Chapter 358 Semi-Illusory Training [V]

Although Guan Ming felt something was wrong subconsciously, she couldn't tell what was wrong after being dragged out by her friends.

In addition, at this time, Guan Mingxin couldn't stop the friends who were already over excited, so he had to be more vigilant and follow along.

As the distance shortened, the scene of the two beasts fighting gradually appeared in the field of vision.

Within a radius of one kilometer, all the trees were uprooted and their roots were broken.

Sawdust, broken branches, and dead leaves all over the ground, mixed with mottled blood.

The two mixed brutal auras that have not yet dissipated made it almost difficult for them to breathe, and the little guys seemed to have a sense of déjà vu of the scene outside the public training ground, experiencing the coercion of war.

When the eighty little guys stood neatly and neatly, and finally stood ten meters away from the two giant beasts lying head to head, they couldn't move forward even a small step.

At this time, Guan Mingxin, who had been holding his heart and fearing for any accident, keenly noticed that the eyelids of the closed eyes of the violent wolf's pair of eyes, and the eyelid of the one touching the ground trembled slightly!
The cruelty and tyranny revealed in the fleeting eyes made Guan Ming feel terrified.

not good!

Guan Mingxin didn't have time to shout out a warning.

And given the current situation, even if Guan Mingxin warned him, no one would listen to him.

The little friends have exhausted all their strength just to resist the violent coercion of the remaining two giant beasts, so how can they have time to care about other things?

In desperation, Guan Ming knew that she could no longer hide. She immediately released all the mental power she could mobilize, and used her mental power to weave protective nets one after another, covering everyone in class 999999999.

When Guan Mingxin's mental power protection net was formed, a little guy with super spiritual power sensed it.

In their perception, it was a familiar yet unfamiliar spiritual power that enveloped themselves and their friends.

Before they had time to react, they saw a wolf-shaped conscious body that was very petite and half blurred compared to the huge wolf head suddenly appearing above the wolf head of the fallen fangs and poisonous wolf.

Looking at the shape of the conscious body, everyone knew that it was the soul of the fangs and poisonous wolf.

The half-illusioned soul of the fangs and poisonous wolf opened its mouth as soon as Pou appeared, as if to let out a silent roar.

There was no time for everyone to react.

The shock wave of mental power that came with the silent roar directly attacked the stunned little guys!
Fortunately, with Guan Mingxin's advance arrangements.

Just when the little ones thought they were about to face a near-death crisis again, the shock wave of mental power was blocked by an invisible protective net around their bodies.

I saw ripples suddenly appeared in the air around the little guys.

They clearly saw that layer of protective cover was also shattered when the mental shock wave dissipated.

However, before the little guys came back to their senses, the soul body of the fangs poisonous wolf saw that the shock wave of mental power released with all its strength for the last time was blocked, and it rushed over desperately.

The little guys didn't have time to react, but the soul body of the fangs and poisonous wolf was blocked again.

The soul and body of the Brutal Fang Poisonous Wolf once again shattered this layer of protective netting, but was blocked by another protective netting.

In this way, as the layers of protective shields were continuously broken through, the soul body of the fangs and poisonous wolf was also constantly weakened, and the impact force of the forward gradually slowed down.

When the last layer of protective cover dissipated together with the soul body of the fangs and poisonous wolf, Guan Mingxin finally couldn't hold on, and the blood that had been suppressed before suddenly spurted out, splashing on the bodies of several friends around him, which was shocking.

And Guan Mingxin's body fell limply after spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

"Baby, how are you?"

"Baby, don't scare us!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, who has high-level spiritual recovery pills or potions?"

"Here! I only have one pill here!"

"I don't have any pills, but I have fifteen bottles of potions, feed them to the baby..."

Before the friends had time to celebrate and avoid the crisis again, they were so frightened by Guan Mingxin that they didn't care about anything else. They hurriedly helped her up, fed her medicine...

As for Guan Mingxin, who was treated like "all the stars are holding the moon", he couldn't bear the backlash from being shattered one after another after the mental net cover was shattered, and the moment before he had to pass out, what worried him was that he had accidentally exposed himself. special feature of...

But what Guan Mingxin doesn't know yet is that as long as she doesn't want to expose Jiujiu, who has condensed her spirituality and evolved towards a living body, she will cover everything up for her.

As the spirit of a growable fairy weapon, the phantom star, Jiujiu combines various functions of the phantom star with her own innate supernatural powers, so that no matter when and where, as long as the spiritual power level is lower than Guan Mingxin, no creature can reach it. See through the heaven-defying effect of the real situation hidden by Jiujiu.

A series of things happened before, and Guan Mingxin's memory was erased, Guan Mingxin really didn't think of Jiujiu's new ability for a while.

But in fact, with Jiujiu, Guan Mingxin's worry about being noticed by the Blue Demon King has long been completely covered up.

On the side of Big Blue Demon King, what he monitored showed only a group of little fellows happily discussing how to collect the body of a giant beast that was wounded at both ends.

Seeing the scene after being processed by Jiujiu, Big Blue Demon King who was watching the semi-illusory training scene couldn't help shaking his head.

The big blue demon king has already marked the little guys in class 999999999 with an "X" in his heart. While watching the monitor, he thought to himself:

"These little guys are still too relaxed.

What kind of training program should be set up to improve this group of little guys who should be geniuses?

At least let them know the importance of being vigilant at all times, and further increase their resistance to all kinds of coercion.

Hmm~ If you can, by the way, cultivate a detached state of mind that is neither happy with things nor sad with yourself! "

Big Blue Devil, are you asking for too much?

Do you still remember the pitiful look on your face when those raw energy stones were consumed?
The little ones in class 999999999 don't know that because of their little friends, the big blue devil has charged them with "unnecessary charges", and how much more torture will be waiting for them.

At this moment, they all forgot about the "trophy" that was close at hand, and rushed forward one after another, seeing Guan Mingxin who was about to fall to the ground being caught by two quick-eyed hands, feeling a little at a loss.

After all, he was not a real ignorant child. As soon as he saw Guan Ming vomiting blood and passed out, he guessed who made those invisible protective covers earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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