With this joyful mood, Guan Ming carefully walked through the entire Minglan village inside and out, and then calmed down his emotions, and came to the Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian Pond outside the village , sitting cross-legged, eyes slightly closed, and began to actively mobilize the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" to continue running in the body.

One big Sunday ends and the next one begins...  

Repeatedly, Guan Ming put away all distracting thoughts and practiced heartily...

Guan Mingxin didn't accept the exercise until after the nine great cycles of the exercise were completed and the energy in his body refined through the exercise was temporarily saturated.

After taking a few deep breaths and adjusting his state again, Guan Mingxin used his spiritual consciousness to disperse the energy in his dantian, and prepared to start over from the beginning.

With a powerful spiritual consciousness as protection, the process of re-cultivating Sangong did not cause any damage to Guan Mingxin's dantian meridians, and at the same time did not miss a single bit of vitality.

In addition, Guan Mingxin has tempered her body to the extreme state that she can bear at present. Naturally, this time the San Gong re-cultivation skipped the body tempering stage of the body tempering stage and directly started from the Qi training stage. Start with the first level, first level of Qi training, second level of Qi training, third level of Qi training...

Practicing Qi is perfect!
It only took a quarter of an hour to reach the Great Consummation of Qi training period!

Guan Mingxin didn't stop there, and silently recited the "Nine-Turn Chaos Good Fortune Jue" again, urging the kung fu to run, and the cultivation base of Dzogchen in the instant Qi training period became the first level of Qi training period again, and it was the second level of Qi training in the blink of an eye. Three layers of Qi training...

It only took half an hour to practice again to reach the Great Perfection of Qi training period.

Continue to practice rotation, the second rotation took one hour, the third rotation took two hours, the fourth rotation took four hours...

When his cultivation reached the Great Perfection of the Nine-Turn Qi Training Period, the Yuanli in Guan Mingxin's dantian actually had only one achievement left to be completely compressed into a liquid state!

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin rushed to the foundation building stage in one go!

It is very strange that he was promoted without hindrance!
I didn't feel the existence of the advancement barrier at all!

Guan Mingxin was a little surprised, but she didn't think much about it.

Anyway, my kung fu itself is very special, this time it's just a re-cultivation of San kung fu, coupled with the excellent training environment, so the time spent is very short.

But if Guan Mingxin is allowed to start from hardening the body from the day after tomorrow, through the innate opening of the veins, and then lead the qi into the body, enter the qi training stage, after nine rotations, if he wants to hit the foundation building stage, it will be impossible without eight or nine years!
Now that there are no barriers to cultivation, it is even better, and it can save my time, so that the already very slow cultivation speed can be relatively improved a little bit.

Such thoughts are only fleeting in Guan Mingxin's mind.

Just when Guan Mingxin was about to look inside to check the situation of his dantian, the sky above his head suddenly changed color, dark clouds overwhelmed the top, and purple arcs appeared and disappeared.

Although Guan Mingxin knew that when a cultivator reached a certain level of cultivation, he would attract thunder disasters when he advanced, but she never thought that he would be baptized by thunder disasters just by building a foundation!

God thinks highly of himself, doesn't he? !
The incident happened so suddenly, Guan Mingxin didn't make any preparations at all. Seeing that the first thunderstorm was about to fall, Guan Mingxin had no choice but to bite the bullet.


Accompanied by a thunderous sound that shook the sea of ​​consciousness, soul, and consciousness, the first purple thunder calamity that was as thick as an adult's finger fell quickly.

Guan Mingxin only felt a numbness on the top of his head, followed by a slight itching in the muscles all over his body, and nothing else.

As for the pain, I didn't feel it at all.

Before Guan Ming could figure out what was going on, a thunderbolt that was thicker than the other came down chasing each other.

When the last, that is, the ninth purple thunder fell into Guan Mingxin's body from the top of his head, Guan Mingxin hadn't reacted yet.

The nine lightning tribulations hardly caused any harm to Guan Mingxin!

What's more, all the energy of the nine lightning tribulations was absorbed by Guan Mingxin's body, and it didn't leak out of the body at all!

Of course, if Guan Mingxin is given enough time, Guan Mingxin's own body can refine all the nine lightning tribulations.

But isn't Guan Mingxin unprepared?
Even if Lei Jie entered his body, he subconsciously relied on instinct to activate the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" to absorb it, and the speed naturally slowed down.

Seeing this situation, the Yuanzhu Xiaojing in Guan Mingxin's dantian immediately started to move.

After confirming that his little master really didn't realize the preciousness of Thunder Calamity's energy, the space spirit of Yuanzhu Xiaojing was not polite, and took the initiative to inhale all the thunder calamity in Guan Mingxin's body that had not yet been refined in the Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

Even the Heavenly Dao Blessing Spirit Rain, who had survived the thunder tribulation, did not let go of the space world spirit in the Yuanzhu Small Realm, and directly intercepted half of it.

If it weren't for the instinctive fear of Wuji, the newly born space world spirit would have wanted not to leave a single drop for Guan Mingxin!

The successive changes directly surrounded Guan Mingxin.

It wasn't until she finally came back to herself that she realized what she had missed.

It's not that it's a pity, but after thinking about it, Yuanzhu Xiaojing is also his own, and giving Yuanzhu Xiaojing is better than wasting it.

Of course, Guan Mingxin didn't dare to let the space spirits in Yuanzhu Small Realm know about his thoughts.

The little one still needs to be tapped and tapped.

Otherwise, if there are other troubles in the future, it will be very bad.

Wanting to teach the little guy a lesson, Guan Mingxin intentionally ignored the slightly trembling small bead realm in his dantian, injected his consciousness into his dantian, and checked the situation after he was promoted.

Guan Ming's heart skipped a beat when he saw this!

The liquid energy that was supposed to appear at the bottom of the dantian quietly turned into a semi-solid spherical shape!
The small ball is only the size of a pea, the outermost layer is a layer of completely solidified elemental force crystals, and the inner part is viscous milky elemental force, and as time goes by, Guan Mingxin can clearly perceive it through his spiritual consciousness. These emulsion elements are still solidifying and crystallizing!

Judging from this trend, Guan Mingxin felt that as long as he continued to practice for a few more hours, the energy in his dantian should be completely solidified and crystallized!

Now that the situation has come to this point, Guan Mingxin simply does not do anything, and once again actively urges the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" to absorb the vitality of the world and practice, speeding up the speed of solidification and crystallization of the vitality in the dantian.

After the Yuanli in the dantian is completely solidified and crystallized, it's time to see if there is any abnormality!
Anyway, Guan Mingxin's body is strong enough to ensure that no matter how much she struggles, her dantian meridian will not be damaged.

At this moment, how could Guan Mingxin care about Yuanzhu Xiaojing?

But what Guan Mingxin didn't notice was that the small circle of beads in his dantian was also stimulated by her crazy practice, and it had already evolved once after being watered by the energy of thunder calamity and spiritual rain, and it actually had a sign of evolution again .

Five hours later, as the Yuanzhu Xiaojing began to evolve again, the Yuanli in Guan Mingxin's dantian was also completely solidified and crystallized.

Tomorrow Takijue is going to save women and children to do NT, the update should be postponed tomorrow, sorry

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