost his memory, while pretending to be psychologically disturbed by his classmates, he secretly cast aside in his heart:

"It's so unmotivated!

Why don't you look forward to a situation in which the two behemoths will lose both, and it is best to end it?

Even if they are seriously injured!

In this way, at least we can make up for the final fatal blow, so that they can end their pain sooner! "

[Hey, my little highness, don't you think you are laughing at fifty steps? 】

No one knew what Guan Mingxin was thinking.

The two giant beasts have completely forgotten everything around them, and only have the obsession to kill each other in their eyes.

The two giant beasts were frantically fighting and fighting each other, not knowing that just a few hundred meters away, a group of small bugs in their eyes were coveting their bodies.

As the number of raised broken branches and fallen leaves gradually decreased, those crazy roars gradually turned into howls and wailings, and the sound gradually became slower and smaller until it disappeared completely.

When two muffled sounds of falling to the ground came from almost at the same time, the battle on that side finally came to an end.

At this time, the group of class 999999999, who had been seduced by the fantasy in their hearts, had already forgotten the little guys who were still in crisis, and hurried out of the hiding place, crawling on the ground with guns He rushed to the place where the two giant beasts were fighting not far away.

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