Chapter 370

"Next, what mother would like to tell you is that because you are not a native of this small world, no matter how high your understanding is, how outstanding your talent is, and how rich your cultivation resources are, your cultivation path will be more difficult than yours. The local creatures in this small world still have a lot of difficulties."

"Even though you have gone through many times of rebirth and reshaping your body, the origin of your spirit and soul has not been branded by the way of heaven in this small world."

"Fortunately, this small world has a special experience of reorganizing and merging with other small worlds, which caused changes in the way of heaven and mutations at the same time. Coupled with some other factors, it left a shallow imprint of the way of heaven on the origin of your soul, but this is far from enough."

"Your practice this time is in Yunying Continent to comprehend the path of introductory cultivation, not in reality.

This makes it impossible for you to have the law that was lowered by the way of heaven when you were supposed to enter the path of cultivation, and it also made you lose the only chance to deepen the brand of the way of heaven in this small world..."

"Originally, your father and I have accepted our fate, we can only wait for you to practice as soon as possible, and see if we can take the opportunity to bring you back the next time something happens in this small world..."

"I didn't expect you to be so blessed. Not only have you cultivated your own space in your body, but also a space that can self-evolve and possess the origin of chaos!"

"Thus, Niangqin deliberately leaked a breath of Zilong Shenyu, causing your space to explode instinct, and began to devour everything that contains energy to forcibly carry out the initial space evolution.

Only when the preliminary spatial evolution is completed can the basic conditions for devouring and merging the Purple Dragon Jade be achieved..."

"Only by devouring and merging the Purple Dragon Jade can your space evolve into a complete small world as soon as possible, with its own laws and so on..."

"The most important thing is that you will have another chance to make the small world where you are in the Heavenly Dao drop the law to deepen the brand of the Heavenly Dao!"

Speaking of this, the purple figure trembled slightly with excitement, looking into Guan Mingxin's eyes with such surprise.

But this slight trembling made Guan Mingxin, who had been silently listening to the purple phantom talking, with tears streaming down his face but no waves, suddenly raised his head, his eyes instantly became clear, and stared at the purple phantom.

Seeing Guan Mingxin's reaction, the purple phantom became more and more excited, and a look of obvious relief flashed in his eyes.

But she, who already sensed that her fascination was about to dissipate, did not stop her narration, but sped up her speech, wanting to tell Guan Mingxin everything she could think of at the last moment.

"Son, you may not understand why mother repeatedly emphasizes that your spiritual origin does not have the brand of heaven in this small world.

Different worlds have different world wills.

Naturally, the laws of heaven they produced are not the same, with strong local characteristics.

For the local creatures in each small world, they naturally cannot perceive the difference in their own laws of heaven.

But once there are creatures that enter the small world through unconventional means, the world will of the small world will find these non-native creatures.

All their actions will be closely watched by the world will of the small world.

The world will of some small worlds will even send down the punishment of heaven when these alien creatures are just discovered to drive them away, what's more, they may even wipe them out directly, making them fly away.

Even the will of the world, which has a gentle attitude towards alien creatures, has its own bottom line. "

"Once these alien creatures cultivate in this small world and try to surpass the category of ordinary creatures, they will be rejected by the will of that small world when they try to improve their cultivation, so that the law of heaven in this small world will not recognize the cultivation of foreign creatures results."

"No matter what kind of cultivation system, the essence of the cultivation path is the same.

The ever-changing cultivation methods, in the final analysis, are the process of tracing the source of energy and strengthening oneself.

In this process, the law of heaven is also an indispensable and important role.

If a cultivator is not recognized by the laws of heaven, he will face a situation where he cannot consolidate his cultivation and his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced accordingly. "

"It's better when the cultivation base is low. When the cultivation base reaches the point where it cannot be improved without the approval of the laws of heaven, then it will be the most painful time.

It is not impossible to give up the path of cultivation if you suppress your cultivation base and not advance, but there is always a moment when you can't suppress it to the limit.

But once forced to advance, there is only one result, and that is to be punished by the law of heaven, to be completely wiped out, and the soul will gather and disperse!
Of course, you can also choose to disperse the exercises, but what happens after you disperse the exercises?
If the situation is better, there is still a chance to rebuild. If the situation is worse, the moment the Sangong is completed, life will be lost along with it.

No practitioner who has embarked on the path of cultivation and has experienced the scenery of cultivation is willing to take this step of San Gong.

Even if he tries his best to escape from this small world, where can he go?
The endless void of the universe will also annihilate him instantly. "

"Son, the current you, whether you are voluntary or forced, have been inextricably involved with this small world, resulting in incomprehensible causes and effects.

In this case, even your father and I cannot forcibly cut off these causes and effects, which is extremely detrimental to your cultivation path.

If possible, we sincerely want to bring you back to our side immediately..."

"But the fact is that it is so cruel, there is no if.

In this way, you can only try to make your soul have the brand of heaven in this small world, and let the will of the world mistakenly think that you are a local creature, so as to ensure that your path of cultivation can go on safely.

Your father and I will also find a way to get you back as soon as possible.

Before that, you can only be left alone in this small world.

In the event of a crisis, when your father and I are powerless, even if we don’t use special means to leave this small world, my child, you won’t be unable to advance because you are rejected by the world’s will..."

"Now, while you haven't left your space, my child, let's practice kung fu again.

After this time, I will leave the space and return to the Hundred Wars Realm, and then rebuild. "

"When re-cultivating, don't absorb the energy after the exercise in your body at the beginning, let alone use other means, just absorb the free heaven and earth vitality in the refined air.

Until the air-introduction into the body is stable, then absorb the energy after the body has been dissipated..."

Speaking of this, the purple figure has blurred to the point where it is almost impossible to maintain a human form, she had to swallow other words, and hurriedly exhorted again before disappearing.

(End of this chapter)

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