Even Xuanyuan Yunyan's eight friends have already seen this fact clearly.

It was also because of this that when they were in contact with Guan Mingxin, Xuanyuan Yunyan's eight friends treated her more as a peer, rather than a three-headed baby.

On the day Guan Mingxin had just retreated, Manduya Children's College suddenly promulgated the latest regulations of the Yuanwu Daomeng:
All students in school, no matter which college, grade, or class, must unconditionally implement the regulations on going out for experience.

If you really don't want to go to practice, that's fine, just drop out and leave Manduoya Children's College.

As soon as this regulation came out, no matter what the students' true thoughts were, none of them dropped out.

Of course, there is a difference in going out to experience.

For Tongsheng College, the elementary school is once a year, the middle school is half a year, and the high school is not limited.

for a period of at least three months.

Xuanyuan Yunyan originally thought that his little highness had never left the safe zone, and now he had the opportunity to take his little highness to increase his knowledge by taking advantage of this outing.

But I never thought that my own evil little Highness has retreated again!

Xuanyuan Yunyan had no choice but to temporarily give up his plans and prepare for the training with his friends.

Leaving the safe zone and entering the wilderness area to practice, there are many things to prepare.

While everyone has room to store their utensils, there are plenty of spaces.

Only the owner of the space storage device knows how many things can be contained in it.

In the New Hundred Wars Realm, where strength is the most important thing, even the closest people will hide the real situation of their space storage equipment from each other unless it is absolutely necessary.

This is not distrust, on the contrary, this is the embodiment of mutual trust and mutual respect.

Therefore, even though Xuanyuan Yunyan knew that his eight friends might not need to purchase additional training materials, he still pretended not to know, negotiated a friendly departure time with his friends, and left.

The preparation time they set aside was seven days. After all, it was the first time to go out for training, so they couldn't be too cautious.

In fact, every parent of a student who is going to go out for training has secretly made their arrangements to ensure the safety of their children during training.

No matter how poor the family is, they will try their best to provide their children with the help they can.

Even those orphans who have no father, no mother, and no relatives are assisted by the logistics teacher of Mendoya Children's College in preparation.

After the college announced the regulations for field training, there were quite a lot of students who were preparing to go out immediately.

When there are more people who want to practice, the preparation work will naturally become more cumbersome.

No, the original seven-day preparation time was not enough for Xuanyuan Yunyan and the others.

In the end, it was not until near noon on the ninth day that all the preparations could be completed.

At this moment, Guan Mingxin also completed the "Brand of the Heavenly Dao" and ended the retreat.

Seeing Xuanyuan Yunyan's message on Fanxing, Guan Mingxin gave up the idea of ​​going to class 999999999 after a little thought, and directly sent Big Devil Lan an application to go out for training.

Guan Mingxin was not at all worried that the Blue Demon King would reject his application, so after sending out the text message, he began to plan what he should bring out, what he had on him, what he was missing, where to buy it, etc...

Sure enough, when Guan Mingxin went to the Yuanneng Illusory Realm to search for the supplies needed for going out to practice, combined with the experience of the public, added his own ideas, and made a list of supplies, the reply from the Blue Demon King also arrived.

There are only two short words: "agree".

Other than that, I didn't say much, unlike other teachers who said a lot of safety reminders and so on.

Guan Mingxin really likes the teaching method of Big Blue Demon King.

Glancing at the reply on the phantom star, Guan Mingxin forgot about it and began to prepare his supplies.

Ever since the restoration of Sangong was recognized by the Heavenly Dao of the New Hundred Wars World [he was secretly rubbed by Ta Ling and concluded the Dao Deed], Guan Mingxin found that his food intake had increased exponentially compared to before.

Ever since, the first item on the list of supplies is the top-level nutritional supplements that occupy a large proportion in the cultivation world of Yuan Xinghan World.

Of course, in the current New Hundred Wars World, the top nutritional supplements are still among the top ten best sellers in the cultivation world.

Regardless of the fact that this thing is still named "Nutrition", it is actually a valuable high-grade man-made spiritual treasure, which is out of the category of ordinary nutrition in the original Xinghan world, which is only to solve hunger and supplement the body's basic nutrition.

Guan Mingxin spent a lot of money to buy 100 boxes of top-quality nutritional supplements, each box containing 1000 sticks.

And each top-level nutritional supplement can not only provide a month's dietary needs of Yuan Wushi, who is in the ordinary qi training period, but also continuously nourish the body and slowly improve the physique.

It is said that the best quality of these top-level nutritional supplements can even work on masters in the transformation stage.

And what Guan Mingxin bought was precisely this top-quality existence among the top nutritional supplements.

It was also Guan Mingxin's good luck. She placed an order in Yuanneng Magic Domain. When the staff was preparing to pack and deliver, they were replaced temporarily.

That's right, the developed and convenient express delivery industry in the original Xinghan world, relying on the Yuan Wu Dao League in the new Baizhan world, and the Yuanneng fantasy domain also developed rapidly and blossomed everywhere, which greatly improved the life style of those creatures in the original space of the original Baizhan world and the original tower of the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda.

Whether they are ordinary people who cannot practice or practitioners, they all like the convenience brought by the express delivery industry.

The vigorous development of the express delivery industry has naturally attracted a large number of people to join.

If there are too many people, it will inevitably be uneven.

No, there was a mistake in Guan Mingxin's order.

Fortunately, the wrong result made Guan Mingxin very satisfied.

You must know that as the largest virtual mall on Yuanneng Magic Domain, there are massive orders every minute.

Guan Mingxin's order was included in the countless orders, it can be said to be very small.

In the short term, no one will even notice that the wrong shipment has been made.

Even if he noticed it later, he couldn't find any traces. It could only be that the mall had admitted it himself.

What's more, for a mall that has huge liquidity every day, it is really not easy to find out this little difference in funds.

After all, the mall itself has a certain amount of fault tolerance, and the difference between these top-quality top-notch nutritional supplements that Guan Mingxin obtained by accident is nothing at all.

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