After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 369 The Disappearance of the Purple Dragon Jade

Chapter 369 The Disappearance of the Purple Dragon Jade

At this time, Guan Mingxin also knew that the situation was over, and there was nothing he could do.

She had no choice but to smile wryly, pulling her thoughts away from the sea of ​​consciousness, looking inside her body, trying to see what the strange suction was trying to do.

Because when this accident happened, Guan Mingxin's body was in the small territory of Yuanzhu that had been "tiao-educated" by Wuji, so she didn't have any worries about her own safety.

This is also the reason why Guan Mingxin dared to use his main body to face the strange suction just now.

But Guan Ming felt relieved a little too early.

She really forgot that the Yuanzhu Xiaojing lost control due to the instinctive phagocytosis reaction of the space world spirit and forcibly carried out space evolution.

Her own life will not be in any crisis, but the financial crisis is "watching like a tiger", as if she will attack at any time!

Guan Mingxin, who couldn't stop anything, could only watch helplessly as the Zilong Shenyu was taken out of his body by the strange suction force, and quickly moved towards the center of the space of the Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

Immediately afterwards, the Purple Dragon Jade was wrapped in silver-gray air with Yin-Yang fish patterns mixed in the middle.

Visible to the naked eye, the original purple color of the Purple Dragon Jade is gradually dimming...

At this time, Guan Mingxin finally understood.

It turns out that this strange suction is actually trying to make Yuanzhu Xiaojing swallow and fuse the purple dragon jade!

But at this point, Guan Mingxin was no longer able to intervene.

Guan Mingxin learned from the information fed back from Yuanzhu Xiaojing that if the Zilong Shenyu could not be prevented from leaving the Sea of ​​Soul Consciousness and waiting for its fate, there was only one—that was to be swallowed and fused by Yuanzhu Xiaojing!
As the Zilong Shenyu began to be swallowed and fused continuously, Guan Mingxin's body was also fixed in place and unable to move.

A trace of silver-gray gas mixed with purple starburst suddenly surged up in the small circle of the bead, and it continued to grow until it formed a stream of air and gathered a silver-gray cloud.

From the very beginning, the cloud group was thready and translucent, and as the purple dragon jade shrunk, it continued to accumulate, thicken, and the color became darker and darker.

Among them, the silver-gray mixed with purple starbursts also range from less to more...

Watching the clouds grow from nothing and continue to accumulate, Guan Mingxin suddenly had a feeling that the dark clouds were overwhelming before the storm.

Of course, Guan Mingxin knew very well in his heart that there would be no danger at all in this small territory of Yuanzhu.

Therefore, this storm is just a literal meaning.

When the first drop of water like silver-gray thick ink, mixed with purple starbursts, fell from the sky, the clearly visible vegetation, soil, streams and stone piles in Yuanzhu Small Territory were all hidden in the light gray thick fog among.

At this moment, in Guan Mingxin's field of vision without using his mental power and consciousness, only the clouds above his head that had turned gray-black with a purple halo, and the countless dark gray water droplets containing purple stars falling slowly...

All the senses seemed to have lost their ability to perceive, Guan Mingxin sat in a daze, his thoughts were blank.

For some reason, the moment Zilong Shenyu was taken away from the Sea of ​​Soul and Consciousness, Guan Mingxin's heart throbbed violently.

Moreover, as the Zilong Shenyu was continuously devoured and fused, the inexplicable throbbing pain in the heart was also constantly deepening, deepening, and deepening.

In a daze, Guan Ming felt as if something very important was about to leave him for a long time...

Guan Mingxin couldn't control such emotions, nor was he willing to control them.

She let go of the ever-increasing throbbing pain in her heart, and stubbornly tried to open her eyes, trying to see what she would lose.

As for all the changes in the small territory of Yuanzhu, Guan Mingxin completely ignored them.

At the moment when the Purple Dragon Divine Jade in the center of the small bead realm was completely devoured and fused, an elegant purple human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared on the spot, wandering towards Guan Mingxin.

When a smear of pure purple suddenly appeared in the thick or light gray field of vision, Guan Mingxin's attention suddenly focused on this smear of pure purple.

At the same time, Guan Mingxin became inexplicably excited, and his heartbeat continued to speed up.

The blood surged up, making her fair face turn red as if she was suffering from a high fever, as if she was about to bleed.

At this moment, Guan Mingxin completely forgot that he was a Yuan martial artist, a practitioner who had cultivated spiritual power and even spiritual consciousness.

Although Guan Mingxin's shackled body regained its freedom the moment the purple phantom appeared, but she didn't seem to notice it, and she still sat on the spot with her body stiff.

As the pure purple color kept approaching, Guan Mingxin gradually realized that it was a phantom in the shape of a human.

The facial features of the phantom of the human figure gradually became clearer as it approached.

When Guan Mingxin thoroughly saw that stunning face that could not be described in words, the tears of Guan Mingxin burst out of his eyes like broken beads.

This scene made the purple phantom in front of Guan Mingxin sigh faintly, and raised his hand uncontrollably, trying to wipe away the tears from Guan Mingxin's cheeks.

However, when her hand was about to touch Guan Mingxin's cheek, she stopped suddenly, and then fell down powerlessly:
"Son, have you already perceived something?"

The extremely gentle words came from next to his ears, and the tears in Guan Ming's eyes burst out instantly.

The tears that fell down suddenly blurred her eyes after all.

I can no longer see the appearance of the purple phantom, but Guan Mingxin stubbornly refuses to blink or say a word, nor does he raise his hand to wipe his tears, or release his mental power or even his consciousness to look at it...

"Son, I don't expect your forgiveness. It's because your father and I didn't take good care of you and let you live in another country..."

Seeing Guan Mingxin's attitude, the purple human figure couldn't help but feel endless heartache and sadness.

Waiting and waiting but Guan Mingxin couldn't speak, so the purple phantom had no choice but to continue talking.

"Regardless of our circumstances at the time, leaving you behind is an established fact..."

"The Purple Dragon Jade is the life-saving backup left by your mother, but you never thought that it was because of the existence of the Purple Dragon Jade that you were noticed by the enemy so quickly, and it was once you were hunted down. The culprit..."

"But there seems to be an accident with Mother's body, which actually affected this ray of spirit, making it impossible for you to show up when you are in crisis.

Son, mother is sorry for you, if your father hadn't made arrangements, you would..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, it's all in the past.

Now that the purple dragon jade has been completely swallowed and fused by your space, this wisp of mother's soul has no host, and it won't exist for long, so don't waste time. "

 Sorry, the update has been suspended for more than a month due to my own reasons.

  Some people may say that Long Jue is hypocritical, but it has been a month and a half since the operation. Thinking about it until now, Long Jue still feels sad for the second treasure who has no fate, and tears will flow down unconsciously...

  The doctor said that the physical injury was not serious this time, and he needed to rest for at least two months, and the first month was directly bedridden.

  During the re-examination two days ago, the doctor also said that we still need to pay attention to rest and not to be tired...

  Takijue was worried that it would affect her future pregnancy.Fortunately, the situation is not that bad, and as long as he recovers well, he can still have another baby.

  I heard from the doctor that many embryos like Takijue stopped giving birth this year, and there are still many people who want to be unable to conceive the baby, it seems that it is because of the sun.

  I really hope there will be no more outbreaks!

  I also wish all mothers who want babies have their wishes come true, and both mother and child are safe!

  As for the chapters owed when the update was stopped, Takijue will make up for it next month.Thank you for your support, your recommendation tickets, collections, monthly tickets and subscriptions are the biggest motivation for Takijue!

(End of this chapter)

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