Chapter 359 Semi-Illusory Training [[-]]

Of course, in their guess, what Guan Mingxin showed just now was not Guan Mingxin's own real power, but forced to activate some special high-level protective equipment, which led to Guan Mingxin's backlash.

Although the fact is exactly the opposite, it does not prevent other little guys from thinking so.

Fortunately, Guan Mingxin's main soul body has already evolved from the soul level to the divine soul.

This kind of backlash is not enough to hurt Guan Mingxin's main body.

Even the other twelve soul-splitting bodies that have not yet completed evolution have only touched the surface a little, without really leaving any trauma.

Of course, the vast amount of mental power in the sea of ​​mental power was undoubtedly consumed.

Along with it, [-]% of his spiritual consciousness was also consumed.

And when Guan Mingxin's little friends gave her high-quality pills and potions in a hurry, it didn't take long for Guan Mingxin's spiritual power to re-condense in the sea of ​​spiritual power that had been exhausted in his soul consciousness.

Coupled with Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​soul consciousness, the silver-gray energy light spots that escape from the non-stop rotation chaotic original holy bead all the time, the sea of ​​spiritual power quickly gathered streams of gaseous spiritual power , was compressed into a crystal clear liquid by an invisible force, and dropped into the sea of ​​spiritual power.

As for those counterattack forces, they were eliminated by the silver-gray energy in the first place.

When the bottom of Guan Mingxin's mental power sea was covered with a thin layer of liquid mental power, Guan Mingxin slowly opened his eyes.

Although he still regretted his recklessness in his heart, when he looked at the 79 pairs of eyes full of guilt, sadness, pity, gratitude, etc., Guan Mingxin's heart trembled suddenly, and those regrets dissipated like this.

"If... if you can... always treat me like... like now... then... I will... live up to you!"

Secretly hesitantly said this sentence to himself in the bottom of his heart, Guan Ming wanted to test whether these little guys could give him sincere friendship, not the hypocrisy and snobbery like He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang.

Although there is no specific memory of being hurt by He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang, the negative impact of not wanting to trust others easily due to this is extremely difficult to change in the short term.

Even, with the passage of time, this negative impact has a tendency to gradually deepen.

Because of this, if the little guys in class 999999999 fail Guan Mingxin's expectations, even if Guan Mingxin won't lose all confidence and trust in others who are not himself, at least for a long time to come, no one will It's easy to touch Guan Ming's heart again.

Someone might say, doesn't your highness have the ability to easily see through people's hearts and perceive what the other person is thinking?
With this kind of ability, why bother to make friends?

But Guan Mingxin is not willing to use her special ability lightly.

That was not the human interaction that Guan Mingxin wanted.

If he really uses his special ability to see people's hearts all the time, even though the mental energy consumed is not much, Guan Mingxin will feel that it is too tiring and not worth it.

It's not as simple and pure as being alone.

Therefore, Guan Mingxin left a place in his heart for the friends in class 999999999, and it depended on whether they were willing to treat him sincerely.

On this side, when the little guys in class 999999999 were feeling worried and guilty about Guan Mingxin, they didn't realize that the corpses of the two giant beasts that were completely dead over there were silently undergoing unknown changes.

The blood that hadn't completely coagulated in the corpses of the two giant beasts had stopped flowing, but suddenly flowed again from the wounds at the same time.

The speed of the blood flow changed from slow to fast, and the color also changed from bright red to dark red, then to purple red, purple black... until it completely turned into black.

The moment the blood color was completely transformed into pure black, the closed eyelids of the two monsters suddenly opened again!

A streak of blood-colored light and shadow flashed across the eyes of the two giant beasts just opened, cruel, bloody, demonic, bloodthirsty, killing, lifeless, even if you didn't see this scene with your own eyes, it still makes people frightened for no reason .

At the same time, with the opening of the beast's eyes again, a sinister, dark, and devilish aura escaped from the two giant beasts.

Guan Mingxin, who had an exceptionally keen perception, immediately sensed something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to release his mental power again to form a protective net to block the spread of this breath.

However, things backfired, Guan Mingxin's mental strength had not fully recovered from the previous actions, so that as soon as Guan Mingxin mobilized her mental strength, a sharp pain came from her brain, which made her involuntarily reveal the color of pain.

As soon as Guan Mingxin's expression changed, he was immediately seen by a boy supporting her.

After a little thought, the boy understood Guan Mingxin's intentions, and quickly stopped her, fearing that Guan Mingxin's stubbornness would aggravate her injury:

"Baby, don't do it again, this time it's us!

You are the youngest in our 999999999 class, how about giving your brothers and sisters some face?
We can't let you who are supposed to be protected stand in front of us all the time, right? "

At the same time as the boy was speaking, a hemispherical aqua-blue shield appeared, enveloping all eighty of them.

"Yes, baby, don't underestimate us!"

"My son still has a lot of life-saving things, baby, please don't save them for me, and ask for them from home when they are used up."

"That's right, baby, you just need to rest well."

"Look at us!"



After listening to the boy's words, coupled with the reminder of the boy's practical actions, the other little guys came to their senses one after another, took out all kinds of protective covers, and rushed to open them.

Inside and outside the hemispherical blue protective cover, layers of protective covers of different colors appeared one after another.

Just like the protective shields that Guan Mingxin woven with spiritual power before, layer upon layer, completely protecting the little ones.

It's just that Guan Mingxin's mental power net is colorless and invisible, while the other little guys' shields are all tangible, visible to the naked eye, touchable, colorful and in different shapes.

As for the weird aura, the little ones didn't notice it.

It's just that they, who have unusual identities and backgrounds, are quite confident in the means they have, and subconsciously don't think that there is anything terrible about that breath.

Naturally, he would not show timidity, let alone panic.

In the eyes of the little ones, after all, they have experienced the terrifying coercion of the two giant beasts over and over again, and now this strange aura that can barely be regarded as a first-order primordial beast is just a little troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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