In fact, Guan Mingxin herself didn't know that she got a big bargain, the things she ordered on Yuanneng Magic Field were not just one or two items.

The courier puppet sent a lot of things, how could she have time to check them all carefully!

No, after receiving the "top nutritional supplement" I ordered, another courier puppet came to visit.

This time it is all kinds of spices.

The least ones are measured in tons, and there are also high-grade Lingzhen seasonings mixed in, and the minimum of each is ten kilograms!
The consumption of "top-level nutrients" and various seasonings alone cost Guan Mingxin's spirit crystal coins a lot!

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Yunyan gave half of his own money to Guan Mingxin before, so he barely managed to buy all the things on the list of supplies.

This is all because of Jiujiu's help, picking out the most cost-effective products on the Yuanneng Magic Domain and placing an order, and then leaving Guan Mingxin with a balance of just over [-] mortal coins [mortal-level spirit crystal coins].

However, by nature, Guan Mingxin didn't care at all that he was once again reduced to a "pauper" with no money.

Besides, in the New Hundred Wars World, even children who can just speak know that as long as they are brave enough to walk out of the safe zone and come back alive, they can become a rich man.

After all, in the non-safe area, even the first-level wild area, which is rated as the lowest level of danger, is full of all kinds of ordinary medicinal materials, unenlightened ordinary beasts, and a small number of primordial beasts below the third level.

As long as picking medicinal materials, hunting mortal beasts, even low-level beasts, which one is not the big money maker?

Besides, in the New Hundred Wars World, where all the people are armed and power is paramount, there are no ordinary mortals in the true sense.

The worst ones are all in the skin refining stage of the body tempering stage.

In addition, there is also the "Popular Body Tempering Technique" of the original Xinghan world that has lasted for nearly 10 years. It was compiled from the very beginning, and it was forcibly listed as a compulsory course for all colleges, and it is the only one that does not allow missing exams. The course is the only course that does not have make-up exams. If you fail the exam, you can only retake it, and you are not allowed to give up!

This has led to the fact that, whether it is a prosperous top metropolis in the original Xinghan world, a poor and backward marginal planet, or a small town or village in a chaotic area, as long as there are people, the "Mass Body Tempering Technique" exists.

With the passage of time, the "Public Body Tempering Technique" has been constantly revised and revised, and it has become more and more perfect, and the effect of its practice is naturally getting better and better.

Today, in the reorganized New Hundred Wars World, the "Mass Body Tempering Technique" revised by Ta Ling has been used by Ta Ling to take advantage of the convenience of the duty of heaven to make it the enlightenment skill for all living beings when they first come into contact with cultivation. Law and martial arts.

No matter what race.

Even the orcs that cannot change form have their corresponding body tempering techniques.

Of course, corresponding to this is the increasing demand of all living beings for food, as well as ordinary medicines, minerals, etc.

Of course, it also led to a shortage of various cultivation resources after entering the product.

Under this general environmental trend, as long as they are willing to get out of the safe zone and come back alive, how can they be poor?

The money is gone, won't you have it again when you come back from the experience!
With this kind of mentality, Guan Mingxin's last courier arrived successfully before Xuanyuan Yunyan and his party were about to set foot on the flying car to the non-safe area.

Guan Mingxin hastily signed and received the courier, and while hurriedly making a video call to Xuanyuan Yunyan, he had already stepped on the flying board and rushed out of the small villa.

The smart butler of the villa automatically turns on the prevention and control mode when no one is staying.

When the video notification came from Yuanxun Magical Artifact, Xuanyuan Yunyan had already recognized that it was the exclusive ringtone set for his little highness, and he picked it up without thinking.

The next moment, Guan Mingxin's slightly embarrassed appearance immediately fell into the eyes of Xuanyuan Yunyan and his group.

Xuanyuan Yunyan frowned, and asked in surprise:

"Baby, have you just left customs? What are you doing here?"

Before Guan Mingxin could answer, Yan Zhiqi blinked playfully, and joked:

"Oh, baby, you buttoned your clothes wrong!"

The charming look in Yan Zhiqi's eyebrows immediately stunned the students of other teams who were waiting to set off for training.

But Guan Mingxin turned a blind eye to this. She rolled her eyes angrily, knowing that her elder brother didn't set up a private mode, and she was too lazy to care about it, and she didn't want to talk to the crazy Yan Zhiqi, so she just said:
"Brother, wait for me for a quarter of an hour."

As soon as the words fell, before Xuanyuan Yunyan could react, Guan Mingxin hung up the video call immediately, and rushed towards the flying car parking point of Manduya Children's College along the shortest route marked by Jiujiu in the phantom star.

In order to better protect the safety of the students when going out for training, after the senior management of Mendoya Children's College issued the regulations on going out for training, they immediately designated a special area as a stop for combat vehicles. and maintenance base.

And because the vast majority of the combat vehicles are flying cars, they are also called flying cars.

Under normal circumstances, combat-type flying cars are not favored by most ordinary practitioners because of their high energy consumption, large floor space, and difficult maintenance, so they buy them out of their own pockets.

It is precisely because of this that a large number of transport leasing industries have been born.

When necessary, you only need to pay a deposit to rent one, which is convenient and trouble-free.

As for the personal flying car, it is rarely used during training.

Especially when the school students go out to practice, they are not advocated to use personal speeding vehicles, but are required by the college to rent combat vehicles on campus.

Because all the combat vehicles of the academy, no matter what kind, are equipped with a quick communication device directly connected to the emergency rescue center of the academy.

In most cases, as long as the eye-catching red oversized button on the fast communication device is pressed, the special escort team of the college will go to the destination along the positioning clues after the fast communication device is activated, and rescue those students who are in danger .

Of course, this is just a protective measure for all students within the Mortal Domain education system of the New Baizhan World, and it cannot guarantee the safety of students 100%.

Originally, Xuanyuan Yunyan and his group of nine people ordered a very common model and a low-rent popular combat speeder.

But after receiving Guan Mingxin's video, they understood that the little guy also wanted to participate in the field experience. They felt that it would be fine for the nine of them to bring a little one, but to be on the safe side, it's better to change to a more advanced combat speed car.

After everyone's discussion, they finally increased the deposit by ten times and chose the one with the best safety performance.

Guan Mingxin rushed over just after completing the rental procedures for the combat speeder.

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