The evolution of Yuanzhu Xiaojing requires a lot of vitality of heaven and earth.

The last evolution was watered by thunder calamity energy and spiritual rain, but this time there is no such good thing.

Guan Mingxin just absorbs the free heaven and earth vitality in the air, and cannot replenish this consumption at all.

Just 2 minutes after the space evolution started, the heaven and earth vitality absorbed from the air could no longer keep up with the consumption.

Without enough external support, the small ball of Yuanli crystal that had just completely solidified in the dantian was targeted.

Suddenly, bursts of throbbing pain came from the dantian.

Seeing that the small ball of Yuanli crystallization would be drained and cause hidden injuries in a short time, Guan Ming was in a hurry and didn't care too much, so he simply plunged his hands into the water of Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian Pond to absorb a large amount of pure medicinal power in the pool water .

With the timely replenishment of pool water, the small ball of Yuanli crystallization in the dantian finally avoided the crisis of shattering.

Guan Mingxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled wryly, and had no choice but to accept his fate as an intermediary, providing energy supplements to Yuanzhu Xiaojing without any complaints.

The energy contained in the pond water planted with the nine-turn nine-leaf Qingling Bilian is extremely huge.

Originally, if Guan Mingxin wanted to survive this unexpected evolution of Yuanzhu Xiaojing, if the energy consumed was measured in terms of raw energy stones, it would cost at least tens of thousands of yuan in terms of top-grade spiritual-level energy raw stones alone, and he could not use yuan Energy stone instead.

But with the energy provided by the pool water planted with nine-turn nine-leaf Qingling Bilian, it only consumed about one liter of pool water to complete the evolution of Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

But Guan Mingxin, who sensed the completion of spatial evolution, didn't have time to take a closer look. The Nine Leaf Qingling Jade Lotus Pond in front of him, together with another small pond connected to it, was forcibly incorporated into it by the newly evolved Yuanzhu Xiaojing space!
This is not enough, Yuanzhu Xiaojing completely released the habit of gluttony, automatically opened a space channel, and forcibly brought all the energy-rich things in Minglan Village into its own space!

This turn of events frightened Guan Ming so much that she didn't stop it immediately.

Seeing that the protective formation was about to be destroyed, Guan Mingxin hurriedly stopped after recovering:
"Stop! You stop for me! No more smoking!"

While shouting, Guan Mingxin forcibly closed the space channel with his spiritual consciousness.

Sensing their master's strong desire to order them to stop, the space world spirits in Yuanzhu Xiaojing reluctantly stopped absorbing them, and finally kept the protective formation.

Guan Mingxin touched the cold sweat on his forehead, hurriedly checked the protective formation, and relaxed when he found that he was not affected. He raised his eyes and saw the mess of ruins, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

This is really a leak in the house and it rains all night!
Didn't she just want to re-cultivate her skills, why did she attract thunder and robbery when she broke through the foundation building stage, and let her yuan force be completely solidified and crystallized?
It's nothing more than solidified and crystallized Yuanli, why is Yuanzhu Xiaojing also making trouble (╥╯﹏╰╥)? !

Yuanzhu Xiaojing, who originally only needed to subtly and self-evolve, began to forcibly absorb energy uncontrollably, almost sucking Guan Ming's heart dry!
If you want to forcibly take the opportunity to evolve in space, then just focus on evolution!
Why do you want to be a robber again at the moment when the space evolution has just been completed, and almost wiped out all the energy-rich things ╮(ω)╭!
"Master, this disciple is unfilial and accidentally destroyed Minglan Village...

Don't worry, Tu'er will try his best to recover! "

Guan Mingxin had no choice but to pout his mouth, wanting to cry but without tears, and muttered to himself.

At the same time, in the main hall of the main peak of the Wanxiang Sect Qiaowei Peak, Dongfang Yingdai, who was summarizing the post-war with her subordinates, suddenly interrupted the meeting with a "choo".

She didn't look at the astonishment on the faces of her subordinates, raised her hand and pinched her fingers, and showed a strange smile, which immediately made all the subordinates tremble:

"Damn it, I don't know who angered the chief seat, we will suffer in the next few days."

"Dear my apprentice, I will wait for you to try your best to restore Minglan Village, if you can't, hehe..."

Guan Mingxin didn't know what Dongfang Yingdai was whispering in her heart for the time being.

If you know it and you are not scared to death, how weird and weird the tone is, it is very possible that the person who hears it will die!


Don't you see that those subordinates are already trembling and can't finish their words?
Guan Mingxin didn't know everything about the Wanxiang Sect. Right now, her troubles really got worse!
Finally, the changes in Yuanzhu Xiaojing finally stopped, but an unfortunate thing happened!
The small world of natal life that originally belonged to Wuji, which is at the core of the soul, is not reconciled!
To be precise, Wuji, who was awakened by this change in Yuanzhu Xiaojing, went crazy!

"What the hell, my aunt hasn't made up her mind on that 'small and dilapidated' Minglan village, yet you have become greedy in a small dilapidated space of only [-] square meters!
how dare you? ! "

"How can the little master's master be a good friend?

I still don't know how the master will punish the little master in the future!

At that time, what good will my aunt, who is in harmony with the little master, be prosperous and harmless?

This is really a person sitting at home, and the disaster comes from heaven! "

"Since the matter has come to this point and there is no room for redemption, then use you to make up for my aunt's loss!"

Wuji was really overwhelmed by the space spirit of Yuanzhu Xiaojing, and just after being awakened, he was a series of broken thoughts.

Fortunately, the little guy also knows not to yell at him directly, so as not to affect the little master's mind.

After all, there are some things that the current little master cannot know.

For example, that master must have known the tragedy of Minglan Village at this moment.

Therefore, from Guan Mingxin's point of view, Wuji was awakened unexpectedly.

The little guy had an angry look on his face, and as the little guy narrowed his eyes slightly, a colorful energy thread stretched out from the cloud fantasy world, quickly passed through the sea of ​​soul and consciousness, rushed to Guan Mingxin's dantian, and gave the small circle of beads to Guan Mingxin's dantian. After Wuhuada was tied tightly, with a "whoosh", she dragged Yuanzhu Xiaojing back along the road!
The speed was so fast, if Guan Mingxin hadn't withdrawn from the state of inner contemplation with spiritual consciousness, he really couldn't catch the slightest trace!
Immediately afterwards, before Guan Mingxin could react, the carrier of the Cloud Illusory Realm - the bright colored beads embedded in the core of the soul, visibly stretched out a small pocket foot, and with one foot, the small circle of beads was placed on the ground. Kick back to Dantian!

This turn of events, from Wuji being awakened to Yuanzhu Xiaojing being kicked back to his dantian, took about ten seconds in total, it could be said that Guan Mingxin never had a chance to react.

Not surprisingly, Guan Mingxin was also stunned.

After a while, she showed a dumbfounding expression (-﹏-`;).

Promise is really domineering!

However, the space world spirit of Yuanzhu Xiaojing really needs to control its instincts.

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